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Everything posted by GoodieAfterDark

  1. I can not wait to see a Chinese couple having sex in public. What is there to see?
  2. Oh Lord, they are destroying my beautiful paradise of drug addicts, sexy addicts, and scam artists.
  3. Well, Thailand attracts only the best of the best...
  4. 20 000 baht...Geee, if it was at least 20 000 dollars. What can you do with 20 000 baht? A couple nights out with some hos.
  5. They should be shot or decapitated. Why waste time and money in such waste of space?
  6. Let me guess...She was complaining about ten extra baht...Difficult times now. Let's move to a poor third world country where people are starving and fighting for survival and complain about a few bahts.
  7. Poor guy. Not very smart. He should wear mask and a hat. With that appearance is very easy to identify him. Dot head!
  8. Do you know who is behind the cocaine traffic in South America? I can tell you it is not Muslims.
  9. I met a few Vietnamese in the USA and they seem to be all involved in some type of scam including: drug traffic, prostitution, money laundering, etc. I had a German friend a few years ago that hired this Vietnamese girl to work for her. Every Friday she would do her accounting and pay her employees. This Vietnamese girl that she hired and eventually fired for being unreliable, was waiting for her hiding and when my friend opened the door of her office, the Vietnamese girl and her African buck jumped on her and beaten her up, stolen all her money. My friend ended up in the hospital with a few broken bones.
  10. "Kudukuho", it sounds more like a voodoo leader. So the guy is living in a tent and recruiting people, for what? Join him as a overstay homeless in Thailand?
  11. For some unknown reason I knew the guy would be wearing a sleeveless t-shirt and have some scribbles tattoo all over his body. It is the new normal.
  12. He had to pen the "safe" to be the "massage". It was a very dark night for this poor guy, Khalid, the "Canadian".
  13. He looks in good shape, good exercise, strong biceps.
  14. Keep foreigners at least six feet away from Thais, except from Thai women.
  15. Well, many are already "vaccinated", point of no return. Not sure if the booster will do the job.
  16. Yes. So many sick people of all ages in Thailand. Every week someone dies in a local village. It is from cardiac arrest to pulmonary embolism. It must be the heat and pollution. it affects mainly the poor.
  17. The USA is full of those types going around with their phones looking for some action or to start something so they put on social media. All for the "likes" and "views". Very sad world. Facebook is full of Thai people making cooking videos. When they run out of ingredients, they start acting weird, dancing, climbing trees, etc.
  18. WOW. This is the same lunatic I saw a video yesterday. Not sure why Youtube would suggest such video. Maybe I should burn a few candles go to church on Sunday. Amem!
  19. <<At the time of her arrest, Diersten denied all charges, claiming to be a businesswoman who had been defrauded by an Australian man, the husband of the Thai businesswoman and father of the targeted child. Diersten stated that she had invested approximately 185 million baht with the man, alleging that he had defrauded her and then falsely accused her of the kidnap plot to avoid repaying his debts. Diersten further claimed to have met the Lebanese man in Dubai previously and explained her failure to report her entry into Thailand was due to safety concerns. Following her arrest, she was transferred into the custody of Thong Lor Police Station, reported Bangkok Post.>> Australian? Lebanese? Frogs for dinner? WTF?
  20. I can not imagine being a foreigner and not having any money in Thailand. Foreigner + no money = BIG loser.
  21. Holly baby crisp Jesus! I just woke up. What a sad site! My vision will be damaged forever.
  22. Why am I getting an Ad about marijuana every time I read a new post?
  23. It is to take attention away from the real cause of the problem. Very soon they will say that cardiac arrest is being caused by spicy food in Thailand.
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