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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. Musk may have all the money in the world but he's making a lot of enemies with his divisive and obnoxious statements: https://www.msn.com/en-us/technology/tech-companies/mexican-billionaire-carlos-slim-cuts-ties-with-elon-musk-s-starlink-costing-musk-7-billion-after-controversial-tweet/ar-AA1zWshm
  2. Ex-Inmate Reveals Hellish Conditions at Klong Prem Prison.... Do the crime, do the time.....
  3. LOL, he got more than he bargained for 😳......
  4. Been hearing these types of stories way too often in Thailand....
  5. How can anyone live with knowing that you just mangled a body and ran away????
  6. You play, you pay.....
  7. Sadly, Koh Samui will never be the same 😥....
  8. Another day, another vehicle death(s) in the LOS, just a statistic now. All too common that nobody gives a hoot.....
  9. He should have just gone to the local market and purchased them. He tried to save a little coin and paid for it with his life 🙏....
  10. What ever happened to the land of smiles?
  11. Live fast, die young old.....
  12. LOL, you can't make this crap up ....
  13. Silly foreigner, these types of accidents are for the Thai's. He should be arrested for taking away Thai jobs....
  14. Sounds like some place in the US.....
  15. Good! Make an example of them. Teach them a lesson.....
  16. To Trump, it's all a negotiation tactic and game.......
  17. Sadly these types of deaths and accidents will always persist until Thailand has stricter driving education, licensing and penalty laws.....
  18. If I were to die right now, I wouldn't mind dying on a resort beach.....
  19. Initially, I thought I read "suicide" gate.......
  20. Good move. Better safe than sorry!
  21. Look on the bright side, he doesn't need a mask for Halloween.....
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