It is a terrible "pandemic" so many dead bodies in the streets of my town. Strange o this "virus" may not like me. I have never wore a mask, and did not have any injections of those "vaccines". I guess I am long dead.
This Russian guy mus have been very drunk to do that thing. Confused! She looks like a mannequin. Holly or all hollies, I am happy where I am with no teeth and busy hands.
Throw the bastard in the ocean. I would ask for my money back. The British should be fighting the migrant's invasion of their countries, instead they are fighting in a plane to see who*es.
A few years ago I remember a case of this German guy that had AIDS. He used to go around the schools and pick up girls for sex. He said that everything was for sale in Thailand. I think he paid 3 000 baht to have sex with those young girls.
So Mr A was lost. But Mr A was found. So Mr A can be found since he was lost. When Mr A was found he stopped being lost. Probably Mr A was with Ms P(*ssy), so Mr A was lost not lost, but maybe a few thousand baths short.
Noooo. Impossible. Thais are all good people. All smiles. A Thai woman working together with drug sex addicted British man to sell underage sex in Pattaya? No way. It would never happen. Deport all those smelly fat belly foreigners living their last days in the beautiful Kingdom of (cough, cough) Smiles.