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Posts posted by Mosha

  1. Reading that Alfonso his giving them until September, then if there isn't any improvement he's looking elsewhere. So whose contract is up this year in the top teams?

    Sent from my iris 505 using Tapatalk

    OK to answer my question, Vettel. Apparently he has a pre agreement with Merc for 2018.

    Sent from my iris 505 using Tapatalk

  2. A sad left wing socialist. Lost touch many years ago. A good bloke maybe, but not a tough politician. Not willing to accept back handers, not willing to compromise, not willing to sell his soul. He will never be a good politician, never mind the leader of a party.

    It's not just him, it's the party membership. Totally out of touch with what really matters to the working class voter.

    Sent from my iris 505 using Tapatalk

  3. Another update on the Mon tapper Sopha sacked last year. She said a few weeks ago he was going back to Burma to bring his eldest son here. He's stopped sending money for school, so the family pulled him out. He didn't bother telling the people they is now tapping for. That's about 3 plots. 2 of them were down looking for him last week. lol.

    Sent from my iris 505 using Tapatalk

  4. The runaway's BIL is cutting now. He's a nice guy, sharpens Sopha's tool for her. He doesn't ask for anything, but we pass on any uneaten food to them. They are not impressed with what the runaway has done. It means they have to take up the slack for the income loss to the household.

    Sent from my iris 505 using Tapatalk

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