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Posts posted by robblok

  1. 1 minute ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I don't know about the details what Singapore does and I don't really care. I don't take drugs and I don't go to Singapore.

    But it's us to them. Some countries have laws which apply for their citizens even if the citizens are in another county. Nobody asks us directly if we like those laws or want those laws. But if they exist and if they might be in conflict of what we want to do then it's a good idea to keep them in mind and possibly obey those laws. Or accept the possible consequences. 

    Id say these laws are unfair though the Netherlands has one such law about sex with non adults (that is one of the few times i find such laws acceptable) Then there are some tax laws but that is always difficult to talk about.. But that is about it one for the rest the laws of the country your in apply.  But your right you either accept them or not. I don't accept them and I don't like those places so I wont visit. 


    I don't need weed or anything so i could easily not use. GF went back to SG afraid a bit as she used some cannabis weeks ago. (she is an expat living here just returning for work). Now the people from SG were informed about this and its known. So she took it into account. I talked with some people from SG. Its just an oppressive government they cant get rid off because the opposition is <deleted>. Plus they did make good economic headway. But most people from SG found it stupid that their country tries to tell them what to do and not to do outside their country.



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  2. 14 hours ago, herfiehandbag said:

    I don't think you have the option to accept them (drug tests), if you want to enter Malaysia.


    Entry to Malaysia has always as far as I know involved the possibility of being tested. It is no secret that they do it. Donkeys' years ago I flew Stansted - Kuala Lumpur on Air Asia. Half a dozen of us were asked to pee in a bottle. I was negative, unsurprisingly as I have never touched the stuff.

    It was an reaction on an off topic reaction about testing at the workplace. Anyway of course you can't get away from testing in other countries.


    Its just a really bd thing that SG and Malaysia are doing this. Because the offence was not comitted in their country. Unless the offence is having traces of canabis in your system instead of usage in their country.


    Anyway unreasonable laws but even though I have a SG GF its more reason never to go there. I dont like it there and this is crazy. Just like it is in Malaysia. If i had to go there id make sure not to use anything for a few weeks. However the fact that they are that extreme makes me not want to go there.



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  3. 23 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    But then they have a point.

    If Singapore don't want any stoned people in their country then it makes sense to stop them.

    Imagine a person taking lots of drugs in Thailand just before the flight. He/she won't be sober on arrival.


    Personally I don't care if people want to be stoned if they are responsible people and i.e. don't drive. But as usual there is a set of people who think that if it is legal they can use it anytime in any condition. Not a good idea.

    That is a different story and not what they are talking about. They are talking about people who are not stoned but just have it in their system. SO they are going after people who are not under the influence but have used it in a country where it is legal. That is not really a good law.

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  4. 7 minutes ago, nchuckle said:

    Most (All?)European countries will have jail time for causing death while driving drunk. U.K. recently increased the maximum penalty  (death by dangerous driving = being drunk) to 14 years . 
    You’ll find it very difficult and expensive to get insurance after a drink conviction too,probably impossible if you’ve killed some one.

    All the better I got nothing against drinking though not a big fan give me pot any day (though i would not drive on either). But people who are under the influence of anything and drive are the worst. Selfish people putting others at risk. Punishment for those should be really high especially if they wound or kill someone.

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  5. 10 hours ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

    as a Yank i agree nearly 1 in 3 Americans are idiots--We call them MAGA.....



    I wonder how realistic this is, i mean this is crazy. Taking arms up against the government. Are they sore election losers or what ? I mean Trump did not do much good with inciting the public. 


    What a mess hope its less bad then it sounds.

  6. Why dont they ban the dangerous alcohol first the room that that frees up in hospitals should be more then adequate.   (tongue in cheek)


    Anyway of course this should be kept away from kids, same goes for alcohol. Just set a minimum age for use. Is that so hard. Nobody ever says canabis is good for kids or good at all. Just less damaging als alcohol. 


    But the fact they set nu rules for minimum age is stupid. But let adults decide and split this from the legalization issue. Because even people who are pro legalizing it dont want kids to use it.

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  7. I checked all my tools and cant find it. Is this size available ? 


    I need to remover a screw from a reel and T20 is too big and T15 is too small. I used all of my set (4!!) of different keys and none fit even Imperial as the reeel is US made.


    Does anyone have an idea or link.

  8. 20 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

    I know you enjoy playing devil's advocate.  All I have to do is mention certain keywords and it sets you off with rude comments like referring to what I say as B.S. .  Seriously, you seem to place more importance in what you read on bodybuilding forums than what legitimate and well vetted scientists have to say...like NOBEL PRIZE WINNING scientists.


    You are WRONG about autophagy!  Yes, it is a process that happens 24/7, and it is enhanced by exercise somewhat,  but in a fasted state it is vastly accelerated...and that is what makes all of the difference!  


    In a fasted state, autophagy is radically ramped up, and that is why all serious scientific studies of autophagy are done with subject in a fasted state. 


    Why?  Because in a fasted state, gluconeogenesis results in the breakdown of proteins into amino acids at an VASTLY accelerated rate!  That does not occur with only caloric restriction or with exercise to the same degree!   The accelerated state is what makes ALL of the difference!


    DO you even understand the basic biology of gluconeogenesis?  You obviously know NOTHING about what ACTUALLY occurs in the human body while in a fasted state.


    You also do not seem to understand the SCIENTIFIC proof that links excessive carbohydrate consumption with dysfunctional changes to intracellular proteins, or the fact that accelerated autophagy brought on by being in a fasted state will break down those dysfunctional proteins so the body can replace them with fully functional ones.


    These concepts have been PROVEN to be true!  They don't hand out Nobel prizes for unproven science!


    I don't pull these concepts I discuss out of thin air.  I don't get my information from YouTube videos or BS sources like bodybuilding forums or short articles posted on the internet like on Healthline.  


    What I know about metabolic sciences I get from foundational studies that are well vetted, like George Cahill's famous landmark studies into Diabetes, or his even more groundbreaking research into Liver and Kidney Metabolism in the fasted state.


    George Cahill is really the father of metabolic sciences.  You probably don't even recognize his name, and think it is some biased, nutty advocate of fasting.


    The truth is that his work was done well before the idea of fasting was even mainstream. His work was directed at understanding starvation in underdeveloped countries back before the concept of therapeutic fasting was even a topic of discussion.


    His most famous contribution was his studies into starvation, where he defined for the first time, the precise endocrinology and metabolism of the fasted state via biochemistry.  It was all summed up in his famous paper, FUEL METABOLISM IN STARVATION


    You can call such studies BS if you wish, but they are the foundation of modern scientific understanding of how our bodies work! 


    You can call the Nobel-prize winning research into autophagy by Yoshinori Ohsumi "BS" if you want, and rely instead on your half-baked definition of autophagy that you pick up by stray articles on Healthline, and think you know all there is to know about Autophagy but that is just plain foolish, and therefore your views amount only to pseudoscience.


    You are a very smart man and I enjoy our discussions on a myriad of subjects, but you seem to be totally ignorant of the metabolic sciences, and seem to lash out at me whenever I reference LEGITIMATE SCIENCE!  


    Perhaps instead of having that knee-jerk reaction to my references to metabolic science, maybe you should read about them FROM LEGITIMATE SOURCES


    Sorry, but I have no more patience to discuss this subject with you until you are better educated in basic metabolic science, instead of bro-science, and cherry picked, out-of-context tidbits of information.

    The point is you have no proof, the pages i visited say there is really limited study done and nowhere does it say that the enhanced version is so much better. There are maybe a handful of studies that is not the proof that you think it is. Most of these studies were on animals not humans.


    Plus there has never been proof that your enhanced state is better. That is what you and lot of people like you make of it. You act like we know a lot about this process, yet your own nobel price winner says this

    Autophagy research is still at an early stage, and our understanding of the physiological role of autophagy in particular is only in its infancy.  (got this from the site on Yoshinori Ohsumi)


    How can  you make such bold statements as the enhanced version is better while we are still in its infancy. The thing is you make claims the Nobel prize winner would never have made. Could please link where a study between normal occuring autophagy and enhanced version is compared ? I would be willing to read that.


    I keep saying the same thing your in an echo chamber and are suffering from confirmation bias. I did not start typing about this without before reading several sources. All claiming that there has been minimal study on humans (certainly not a long term study on people who fast and those who don't when autphagy is concerned). So how can you claim all those things when the studies and your prime example say its in its INFANCY.




     a consequence, there is great interest in developing new experimental approaches to prevent age-associated chronic diseases. In fact, caloric restriction (CR) has been shown to stimulate autophagy and extend lifespan and healthspan in multiple experimental models. While these CR studies were carried out in simpler organisms, such as flies, worms, and mice,7-9 similar studies in humans are largely lacking. 


    So how can you when even science sites and your famous Dr Ohsumi all say its in its infancy and that studies are lacking make such huge claims. 


    Sorry but I have no more interest in discussing this until you stop making things up that are not proven. 


    Yoshinori Ohsumi (its in its infancy)

    Government clinical trials (human studies are lacking)

    Waverunner.. this is the new miracle and everyone should do it 


    See the difference between those scientists and you ?

  9. 19 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

    I'm sorry, but the point you are making are not germain because you are only addressing the vanity aspect of losing weight, not the health perspective:

    • Do you think that after cutting processed foods, and only eating healthy carbs there is an advantage to going keto or low carb. I am talking about lower then say 200 grams of carbs a day (of stuff like oats / sweet potato  / rice berry brown rice / some fruits ect
    • if so how many % more fat (not weight) will you lose then
    • Do you think that on a diet as I described you cannot lose weight because im eating carbs


    What I am trying to say is that "fat loss" is not the real issue from a health perspective.  It is only a symptom of a bigger problem and that problem is poor metabolic health.


    But OK, I will address your points. 


    Cutting processed foods and only eating good carbs and limiting carbs to 200g is of course preferred to eating unhealthy, highly processed foods and over consuming .  No question about it. 


    So the question then becomes, how much body fat will be lost in adopting that sort of nutritional change?  IMO, probably not that much if all you are doing is restricting some calories. 


    200 grams of carbs will still result in high insulin levels, and if you have been a habitual over-consumer of carbs prior to that change, your insulin response will remain low.


    Regardless of what you seem to believe, it is a basic scientific fact that if insulin levels are high, access to stored body fat for energy will be highly impaired.  I mean, one of the main purposes of insulin is to determine whether energy should be used or stored.  If insulin levels are high, it will be stored, not accessed for energy.


    Now, If you restrict calories enough to result in a body fat reduction of, say, 2 pounds per week, it will take you far longer to reduce body fat significantly than most people have the willpower to achieve.


    I know so many people that are otherwise healthy but wish to drop body fat percentage primarily for reasons of vanity (and there's nothing wrong with that).  The problem is that most of those people have had that as a goal for years, and never achieve it!


    The simple reason is that the body does not like caloric restriction, and it does everything possible to remedy it.  The body reacts to caloric restriction by reducing the basal metabolic rate firstly, so you may be eating fewer calories, but the body's response to lowering the BMR only results in a no-sum change since you are now burning fewer calories.


    That is an incredible uncomfortable state and so after a few days most people will abandon the diet.  They may just think of it as a temporary thing (i.e. taking a day off from their diet), the same thing will happen over and over, and in the long run, no body fat will be lost.


    I mean, no offense intended, but in the three or four years we have traded views on this forums,  you are always talking about wanting to shed a few percentage points of body fat.  If you are still talking about this wish for over 3 years now, maybe you should reconsider your strategy.


    IMO, dieting to lose body fat is not a wise strategy.  It is a goal based on the desire to look good, not a goal based on the desire to be healthy. 


    If however, you look at excess body fat as a symptom of a bigger problem, namely a metabolic imbalance (i.e.: Metabolic Syndrome), you may realize that the real problem is hormonal, not simply too many calories consumed.


    The negative aspects of aging such as higher body fat levels and sarcopenia (loss of muscle due to aging) are not just due to inactivity and poor diet.  They are most importantly the result of poor metabolic health.


    What I mean is that long-term poor nutrition and not enough physical activity results in negative changes to hormonal balance.  This in turns leads to dysfunctional activity on a cellular level.  For instance, within every cell are structures called "mitochondria".  Basically they are what generate power for our bodies.  They are like the power plants that power our bodies.


    Amazingly, they even resemble little electric motors!  They generate power just like an electrical generator by physical processes, not chemical processes!  Little structures within the mitochondria literally spin around when viewed under an electron microscope, resulting in the generation of ATP.


    Take a look at this:

    Screen Recording 2022-07-20 at 10.32.45 AM.mov 19.93 MB · 6 downloads

    (see the complete video here)


    Through habitual poor nutrition, these mitochondria can become dysfunctional from alterations in proteins, and the accumulation of these maladapted proteins. 


    Even more impressive is the growing body of research linking these impaired proteins with disease states that include Alzheimer's, Parkinsons, general dementia, and even many forms of cancer!


    Believe it or not, excessive carbohydrate consumption is now thought to be a probable cause of these proteins becming dysfunctional. 


    This notion is born out of the groundbreaking, nobel-prize winning work of Yoshinori Ohsumi, where he documented how these maladapted proteins are purged from within the cells, broken down to basic amino acids, allowing new fully functional proteins to restore proper functioning within the mitochondria.  it is called "autophagy"


    And how was that accomplished...through a period of nutritional fasting!


    So, my point here is that your goal should not be to simply shed a few pounds of body fat for reasons of vanity, but it should be to improve your metabolic health which will take care of that problem for you WITHOUT the need to resort to ineffective fat-loss diets which have always proven to be ineffective in the long run.


    This is NOT just Health Guru speak.  It is all based on Gold-standard scientific research of the Nobel Prize winning kind!


    I'm not a scientist, nor am I advocating fasting for everybody, but I have proven it to myself, that a intermittent, prolonged fast that results in autophagy is the easiest and most effective way to restore a healthy metabolic state where the mitochondria are functioning at full capacity, insulin sensitivity, as well as a whole host of other metabolic hormones are restored to their proper state.


    The vanity desire for fat loss will just be a by-product of that since the homeostatic state of the body is to have a HEALTHY level of body fat.


    TO sum up, the goal should be a healthy metabolic state, not merely to look good through a forced reduction of body fat.




    First of you come with a lot of B.S. without proof again going into the miracle of fasting. If I did not know you better id think you were starting a new religion. That something happens under a microscope is about the same proof as the guy who said that vit C wil help you lose weight. Your looking at things from a microscope instead of seeing the whole thing. You been duped by your own research.


    Your much touted autophagy happens automatic and without fasting (oops bummer whole theory shot) Plus its not only fasting its even exercise and caloric restricton... did you not say caloric restrictions did not work ?


    So all that B.S about autophagy and the need for fasting is shot out of the water. There are many ways to get auophagy. 


    Autophagy occurs within your body at all times. Still, exercising, fasting, restricting your calorie intake, or following a ketogenic diet can stimulate the process.






    Autophagy is happening all the time in all of the tissues of our body, whether or not you’re fasting. It is an important process to keep us healthy, and defects in autophagy genes have been associated with many diseases.

    Studies show that mild stressors like exercise and food deprivation induce autophagy in animals and likely humans as well. Unfortunately, we don’t have a good way to measure autophagy in humans, and we don’t know how long it takes to induce “autophagic flux.”

    We can assume, though, that time-restricted eating, in which you fast somewhere between 12-16 hours, is likely too short. In mice, the minimal amount of time to induce autophagy was 24 hours and in some tissues, it took up to 3 days. What is that in “human days”? I don’t know. I think we can assume that somewhere between 3-5 days would do the trick, but again, until we have more research, it’s all hypothetical.



    As for your amount of carbs i have seen no research backing that up. You pull a lot B.S out of ... i dont know where. Same like your autophagy acting like fasting is the only way while it happens all the time. Your totally trapped in your own echo chamber only looking for proof not widening your search.

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