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Everything posted by Aussie999

  1. SMH, There are 72 million thais, just a few more than live in your condos
  2. Here's a novel idea, why not run biannual campaigns atressing the need for education, and where education can take you... oh, wait, they really don't want an educated population.
  3. How Many thais can afford condos, even now. Anyway, a government can always ask developers/agents, to justify pricing, they just need the balls to do so.
  4. True, how foolish of me not to think of that. Thailand, the Hub of Refueling
  5. I'm sorry you cannot relate to my play on words, when the article is about dogs... and how some posts, on here, attack others like dogs, if that isn't clear then I feel sorry for you, best you move on.. I am NOT a fake, phoney Aussie, I am 100% Aussie, with a great sense of humour, something you do not have. Have a nice humourless day.
  6. What a very strange reply, as you missed my play on words...555, geez there is something wrong with you.
  7. And every year they say they will fix it... 555
  8. You reply has nothing to do with what I said... you just wanted to see your name in orint... fluff off.
  9. I think Toyota says load is 430kgs, or close to it.. we see many carrying 3-4 tonnes
  10. Go away, you are so boring, go back to you tar pit.
  11. The savage Aseannow dogs, will of course, attack Mr Mario, when we haven't heard his side of the story, has anyone been along this beach, to shed some light.
  12. wasn't part of his release that he took no part in Thai politics.
  13. A plane stops to be refueled, is not news... it's not as though Julian is meeting anyone, or seen by anyone... 555
  14. Do you actually live in Thailand... Do you actually read thai news... 555
  15. Nah, just a couple of bully kids, beating their chests.
  16. That should put most of those dangerously overloaded, modified, black smoke belching, pick-ups off the road, and most trucks.
  17. I think they mean the % of condos in the complex
  18. Tourist "safety" has been "boostered" so many times, there should be more cops than tourists.
  19. In case you missed it, this article is about covid best to keep responses relevant.
  20. This is a story about Thailand, stick to it, is it so hard, wait, don't answer, we know what it is.
  21. The worse muppets are the muppets who call others muppets for expressing their opinions on a country that sorry is not perfect, in fact has major problems. Si from one muppet, to another muppet.... grow up.
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