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Everything posted by UWEB

  1. I have a 10 kw on Grid PV Solar System, can I use this V2L System as well or does it require installed Batteries for Solar System?
  2. Have you tested the Water Hardness? If not too high a Softener will help.
  3. Have used Jomtien for 10 years, never had a problem and they provide a good Service.
  4. Topic How to get rid off all these b...s.. Topics we have at the moment.
  5. Supporters of the Death penalty have left out the last 20 steps of human evolution, in my eyes they are still living on trees.
  6. What happens with AN Homepage? Since "Maintenance" was done I face heavy problems to get the page started or Login, many times the page is not responding.
  7. If never had a Bicycle before, do you have a Thai Driver License?
  8. Guns are the problem, only an idiot does not understand this.
  9. Perfect Smile was also recommended to me. Went there and went out again after 5 minutes. Never again. Finally went to new Be Well Dental Department, good Service.
  10. Very interesting Geothermal Project in Germany
  11. I always order from Lazada.
  12. Any suggestion for a Calcium Test, preferably a digital Tester? For now I've found one Test Kit but this has a range up to 100 ppm only. Not sure if below shown Hanna Tester HI758 will do, range 200-600ppm.
  13. If you test your Pool Water for Calcium Hardness are you using a normal Total Hardness Test or a Calcium Hardness Test?
  14. BS, if you are working O&G ( I did 40 years) you are not become Tax Resident in Thailand. You are at least 7 month a year out of Country.
  15. Any kind of Religion and Right wingers.
  16. Definitely they have, buy my Cotton Shirts there since year. 500-800 THB and good quality.
  17. Don't believe any what is written above. Doing all the work and than not let you pay Tax? BS.
  18. When you logged on just enter your Passport Number, Nationality and click on Magnify Glass, this is an auto fill.
  19. Have you at first registered for Online reporting? And you must have a TM47 Slip received from IO which is stating your next reporting Date.
  20. Religion is destroying the World, so why there should be a God.All Fairy tales.
  21. Install an UPS for Computer and Router and the Problem is solved
  22. A bit late your Questions, Championship ended yesterday with Germany as World Champions.
  23. must been quite a longer while ago https://www.bot.or.th/en/statistics/interest-rate.html
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