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Everything posted by BestB

  1. Walking the dog while carrying bag full of money, gold and important documents ?
  2. 480K? Police chief linked to drugs had 480 million confiscated. Hard to believe BJ only made 480 000
  3. From this video hard to tell who are women and who are sumo wrestlers but commentary provided by women with little surprise hidden between legs
  4. Trust you and your idiotic corrections. So his friends had a spare million, could have fixed visa issue easily
  5. Safe to assume one of the locals was upset that he/she could not compete with a guy renting 5 bikes. So pathetic , though no idea why he let his visa run out if he had a spare million
  6. Even better, next time they visit Thai place selling chicken with rice in Australia for more than $2, they should throw a hissy fit and be outraged at the price when in Thailand it’s only 40 -45 baht
  7. Hope once they return back home to England they will also be outraged if any place selling chicken with rice for more than 1 pound.
  8. Find it hard to believe someone would just king hit for no reason , other than a handshake. Mascot might be hiding few details
  9. Before jumping to any conclusion, ask yourself, how did he manage to steal the key? and the answer is either staff left reception unattented, or left key in the open, unsecured Next answer this, why hotel does not have spare set of keys? How unprofessional is that? Next, once police was called, and did not arrive, why hotel did not call again? Next, why hotel did not cut off electric? easily done. Next, if he already stayed the night, again how unprofessional are the staff NOT to know their guests and available rooms. After hearing owners voice and behavior, its hardly surprising this happened and if anything scary, hotel that does not provide any safety or security for the guests assuming what happened is true, as there is another possibility, which is staff skimming and selling rooms on the side
  10. Willing to bet so called hotel does not have a hotel license 😂😂😂 as for hotel owner , should go back to the bar where she came from. Takes real intelligence to scream hysterically in a language he would not understand to communicate with him 😂😂😂
  11. He is done. whoever the driving force behind all of it tried 2 times before but failed, this is 3rd and final time this time round they made sure. Does not mean circus will not go on for a while
  12. How many ? Give me exact breakdown for each location since you are an expert on most things
  13. In theory , he is allowed to supervise local cutting hair. For example if local was standing right next to him looking , then it would be allowed , again in theory some 16 years ago I was nabbed for turning a wheel on bike for rent parked outside my business. They claimed I was not supposed to be moving bikes which i was not. Giving donation was cheaper than going to court
  14. Perfect example of Thai utter stupidity. those who go to local barbers for 100-150 baht would not have gone to him and those who went to him paying 500-4000 would not be going to local 100 baht barber. so who was he hurting ? In addition him being a company some taxes were being paid where as local shop pays 0 and never paid more than 0
  15. not only common knowledge but common sense. Any tourist hotspots around the world attracts higher levels of crime. Just like NYC will have higher crime rate than some small town, why? more people, more opportunity and less chance of being caught
  16. Just because it is not enforced, does not make it any less or more legal. If you wish to take legal action, you will win.
  17. Filming in public without person consent is not actually legal in Thailand. Sure does not excuse his violence but not very intelligent of her to start recording in his face when he was already fired up . It appears he got fired up because of being approached and touched by the hookers. Again not an excuse for his violence but if it’s other way around , I wonder who the victim would be
  18. Country has almost zero % unemployment where in real life translates into shortage of staff across all sectors. In addition lack of skilled staff across all sectors and yet government keeps idiotic restrictions and conditions with jobs reserved for Thai only. Or/ min salary caps. Thailand is a Buddhist country and yet temples do nothing to help the poor or homeless. Watchai in Pattaya owns half of prime realestate in the city, collecting insane rents and yet would not set up shelter or feed the poor.
  19. Safe to assume you do not have a clue at all 👍
  20. 1. Who told you guard was fined and matter closed ? 2. You now comparing a drunken fight to an unprovoked king hit of an old man ? it’s a good thing you in no position of any decision making 👍
  21. Notice the difference between Phuket and elsewhere ? Phuket would already be talking about visa cancellation what Mathew needs is a few weeks in Thai jail for some attitude adjustment. Fines and wais will not make any difference
  22. What’s next? Fried chicken as fat burning medication ?
  23. Potheads better to stock up , this time next year you be paying double and having trouble trying to find it . In the mean time police will be very busy chasing hundreds if not thousands who have plants growing in their homes
  24. If anyone to blame for this idiocy it is no other but Anutin He pushed to legalize it without any safe guarding , proper thinking and planning Now he is blaming foreigners operating illegally. I am not a smoker and could not care either way, but this should have been properly studied and planned. As much as all the pot heads are happy, do need to keep in mind, Thailand is the only place in SEA that has legalised it and Thailand is also a travel hub onto other countries. Plenty of knobs who smoke in Thailand and take some with them on to their next destination, only to end up arrested for possession of an illegal substance. On the other hand, you have hundreds if not thousands of people who have invested lots of money into opening shops but now will be forced to close down? who will compensate them? In case of Pattaya, there is a shop literally on every corner, almost as bad as 7-11, once they forced to close, they will also be in breach of their leases, who will force landlords to refund? and who will compensate landlords for their losses?
  25. There is a huge difference between sharing an honest opinion and being vindictive sharing not only false information but getting others to do the same. too many idiots these days with access to social media feel entitled to either get it their way or wedge an online war to inflict damage to a business and sadly evidently just as many idiots who think it’s ok.
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