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Posts posted by Lee65

  1. On 10/25/2022 at 12:41 PM, lopburi3 said:

    This is an RO system that makes mineral water - I prefer non mineral as use for iron and coffee has better taste without so removed the final filter and unit works very well - all connections are well made and having first filter visible helps to remind that filter may need more than yearly change.  Have been using such systems for many years and believe product is great and cost is very little at about 2.5 to 3.5k.  I would buy the 5 filter system if no need for mineral water.


    Link apparently has a shelf life and no longer works.  Could you repost?  Thx

  2. On 2/2/2023 at 12:40 PM, KhunLA said:

    I'm not sure about that, as taste isn't everything.   Definitely get a <deleted>/PPM pen, and test before drinking.   Won't tell you what it is, but clue you to something may not be right.


    Bottled water is usually <10 ppm

    Tap about 170 ppm

    Good to have, especially if you drink the 'free' water on tables at vendor.


    Interesting, thanks.  Here's a refreshingly sane review of the Xiaomi Mi <deleted> Water Quality Tester Pen, including surprising bottled water test results.  And some very sane reviews of the Review:





  3. 15 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    He considers himself black and the majority of American blacks consider him black. They do consider him different than American blacks without a family history of slavery in America though. If you don't understand what social construct means, there are ways to learn. 

    Still waiting for the criteria for determining whether someone is "Black".  Or "White".  How can I make this simpler for you?


    Actually, forget it.  Cling to your imaginary social constructs.  Obama is a mix, as are all of us.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

    I wasn't talking about skin color.

    Racial classifications are SOCIAL CONSTRUCTS and they vary radically between different countries.

    Again, and this is a FACT, in the American racial context, Obama is definitely BLACK.

    If it's not skin color then what is it?


    Fact?  Who made you the final arbiter?  Please describe the criteria for being "Black"?  I'll add your opinions to the list.  :guitar:


    To many Americans, Obama's not Black.  Neither is Kamala Harris.  


    Guess that's also a SOCIAL CONSTRUCT.  In the American racial context.  :whistling:  





  5. On 2/28/2023 at 2:55 PM, Jingthing said:

    In the American racial context Obama is black.

    Says you.  Many/most thinking people disagree.


    Because there's no way of defining "Black".  Or "White".  Or "Person of Color".  There's not even a generally agreed upon definition - even among experts - for "Race".


    Perhaps you mean Black is just short for "American of African heritage"?  Well, go back far enough and Americans are all that.  Americans are all Black.  (Good news: reparations for all.)  


    A very dark-skinned Fijian-American I asked said he's not black.  But would he refuse a special government program for blacks?  No.  Would the government withhold special support for this dark-skinned fellow?  No.


    The idiot Kamala Harris claims she's "black".  And while we're at it, are the Chinese "people of color"?  What about the half-Chinese, half-white?  Is it ok to say "yellow-skinned"?  Says who? 


    Now there are machines that measure skin color.  Why not add these to the mix.  A Black-o-meter in every public space.  A People-of-Color device to sort out who gets what special status.  Swarthy Mediterraneans: keep working on that tan.  Albinos may be SOL.  


    Again, race-baiting is a distraction for the feeble-minded.  This includes Scott Adams who couldn't identify "Black" or "White" any better than the rest of us. 

  6. 25 minutes ago, Adumbration said:

    I believe the exact opposite.  The longer these refugees remain in places like Phuket the more significant the financial burden and losses will be.  I am sure the Hospitals already have a huge list of outstanding debts for treatment.  In the months ahead lots of Russian tenants will be defaulting on their rent as meagre savings run dry.  Same applies to other rental contracts for cars and motorbikes.  Crime will increase and specfically atm skimming and credit card fraud.

    Add theft, muggings ....


    People get mean when they have no money.  Hoping the Thai authorities are awake to this potential mess.

  7. Certainly doable and can be enjoyable.  Some better riding along the coast.  Not so much inland or on the main highways.


    New to this kind of riding?  Best to find your own pace and range.  Got time?  Unsure of your abilities?  Take a few days to get there.  You'll see more and develop your skills, too.


    And remember: "Don't ride faster than your guardian angels can fly."

    • Like 1
  8. On 2/18/2023 at 7:48 AM, KhunLA said:

    As are most posters with their Anti RU, CH, USA, TH, IN bigotry and EV ignorance.  now up to 7 pages of ignored members ????



    EV = Electric Vehicles?  That topic does tend to divide people.  


    Just learned that intolerance toward "bigots" could in itself be bigotry:


    "The meaning of BIGOTRY is obstinate or intolerant devotion to one's own opinions and prejudices ..."  Merriam-Webster

    • Thumbs Up 1
  9. 19 hours ago, cmjl said:

    As I understand it,the large amount of sugar cane grown isn't just to keep the world's sweet tooth happy it's also grown for supposedly 'green' fuels ...

    Interesting point.  I found this, and others, in support:


    Biofuel Production from Sugarcane in Thailand


    Along similar lines: the clearing of large swathes of thickly vegetated land for short-lived solar panel farms - for the production of "green" electricity.


    Turns out humans are mostly idiots.       

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