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Posts posted by Lee65

  1. 18 minutes ago, Startmeup said:

    This product didn't mange to slip through the cracks. I didn't see any punishment being dished out or even name and shamed. You can take it for granted that many things you eat in Thailand is laced with chemicals. That seems a given? Whether that's the fruit/vegtables you eat from the supermarket or eating food from the side of the road that is getting laced with contaminants from vehicles. Or most common of all Food that gets cooked over and over again in the same poisonous seed oils. I love Thai food but saying it's healthy is not true in my opinion. Maybe it was 50 years ago.


    Will a farmer in rural Thailand who is often on the bread line throw away a crop if they found an issues that is non evident to a normal person?

    Do you think a farmer would not choose chemicals to help get bigger crop yields? They have eaten it themselves and they are still alive so it must be safe.


    Do you think there is strict testing of farmers produce in Thailand?


    I am trying to source my food carefully but am aware that even buying organic in Thailand very likely has a totally different meaning to buying organic in Australia or elsewhere with higher regulations (for the most part). Maybe im wrong, I hope I am. It's just a totally different mentality over here. Its expensive to try to eat healthy in Thailand. 

    Occasional activated carbon tablets or capsules (or powder) may help remove toxins from the body.  Be sure to read up on this before trying.

  2. So African-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Jewish-Americans, Native-Americans, Asian-Americans, all Hyphenated-Americans, are subject here to being painted with the same brush??  Reckon that boat sailed long ago.  Now, if we just had a separate thread for each group ... :cheesy:


    Now, if we had different threads for each group ... :biggrin:


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