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Everything posted by swissie

  1. IMO Dr. Copper has lost a great deal of relevance concerning "the fever curve" of the world economy. Too much depends on whats happening in China. Worldwide Copper stocks fluctuate wildly on a monthly basis. = roller coaster. The narrative of the "electrification of the world" is still intact, but this is a long term process, not helping Copper much in the short to mid term. If Cocoa should become a new economic indicator, I will stop investing altogether and I will store my assets under the matress.
  2. So good to hear that you stay close to the fire-exit. Especially since aspestos fire suits and fire extinuishers "made in China" tend to underperform. Same as the Chinese Governement trying to "rejuvenate" the Chinese "Export Miracle" once more.
  3. Hi Mike Lister! A while ago, I suggested to add a sub forum "investements" in ASEAN NOW. You volunteered to moderate. Thanks. But is has become appearant that a seperate "investement-forum" is not justified. I conclude that well funded Farangs have their sources of "investement-interactions/advice" already established somewhere else. In this forum here, the main concern of contributors seem to be "how to import/export money from Thailand at the lowest cost". Perfectly OK.
  4. Eurika and a triple halleluya! The sky is the limit! Because: - Everybody (including his uncle) is now convinced that a global "soft landing" is assured. - The war against inflation is won. Therefore Interest rates "must" come down. - Profits of companies raising. - The Vix (volatility index) near the lows. (Nobody fearing any major setbacks). Simultainly "capital protection derivates" are in low demand. Clearly indicating to everybody (including his uncle) that the sky is the limit and there is little "downward-risk" anymore. -------------------- But, there are a few things that could eventually spoil the party: - The inflationary driven profit margins of companies could come to a halt. As not truly supported by productivity increases. - The "economic growth" has not benefitted the "middle class". Where does the future money come from to support economic growth when the middle class has no more the money to support "economic growth"? Disposonable income for the Middle-Class constantly declining in the "western world". - The US, still the economic powerhouse it seems. It may be subject to re-evaluation, once the world realises that the second largest annual budget outlay is the servicing of the national dept. (servicing dept means only paying for interest). - A bit worriesome that a single company can guide the world into a AI new age, just because their "chips" can do what all other Chip-Manufacurers appearantly can not do. Never mind all this. As long as everybody (including his uncle) is convinced that the sky is the limit, might as well enjoy the ride. Problem is, if somebody cries "fire", the fire-exits will be clogged in no time at all. I myself stay close to the fire exit.
  5. Strictly Human Nature. We love to go around telling everybody about our personal "success-storys". We prefere to brush our "failure-storys" under the carpet. Anything new? As far as this is concerned, the personal/financial "failure-rate" of Farangs in Thailand is unknown, but probably higher than in eastern Timbuktu.
  6. Unless GG has served in Vietnam, he doesn't know how "activated" napalm smells. I was told that neglecting to wash ones underwear for over 3 years will produce exotic smells that even confuses well trained police dogs.
  7. What a big surprise. For years I have posted here that those central/south American countries are (or will) turn into "S*it hole" countries. I was right. Thailand is nice this time of year. If nothing else, forking over 25'000 Bht/year to a visa agency assures eternal residency in Thailand. It doesn't get any better or easier or cheaper anywhere else.
  8. I venture to guess, that you are an inexperianced investor. You need to do some homework before entrusting your money to someone. You must not only do your investment dealings by way of "Bangkok Bank". Bankok Bank is strong concerning Thailand, but has "weak connections" when it comes to "international investing". For every financial transaction, they charge a relatively high commission. - I have 2 stepdaughters, working for "Bangkok Bank". They assure me, that they will recommend investments that give them the highest personal "commission". Under these circumstances, their "advice" is questionable. Better to establish an investment-account with a international broker (Charles Schwab, for example). Low cost and good advice. Above all: As an inexperianced investor, shy away from people that approach you with promesses of 10 to 20% "guaranteed" annual returns. Those are scams, without exeption. Those sceamsters will realise within 5 minutes, that you are an inexperianced investor, having found another "prey".
  9. At some point, you will realise, that you are the trailblazer for posters that have escaped the "animal-farm". Keep it up. Suggestion for your next thread: "Why do Thai Cows eat grass and I don't". Massive response assured, producing 5 pages of responses in no time at all.
  10. There can be no doubt. GG's life takes place on the internet (social media). That's where he extracts his next days ASEAN NOW thread(s). Ranging from the absurd to outlandish and everything in between. Main thing: Gaining attention and generating "klicks". Giving his threads a touch of "intellectualism" can be helpful. GG is the Kim Kardashian of ASEAN NOW. Maintaining attention by all means. Nevermind. GG' s threads have become a "must read". Just awaiting his next thread keeps me on the edge of my seat. Always wondering what absurd theme he has extracted from social media yesterday to be fed to the perfectly innocent readers here. So exiting! But unfortunately delivering proof, that folks that have moved their earthly life to social media run the risk of eventually end up in a psychiatric institution. GG should not stop contributing, but rather step outside into the "analoge world" and take his future inspirations for his threads from the "analog world", enriching his threads greatly.
  11. Seems to me that Bob is caught in a downward spiral. - Maritial problems (his wife not providing any form of "anchor"). - Not knowing where to go and what to do, despite his ripe age. A very volatile frame of mind as the root cause. A ship on the ocean, trying to navigate without compass. - Alcoholism. All that is missing in this desastrus cocktail would be mounting financial problems. Then, the downward spiral would become irreversible. A pattern that I have observed too often among Farangs in Thailand. OR: Bob is a prankster, just loving to throw controversial issues into the ASEAN Arena. He would not be the only one here.
  12. Good to hear that Vientiane has now a private hospital. Private hospital= Expensive. Maybe we should accept that while living in the "sticks" that "death must be accepted." After all, there are x-millions of people on this earth that have no access to 1st world medical treatement. Living under the motto: "When my time comes, my time has come". Not sure, if Farangs can adopt this life-philosopfy. There is always awaiting free medical tratement in the home country. Granted, that the illness creeps up in slow motion. Your HAM Radio operation: Hilarious!
  13. That's a bit remote, especially when living alone. How far away is nearest hospital? Do you have a trusted/reliable person that you could telephone in case of emergency? It's the old story. Even the healthiest Farangs can get sick. Most people die in hospital. Found out, that this is a theme that most Farangs don't like to talk about. - How's your HAM Radio hobby going? Or are you still under the suspicion of being a foreighn spy?
  14. Thailand has gotten better over the years when it comes to "lagalities" concerning a Farang. Also a bit better in Cambodia. But Laos remains in some sort of Stone Age. The personal destiny (Farang and otherwise), still depends of the whim of local power-brokers, as the OP has experienced already. To invest any mayor long term (immovable) funds in current Laos borders on lunacy.
  15. Fine, money and power. But to go down in History is the main driving force for "Dictators" once enough money and power have been accumulated. Our children stlill learn in classrooms about Napoleon , Julius Ceasar and Alexander the Great. Once money and power are achieved, immortality is the last aim. Putin is on that track. Having instructed Kindergarden Teachers in Russia to convey to the toddlers, that Russia will be great again. This "great again" narrative sounds familiar to me, from the other side of the world.
  16. Why is it, that some Western Newssources "know" about Russian losses? But not "knowing" about Ukrainian losses? The Ukrainian losses are a well kept secret.
  17. Most of the above countries will not rush to the defence of Europe. "Putins armaments almost exhausted"? Stay away from Social Media Newssources. If anyone is running out of armaments it's the Ukraine.
  18. For hundreds of years, the Russian Tsars knew that Europe was well equipped to resist Russian expansionist dreams. Same during the rule of the Red-Tsars during the cold war. - Today, Europe is practically defensless, compared to before. Todays Tsar will be tempted to march on, once the Ukraine is "neutralised". Vladimir knowing that European "nuclear defenses" will never be activated. Why not? Because western philosophy has it: Better to learn Russian than turn Europe into a uninhabitable waistland for the next 3000 years. Tsar Vladimir knows it. Over the last 1000 years, never were the chances favoring Russian Expansionism westward better than today.
  19. For a Farang, you are entering the "legal-djungle". REMEMBER how fast the rules can change when it came to your HAM Radio activities? Near the Mekong? Buy or build a "Houseboat". As in Thailand and Laos, this can be registerd in your name. If things get "unpleasant" you can move your home. - Buy 2 larger vessels, link them together (this is called a "catamaran"), build a 1 story small house on top. - Or put a so called "knock down" house on the property. Knock down= a house that can be easily dismanteled and moved by a low bed truck. "Knock-Downs" are available in Thailand. Google is your friend.
  20. Yes, "dull" they are. Being stranded on a remote island, I wish that my stranded fellows would be "Swissies". While a mix of other nationals will soon bang each others heads in, fighting over the dwindling supply of coconuts, the "swissies" will conduct lenghty democratic discussions, in order to distribute the remaining coconuts fairly, while chanting the national anthem frequently. Granted, all very "dull".
  21. The above mentioned criteria are (still) in effect. But lo and behold, to live in Switzerland is expensive. Permanent residency requires a well paying job and/or a "fat wallet". (Tina Turner qualifyed). June, July, August is fine. Otherwise the weather sucks (mostly). "Swissies" are a benighn/friendly people, but it takes time before one is accepted as a friend. Quite the opposite to Americans, where you can gain a "friend" after having bought him 2 beers.
  22. GENERAL QUESTION: Can assets from a WISE/REVOLUT account be withdrawn in form of cash? - If not: Hands off !!!
  23. I would like to offer another clue, helping to shed a light on Donalds "character". - Look at the pictures of Donald and his wife Melania. The facial expression of Melania when she is near Donald speak louder than a thousand words. Her facial expressions ranging from "bored/detached" to "utter discust". This is not the way a happy camper looks. When she tries to smile, her smile comes accross as forced and unnatural (fake). This tells me more about Donalds character than anything else.
  24. Yes indeed, the 200 year old FINPOL Elite should be replaced. Today, it's: If you have the money you rule. If you don't have the money you don't rule. Thus, rebuilding the entire US political arena? By whom or by what? Unfortunately, Donald will not "rebuild" anything. He will be the "wrecking ball" of what we today call "the western world". Standing for Democracy, free speach, free trade. The funeral of the century.
  25. I am not a Thai-Visa expert. But it seems that certain nationals (mainly Russians & Chinese) have been blessed with "easy visa privileges". But not us pale faced Farangs. Why not? -Long before any Russian or Chinese visitors set foot on Thai soil, the pale faced Farangs were helping to pump-up the Thai economy. Be it by awakening some fishing villages or bringing some "vibrancy" to a former waistland called "The Isan". Shouldn't those pale faced "pioneers" get some "easy visa privileges", instead of some other "nuveau riche" foreighn devils, that 20 years ago they didn't even know where or what Thailland is? Is it any wonder that an increasing number of pale faced "pioneer Farangs" get the impression that they have overstayed their welome in Thailand? (Now having to pay taxes on foreighn earned income, etc etc). Generally, any form of "gratitude" toward non Thai's is not required. "The moor has done his duty". Unfortunately, there is the favorite mantra of the pale faced Farangs: TIT = This is Thailand (and nothing can be done about it). Very much enforcing the view of certain Thai officials, that the "pale faced moors have done their duty". - Nothing is so hard as mens ingratitude.
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