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Everything posted by BestB

  1. seems your knowledge about people is on par with knowledge about dogs, somewhere between zero and less than zero
  2. case in point of clueless. No, this is not common among many breeds. Each breed has its individual characteristics and attributes. Your notion that pitbuls somehow attacks because few decades ago someone somewhere bred them to be fighting dogs is beyond idiotic. Pitbuls are strong dogs, and naturally a bite from a poodle does not compare to strength and a bite from a pitbul. Just as Golden can attack in same manner as Pitbul, only damage from a Pitbul would be by far worse than Golden
  3. so you insinuating you have a clue about dogs and this particular breed?
  4. A perfect example of clueless. Pitbuls are extremally loyal dogs who get attached to 1 owner. Taking him now would be very hard for both new owner and the dog. Dog will not recognise knew owner as an owner or leader of the pack, it will take time and hard work to bond with a grown dog. and would require someone who has extensive experience with this breed and does not have any other animals as grown pitbuls known NOT to get along with other pets, especially if not raised with other pets. Dog needs professional trainer assessment before it can be rehomed to see if it is even possible
  5. what you read is what journalist wrote up from what he/she understood, assuming people telling the story were actually telling the whole truth. Just like a story of a pitbul that attacked owner who was sleeping and his wife had no idea why, only pics of the scene showed little different scenario, such as dog being chained and empty alcohol bottles all over the place.
  6. Got to love all the experts with zero knowledge about the dogs and even less knowledge of the breed or ever having one.
  7. No excuse for senior officers but what about everyone else below them? all forgiven?????
  8. no idea how your post relates to what i said, but ok
  9. Has nothing to do with language being difficult, but has to do with laziness to read or even ability to read.
  10. You assuming what surgeon may or may not have said and nothing get slipped into a form after its signed, it is not blank piece of paper but typed up document
  11. May well be true, but knowing Thai inability and laziness to read anything, would not surprise me if it was there and he simply did not bother to read or to ask any question. My rental agreement is half a page, written in large print, no more than 60-70 words and 99.9% do not read, just sign it and when they breach it are in total shock as if they had never seen it, even though they signed it
  12. Prior to covid all efforts went into getting rid off as many as possible and making it as hard as possible. during covid all efforts were in keeping whoever was left and now back to making it as hard as possible. No idea why he or anyone is surprised with Chinese, unless they never heard triads or seen what has happened in neighboring Cambodia. Triads criminal activities are worldwide and every country struggles dealing with it. If he thought other crims were bad, he might soon find out triads are 100 times worse and his life is not safe if he starts to go after them
  13. This kind of flip flopping sure gives confidence to anyone who was considering it. very similar to investment visa which went from 3 million to 8 million. why all the fuss? Foreigner have been owning land and house's for decades through company ownership, everyone knows and no one died
  14. Registration for car is a blue book, green is for bikes. To have current rego must have current compulsory. can not have current rego without the insurance. In most cases, driver is expected to pay for treatment and then insurance reimburses, from memory up to 15 000-18 000 baht in medical fees. I am willing to bet many locals do not know about this. To me it sounds like Lambo guy was willing to pay to end it there, so paid her medical( which he did not have to) and paid for her eggs. To me also, it is logical that the sum he paid had to come from her mouth, as i doubt he would have estimated 100 000 out of thin air and she also did accept it. Later she possibly realized or someone suggested it to her to try to scam more since its a 35 000 000 baht car. The irony is, the damage to Lambo is worth even more than her demand for the eggs. just the wheel alone is close to 100 000???? Would be interesting to know how it worked out in the end.
  15. If she did not have compulsory insurance car would not be registered
  16. Seems you do not know much about Thailand ;), she saw a 35 million baht car, its now time to suck as much money as possible. With compulsory insurance, you pay, they reimburse, unless hospital has a direct billing with insurance company. What she did not account for is because its 35 million baht car, very likely owner also has enough money for the lawyers and police and if they start to dig, they may end up finding out there were less eggs or it can also turn out to be her fault, many unforeseen scenarios can develop when someone has access to this kind of money
  17. who is the car registered to? if a thai, they swapped because insurance may not have covered other driver.
  18. Not a wise idea, vast majority not only can not spell but after 20 years still pronounce Pattaya wrong????
  19. Standby for Thammanat to make an appearance ????
  20. suspended as PM but not suspended as a defense minister, so can attend all meetings and all the rest
  21. Considering Thai wanting and needing tourists and having had something like 30 million prior to covid and now aiming for just as much if not more, officials should chose language which can not be translated in many ways but clear message. you are indeed correct it may of been translated wrongly which is the fault of the speaker who chose such words that could be translated in an “ugly” way. A simple statement that monkey pox can be transmitted sexually , be careful not to have sexual intercourse with strangers is appropriate enough to pass on the message
  22. Covid spread by dirty foreigners. Foreigners please come back, will even let you buy land and 10 year visa’s Foreigners started to come back and guess what ? It’s dirty foreigners again, keep away from them. How stupid and Xenophobic do you have to be to spout such drivel while using products like Apple and being driven in BMW or Benz being dressed in LV or Gucci with a Rolex watch
  23. Ok its nice for those who have 40 million to invest but what are the guarantees they will not change their mind and repel the new law in 3 or 5 or 10 years? In this country, nothing is guaranteed and mind changing is a hobby so is policy reversals or amendments or cancellations. Just as no visa extension guarantee , not even visa refusal appeal or process or a system. Pencil neck in the airport decides not to let you enter, and there is nothing you can do, can not appeal, can not raise your case with senior and even if you could, most of them can not string a simple sentence in English
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