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Red Forever

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  1. You must be very upset then that there will be 1,600 more convicted violent criminals on the streets thanks to Trump’s pardons.
  2. You seem to be quite knowledgeable on the subject of Mental Health Services.
  3. The topic is about cannabis and laughing gas yet half of the posters seem obsessed with the names of the British young men. Your thinly veiled racism is exposing your ignorance guys.
  4. Note that the far right posters have picked Orban as their new poster boy. Orban: the guy who bans free speech in news outlets. Hmm…slippery slope guys.
  5. Exactly Jonathon. I’ve asked the resident Mr T hate mob on AN many times if they’ve nothing else in their lives over which to get so exercised. Their obsession with whether an old man had a bad neck or not is irrational. Sad people.
  6. Positive plans yet nothing but negative snide comments from the resident Mr T hate mob on AN.
  7. Jeez will you just give it a rest. Nowhere in the post does it say that it’s only Brits being warned of the scam. Your discriminatory posts are flagging you as far right and of low IQ.
  8. Wow, a win double! The first 2 posts managed to swerve the actual topic and weave their petty grievances about Farridge rioters and online inciters of violence against terrified humans being brought to justice, Mwaa….. As the UK and PNG have signed an extradition treaty there should be no problem in returning this guy to face a trial. Meanwhile he’s innocent until proven guilty. Resident racist AN posters, find a less flimsy post on which to fly your flag.
  9. Erm well, 75+ million votes went against Trump so not “everyone is a moron”.
  10. You certainly are struggling. Power blackouts and 3 day weeks occurred under Tory Ted Heath’s administration. Sky high interest rates happened in Mad Bat Thatcher’s last days before even the Tories realised what a millstone she was. I remember my mortgage rate in 1990/1 was 15.4%. Nice try but no cigar.
  11. The Republican apologists on here who are still drunk on their “landslide “ election win are in denial that the “Marxist, woke extreme Democrats “ got to within 1 percentage point of the MAGA mob. Maher is desperate to remain relevant. It’s Jimmy Kimmel for me.
  12. Who is this “other daughter “ who “intends to come back”?
  13. Did you read the article? The NSB aka the Dutch Nazi Party. Yet another lame attempt at shoehorning your obsession with Socialism into the debate. Still, you won me 100baht cos I bet my mate Malcolm that you would be along soon with your outright lie that there was an equivalence between socialism and naziism.
  14. You really should read the truth (yeah I know it’ll be difficult for you to swallow) but, apart from your correct point about the wife beating fraudster Yaxley-Lennon being a racist and hate monger, the reason that the little man is banged up is because he is guilty of contempt of court and is thus in jail.

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