Is throwing water, without permission, a form of assault, before anyong jumps on me, I do live in Thsiland, I love Songkran, but I can see people who don't, it's not hard, if unsure, ask if it's ok.
"government-set safe threshold of 37.5µg/m³," has the Thai government set its own standard... when the recognised level is 35µg/m³, and anything above 12µg/m³, is unhealthy.
Mate, you have your personal issues, using your logic, are you heading back home, to reduce the number of visitors, or do you classify yourself as special.
Can you imagine the up roar if it was a farang, here we see another example of double standards, recently I've also seen videos of shirtless thai males at a temple, again double standards.
It's easy, is she a proven virgin, if not, cheaper or if not, how many kids the more the cheaper, is she a good cook, a good house keeper if not cheaper.. and here's the clencher if you don't marry her then she lives with her parents, and becomes a burden on them.