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Red Forever

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  1. Jeez, you just can’t help yourself can you?
  2. Ahh. I wondered when you would weave this old chestnut into the topic of MAGA incompetence. They were Nazi gate guards. Using your “logic” you probably think that North Korea is a “Democratic Republic “.
  3. You just didn’t read the article right through, as usual.
  4. I would guess that millions of people not hating us could be construed as having “done rather well in life”. Unlike Musk.
  5. Yes susanlea that’s because every sentence Trump mangles is a joke. Didnt think that one through did ya?
  6. Bob. Please get help, start at the local health center and they can get you in the system. If however, this is a wind up, it ain’t funny. Let’s assume you’re out of wind up mode: Get down to the local clinic now!
  7. Ah there you are. Today’s xenophobe frustrated cos the perps are not brown skinned and actually have “proper” English names . Your railing at the fact that “UK police are to (sic) busy arresting people for ‘hate speech’ posts” . Just to be clear: do you think that people should be allowed to e.g. post on social media that it’s ok do far right thugs to burn down buildings housing terrified human beings? Wouldn’t be surprised if these morons were part of the Farridge riots. The “brains” behind this operation must have Thai useful idiots to deliver the goods to the hotels that these morons stay. That would be a start to unraveling this.
  8. Phuket is rip off central. Thailand has many more places deserving of our money. I’ll repeat my recent Bangkok taxi fares: Central Bangkok to BKK 311 baht. BKK to central Bangkok. 315 baht. Dunno how they do it.
  9. O’Malleys in Silom Road. Underground next to Bangkok Bank HQ.
  10. And today’s award for the most ignorant, toxic, racist post goes to……. FYI if they hold British passports then they are British. Aren’t you gonna be late for your KKK meeting?
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