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Everything posted by Aussie999

  1. Don't worry folks, the RTP will do a photo op walk through, declare it safe, and annouce another safety awareness program, with increased patrols.. all safe
  2. I would prefer something intelligent to debate, sadly I don't get it from you.
  3. I didn't say it wasn't... but that's not the point.
  4. Hi guys, I have been in Thailand for a few years, so things may have change, so my mate needs current info. 1. Best way to bring belongings, as he will have more than 20Kgs, excess luggage would include photos, and clothes, and computer, including monitors etc. 2. He will be living in Surat Thani, so is there an immigration office there. 3. Is there a visa agent there. 4. How will it affect his age pension Any other advise would come in handy Thanks Guys
  5. Wow, the very first comment, and you blame the victim... wow... jai dam
  6. Can that aircraft carrier is go to sea
  7. Not much can be done, after all, they are part of thai culture, and a major tourst attraction... 555
  8. Why is this a main heading, this idea has been "floated" many times before.
  9. 555... Human Rights, in Thailand, what a joke. If there was such a thing, this lady would not have been detained, along with so many others.
  10. UN Human Rights - Thailand. Just what do you do to justify your existence... do you not understand freedom of speech, go read UN article 19.
  11. OMG, are you suggesting tourists shouldn't take motorbike taxis.... it does seem you are.
  12. Removed... double post... there seems an issue with this sites Submit feature.
  13. 13 May, we get this story. "Thai Taxi Driver Nabbed for Stealing Passenger’s Cash" I posted this comment. " Time to start a lottery how long before we get the usual returning of lost tourists wallet, money bag, phone etc... I'm going with 2 days" I'm even more conviced we'll get a "good" news story soon.
  14. We will still call it Hua Hin airport... why even change it.
  15. Time to start a lottery how long before we get the usual returning of lost tourists wallet, money bag, phone etc... I'm going with 2 days
  16. true< I do know better, but got stuck in tik tok mode, where arse gets me a warning... tik tok is such an arse... lol..
  17. sadly, not everyone does, so I post it for them.
  18. In Thailand it is both a computer crime and defamation.
  19. Go away with this " you are a guest" crap.... geez Also, there's no way to know all laws, even Thais don't know they.. time for you to open your eyes... damn
  20. What can be done when the bidy charged with stopping corruption is itself corruption
  21. SMH mate stay in Thailand long enough and travel, you will see Thais doing what they condemn tourists doing.
  22. that's not the point... you are part of the problem... think of thais
  23. Wait hasn't this happened, and failed, before... failure after failure.
  24. Yeah, Kanchanaburi surprised me, must be local tourists, as there really isn't much there to attract international tourists, in large numbers.
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