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Posts posted by robblok

  1. -robblok-

    1. What has that topic to do with the problem that GF want and try to get children with me?

    Long discussed in other thread, so shut up here and write there!

    What can I say, it seems NOBODY wants Kids with you, they, your GF will know why, maybe you not nice and good enough,

    to selfish a womanbeater, or? Or you gay. Not bad, just to get kids a problem.

    2. Where, show me, do I write something from misbehaving children

    and that something like that, misbehaving would be to except silently from everybody?

    Other posters wrote, I do not like children around me, near me on a flight. Not even on the short BKK-Chiang Mai flight, as one wrote.

    A child vomited on me, oh my good, that man is a Decorated award winning teacher and a child vomited on him, oh my good, what a teacher!

    3. First have kids, than post here with your knowledge!

    4. Like that, -read on, -I do not like.

    I had one encounter with an unreasonable young lady on a short flight from Phuket to Bangkok 1hour10min.

    It was an early afternoon flight and my 3 year young son was happy and singing, not shouting just a little singing.

    The young lady falang, in the row in front of us (had her boyfriend-bodybuilder) with her,

    was, you could see Partying haevily last night, had an -hang over-, holyday over? and she wanted to sleep.

    So she turned around and said that to me,

    I said I am sorry, but in my opinion, my son is not to loud and ......that it is not a hospital-sanatorium here,

    who does not sleep in the night, shall not try to quiet all people, because he/she want sleep at an unusual time on a short flight.

    A short discussion started, her BF quieted her, my son was stunned and happyness gone.

    Similar people, also without kids, but the same mood,-

    Once I sat, with a group of 8 people nearly all 50+, some years ago on the that time more quiet SURIN BEACH in Phuket.

    A older falang lady, (she was from my country, I recogniced later) was on a sunbed next to us,

    but the beach around us was nearly empty, free space everywhere..

    So she said, and I was the next person to her, -Can you go more near togther and speak not so loud, i want to sleep.-

    8 people have to be quiet or move away in her opinion, because that (retired teacher lady!) wanted to have her afternoon nap!

    I told her what I am thinking from her idea

    and that I am more offended from her old, long hanging, far from good looking bare breasts she showed us and I have to face.

    Her BF-husband? come from his swim, but not to help her, but to quiet her and move on with her.

    Now you can try to verbaly hurt me again, but I will not change. Action brings a reaction, that how it is!

    If ever my children make something wrong, I am the first one who disciplines them with a strong voice, usualy enough to order things!

    Only some people cannot except anything at all, than they shall stay away from others!

    You know what alfredo i will learn about kids if you learn to write good English and how to keep relations going instead of leaving them all with babies.

    Anyway it all depends on the situation in the situation of one of your sons you were right. I am talking misbehaving kids not kids during a short flight.

    I am talking about kids crying all the time vomiting over others like that other guy said. That is clearly causing problems. If you can't control your kids don't bring them. Its all about making sure you don't bother others. (i am the first to admit there are many shades of grey here so its not always easy)

  2. If you go for the shelf bracket you will need a power drill to install them, plus if you are renting this may not go down to well with the owner.

    True did not think of that and if he wants a lot of bookshelves it might not be the best way (not if renting anyway).

    Im not renting and the walls here are strong enough so i had no problem.

  3. Alfredo,

    Your one of the most selfish people i have ever seen. I have read your irresponsible postings in about having loads of kids with different woman.

    I think parents should at least try to make kids behave or pay extra so others arent bothered with their kids. Why would I have to sufferer because of someone else kid. If your kids cant handle something don't take them there. You have to try to be a little bid thoughtful about others too not only about your own comforts.

    If i had kids id be so ashamed and feel so bad when they misbehave or cause others problems. You seem to think the world centers around you.

    Just don't put kids in a situation where they cause others problems. Else pay extra for private seats.

  4. Oh dear.

    How did you know they were Americans?

    How did you know they were tourists?

    Did you just make this up?

    Its well known all over the world that Americans cause a lot of trouble.. look around in the world.

    Isn't that like saying all Thai women are whores and Thai men lazy drunks?? :)

    I was more flaming texpat then others. I dont see all Americans as trouble makers. I know a few decent ones. Its the same as saying that all Dutch ppl are drugheads (i used it in the past). I was just generalizing because i got anoyed with texpat.

  5. Oh dear.

    How did you know they were Americans?

    How did you know they were tourists?

    Did you just make this up?

    Its well known all over the world that Americans cause a lot of trouble.. look around in the world.

    Besides for most people its not hard to figure out accents, if you open your mouth i'm sure i could place your birthplace close to the Alamo.

    Because something is anti american doesnt make it not true

  6. You are a better man than I am, I would have gotten out and kicked the crap out of the male memebers of the party.

    Thanks for the support guys, I know I am venting. All three were male and I really wanted to confront them but they dissapeared pretty quickly.

    Your braver them me 3 to 1 i dont like those kind of odds. Also i dont like to risk my life here by getting into a fight and possibly get deported.

  7. Just put some money in the pockets of the boys in brown im sure they can find a reason to take care of it. I would gladly pay money to see guys like that taken down.

    Im not sure how i would react if i would have walked there.

  8. Let them wear what they want to wear who are you to judge.

    I myself try to wear a lil bit more polite clothes when i go there but i hate dressing up in this country its much too hot to do so.

    In Holland as an accountant i managed not to wear a suit most of the times i just hate dressing up. If clothes determine what you know than we live in a sad world. I like to be judged on my knowledge not on what i wear.

    Quite so in a perfect world.

    But in the real world people do intend to judge a person by what they wear.

    For example I’m sure you wouldn’t have been successful gaining your accountancy job if you went for the interview wearing a tee shirt, jeans or shorts and flip-flops.

    Right or wrong, attire says a lot about a person and as I said previous, the obvious is not always the fact, but society will always judge a person by how they do, what they do and draw their own conclusions, it’s a fact of life.

    Too be honest i did wear a suit at the job interview and then asked if it was strictly necessary to wear. Because i deliberately went for a small accounting firm i did not have to wear it much. Only when there were important clients and that was not often.

    Having said that i don't see a point to dress up here. I do however make sure i don't look real bad when i go to immigration but i wont wear a suit.

    I don't judge people by what they wear but i do understand what your saying. Its not black or white there is a lot of grey.

  9. I have noticed that more TV members are acting uppity and snooty. I'm glad I live upcountry and don't have to hear their criticism of my cheap flip flops, cheap shorts and cheap T shirts.

    You wear want you want to wear and I don't worry about it. Why would anyone want to generalize people by how they dress?

    I love my cheap shorts and cheap T shirts, why the hel_l would i dress up in a hot country like this. I use 3 t shirts a day and when they dont look good after a while i just replace them with more cheap t-shirts.

    Anyone dressed in a full suit in this hot country if they don't absolutely have to are fools.

  10. Let them wear what they want to wear who are you to judge.

    I myself try to wear a lil bit more polite clothes when i go there but i hate dressing up in this country its much too hot to do so.

    In Holland as an accountant i managed not to wear a suit most of the times i just hate dressing up. If clothes determine what you know than we live in a sad world. I like to be judged on my knowledge not on what i wear.

  11. The OP talks about the father of his wife being severely sick. How much closer in family can this get?

    First of all, I did not use the word 'severely'. Secondly,Who mentioned that I was worrying about 'my fair share of help back'. As for your first full paragraph, I couldn't agree more. Lets not twist things on here.

    My post was not actually directed on your OP, I did answer more to Barky and in a general sense; too many foreigners here seem to worry about money when they either show obvious lack of moral fiber and social responsibility or are very inept in choosing a good partner to begin with; and a good number of people on this thread are going in this direction by immediately assuming that a plea for help from their spouse and her closest family must be a scam and advise automatically to never give anything.

    This was not reflected in your OP, so I am not commenting with this on your specific case.

    The thing is once you start helping they will not take care of themselves anymore and always see you as their safety net. When they know they can get into trouble they will take insurance and other things. If your always there to back them up they wont and you are always there to pick up the tab.

    I would not have a problem with helping in extra ordinary cases, but i worry about the fact they start to rely on you. Every time my wife has some money her family want a loan for some reason. They expect it from her and its real hard for her to get it back. I just don't want to become part of that cycle that is why i'm really careful with helping.

    My wife has even become more careful because of the trouble she is having getting loans repaid. As far as i know there is a 30 baht scheme to help Thais in hospitals and i believe there are other ways that should be exploited first before the farang steps in.

  12. I'm looking to fill an 11 foot (approx 330 cm) wall with bookshelves as economically as possible. Thus, thinking back to college days of bricks and boards. I've found shelves at Home Pro and also discovered that they'll cut wood to order. Trouble is that I can't seem to locate bricks or concrete blocks in BKK. Any suggestions from this learned group?

    In advance, thank you very much!


    At home pro there are also L shapes that you can use to support your shelves. They are not that expensive.

  13. It's difficult to do, but try to imagine a role reversal. Your father needs some kind of major surgery and doesn't have any health care. You, fortunately, have married into a wealthy family. Where you make $30,000 per year, your wife is pulling well over $300,000. While you have maybe $5,000 in savings, your wife have has $500,000. You do have siblings, but they have kids, low end jobs, and are struggling just to make ends meet. Would you consider asking your wife to help out with the medical costs or would your father end up going untreated?

    Nice one but does that mean the rest of the family does not pay ? That would be totally unfair. Anyway i just get a lil bit sick of the farang has to come to the rescue.

    The more you help the more they rely on it the less they take care of themselves and the more they get into trouble that could be avoided. (because there is a farang to help they are not as careful as they should)

  14. I used to have these problems until I switched to Apple.

    You mean when you switched over to an overpaid under preforming computer that looks cool ? Don't worry once there are enough users of those machines viruses will follow too.

  15. Firstly, thanks for the replies...

    I do not really care how many calories I am burning, I just wanted to understand how they calculate how much you loose, now I understand it a bit better...

    I know running 10K in 50 min is not so bad, but it should be faster, and in time it will be.

    I did however read something on the net that running for more than 1 hour was not so good since you start to burn your muscles then, is that set in stone or.... can I keep running for more than one hour??? Can I increase my distance to 15K now and see where that will take me?

    Thanks for the invite to your "Secret Club" but I have my own :-)

    Its not set in stone but it would be counter productive if your also doing weightlifting. Because then every ounce of muscle counts. Just be sure to take some protein shake after your running. (i think the story is more that cortisol levels rise after 45min to an hour and cortisol is catabolic)

  16. Its a con just like others have said. Summer is supposed to be without rain and you should be able to swim. The only reason they do it is to cheat tourists.

    Maybe better service and lower prices helps. But then again that never really happens.

  17. Its always the same people who have invested in condo's say the price stays high and others say it stays low.

    But to be honest in times like this prices do go down everywhere, thing is the people with money invested in it deny it because if things are generally known things will get even worse.

    And yes there are of course bottom prices but still now the market has shifted in favor of those wanting to rent.

  18. Maybe it's a protein buildup on your lenses. What type of lenses are you wearing and how old are they?

    Just normal fairly new day lensens. I always have the problem. I was just curious if it was normal and now i know it is not. I now almost never use contacts only my glasses (work a lot behind a computer). But i wanted to switch to contacts as i don't always like the glasses that much.

    Could it be that its hard to get a cylinder in soft contacts ?

  19. You are near-sighted, so your contact lenses correct your vision for focusing on objects that are distant. You are probably over 40 now, and you are naturally becoming far-sighted due to age. I'm aware of three solutions: 1) move your computer monitor back a little from your face; 2) take out your contact lenses for reading and computer work (you may want to buy some reading glasses as well or get bi-focals); or, 3) have your optician make one of your contact lenses less than full prescription which will allow you to better focus on objects that are close.

    im actually below 40 and i do use my glasses that are not reading glasses for my computer. No problem with them what so ever. I can even read books without my glasses (or contacts). Its just that when i wear my contacts i just have to work hard to see everything (if you understand what im saying, blinking a lot, shifting my head ect)

  20. Hi,

    I use glasses and contact lensen. The problem is that glasses are so much clearer for working behind a computer. I have had lenses fitted here in Thailand a nr of times they do work good for a distance but for the computer it just works not good. I have a hard time focussing then. I need to focus a lot to get it all clear.

    Does anyone have any idea why this might be.

  21. do you have a source for your news article?

    Mystery ailment in Mexico have experts scrambling

    By Helen Branswell, Medical Reporter, THE CANADIAN PRESS

    Ban all Americans from entering Asia devalute the dollar and pray it only gets the rednecks...

    or just relax and see what will happen cant do anything to stop it.

  22. somebody with experience please tell me your honest and professional opinion.


    Do you think he has had a nose job?

    I hope this is "talk" and not really a call to violent action.

    The last thing Thailand needs is an urban vs rural civil war.

    Could this really happen?

    I live in a very small rural town in the middle of nowhere Thailand. All I can say from here is that people are not happy. Things have changed. No violence........just a uneasy feeling.

    I can also say that rural peoples, in general, are hurting from the economic events that have taken place over the past 9 years. I don't know how much more they can take and still smile, smile, smile.

    Like many of you, I have been around Thais for a long time. And, like me, you no doubt know that they hide their negative feelings/emotions. They don't like getting angry........they internalize their anger.

    But, at some point the point the pot boils over..........they explode. When that happens I just walk away from them.

    Is the pot about to boil over? If so, what will the military arm of the power elite do?

    My guess is that, if nothing changes in terms of the visa rules and business climate, the pot will boil over within the next 24 months.

    There are too many frustrated, uneducated, unemployed, underemployed young males out there with nothing to do but take their anger out on someone or something.

    It only takes one charismatic figure to guide them in either a positive or negative direction.

    In China, when situations like this materialize, the govt. starts some huge employment generating project (e.g., dam building). Or they increase the dial on the xenophobia meter to get the public looking the other way (those horrible Japanese).

    [by the way, I like Japanese people.......no offense]

    Too many Thais are being hurt; they can only take so much. Maybe Thailand needs to start building some very large dams :o In fact, given global warming and future water shortages, that would be a wise move.

    What will the military/police/security forces do? I have no idea. But I think it is safe to say they will act in their own self-interest.

    Amazing Thailand!

    Visa problems.. are you not making the farang more important then what we are most Thai could not care less.

    Anyway of course ppl are not happy its a bad economy and nobody can change that it is all over the world.

  23. death is a bit harsh just for cannabis

    Agreed, considering its legal in Amsterdam

    It's not legal in Amsterdam ..It's just tolerated

    Yes its tolerated in a way that is legal. I am Dutch so i know a lil bit of our system. The Dutch however are revising the system because of pressure from other countries and a crazy christian goverment. I have done weed in the past and i have known many others who did too. It does not have to become a problem at all it all depends on the person who is using it.

    But same can be said for many addictions it depends on the person. Alcohol is for the most part not bad still there are alcoholics. Computer games are nice.. still some people die from playing too long. What i mean to say is that it depends on the person not the drug.

    I have stopped drugs a because they don't help me in my new healthy lifestyle, but i don't see them as evil or a problem.

  24. I really hope that you can get the Mach III blades in Thailand...Some may think that it is just a marketing trick but I swear that they work much better than anything I used for shaving before...

    anyhow, the last time I was in bangkok, there wasn´t any mach 3 or its blades to buy, but that has been exactly 2 years already....wow, time goes by too fast :o

    has anyone spotted the blades somewhere? and if so, for what horrendous prices do they want to sell them? :D

    I buy them at the big C or Carrefour price around 340 bath for 4

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