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Everything posted by Tailwagsdog

  1. Can they just amputate his penis so he can't do it again? ..simple justice
  2. Just like Thailand, the party with the most votes is excluded from participation.
  3. Shame on Thailand , shameful Shinawatras, shame on Taksins family for stealing the election. Now the USA can see that you jump for your new Han Masters...25% Tariff for Thailand
  4. ....oh & by the way ..Ker Stammer should of sent Lammy to Washington on Ryanair to kneel before the Orange God with a grovelling apology & a shoe shine to make everything right ....right?
  5. There is no debate on the Chagos Islands, they were uninhabited when discovered by the French. The Frogs & Poms brought workers to the island, so all the ho hah is made up BS by a few coconut Huskers & their offspring looking for a payday with the help of a distant Mauritius that has no basis for a claim. Goodnight
  6. Pattaya is the bright shining light that draws men ..just like moths to their impending doom 😆
  7. My Thai girl friend used to order the cockles shellfish at the eatery, I explained they come from the mouth of the Chao Praya River which is Bangkok's Open Sewer, they feed off the mud & water that is full of industrial waste, street runoff & sewerage and it's going into your body. She smiled & kept eating.
  8. Glow in the Dark! ..WOW they must be good for you ..or better still if you drop it in the club ya might have better chance of finding it 😆
  9. This is great, when do flights start to Thailand? ...think of all those extra tourists flying to the Land of Smiles, Lots of beaches to sleep on.
  10. A smart person would have flown it over by drone
  11. What's the big attraction in Pai ??
  12. There's a volcano in Ethiopia that has started belching mega tonnes of methane,so you may have to update yer figures....
  13. Thailand has a trash problem ...and it's getting worse. Please take out the garbage.
  14. Gosh yes I think you've cracked it ol boy ...
  15. Don't blame him ....Indians are always looking to get the same item cheaper...
  16. Yes I agree and don't forget Japan with their Yakuza gangs, and New Zealand with their drunks & violent offenders like the ones that beat up a cop a few months ago and India with their constant overstayers ,& budget beach sleepers ...the list goes on and on ..
  17. You seriously need some professional help.
  18. I agree one thousand per cent and I call it the china virus as well ..oh oh you're so racist ..so what about Spanish flu, German Measles, Japanese Encephelitis, etc....the woke world is a joke world ..
  19. Yes good idea, how about we start with over opinionated people like yourself
  20. A mega fortress for communist Chinese foot soldiers, spies & Little Pinks. Visa processing is all computerized nowadays, no need for all those communist infiltrators.
  21. Ha ha ha 6 guys to carry the Ugandan Whoopi to the ambulance ....
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