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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. Love it or leave it.....LOVE IT!!!
  2. And squid boat??? Too many things going on for one boat....
  3. "RTP spokesman says "trust us" not social media" LOL LMAO! ????????????
  4. You need a Thai local that can speak Thai and translate everything for you, the majority of your problems will be solved. Also, you might want to get up earlier to get your business done instead of going in the afternoon and expect civil servants to accommodate your needs. After lunch, all they're thinking of is going home 555!
  5. Vladimir gives his regards.....From Russia, with hate!
  6. He just got too greedy....Now he's paying for it for the rest of his life.
  7. It's cheaper to buy a new printer on sale than pay an exorbitant price for an ink cartridge. This is how the manufacturers get you and make a profit. There is hardly any profit in selling printers. Very similar to automobiles manufacturers, they make their money through parts and repairs....
  8. Who in their right mind leaves 10M worth of items in a gym locker? What a meat head....
  9. All festivals is Thailand are important! Party time!!!????????????????
  10. Me thinks your Thai fiancée and family would appreciate that....Right!
  11. Keep your masks on.....
  12. Out with the Ruskies and In with the Chinese...A perpetual revolving door for tourists coming to Phuket per se.
  13. Do research on Google... Do research on CNET.... Do research on Reddit... You should be able to find all the answers you need to make a decision.
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