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Posts posted by Postie

  1. Simplified version of my previous post-

    "Has your largest sexual organ (the brain, according to another poster)

    Caused you to act in a reckless manner?" Sailing into uncharted waters etc...

    Desire. For the male.

    The core of the topic

  2. Just to fling a virtual spanner in the works...

    (Male, with daughter, almost five, who has just asked "How long 'til I can get married")

    Celebrity, Eye Candy aside

    Desirable Men.

    What You want vs. What You need.

    Have you ever really worried yourself by Wanting someone that has set warning bells clanging?

    Could be male or female!

    We all grow up and are "challenged" by the path We "choose" to take.

    Intuition>>>>Identifying Qualities that you desire.

    Using all of your senses to "ride" a situation for all it can yield.

    (Not just a one night stand...Until your intuative appetite is sated)


    Does Ms.Hyde push Ms. Jekyll into the shadows?

    Courtesy of a previous poster quoting...

    Brain...Womans' largest sexual organ.

  3. Bkkmadness...Quite a Virtual Dust Up between the two of you!

    An awaful (sic) state of affairs.

    Interesting to see the old Thai pecking order being taken on board by Farangland.

    Bargirl vs. Oh not for me, Sir!

    Bangkok vs. Village

    Patters vs. YeGodsNotThatPlace!

    Bug eaters vs. Bu**er Off!!

    (endless list scrolls by...)

    But the site is all the better for it!

  4. Kee now (Poo- cold/chilled)

    Now as in "Aircon...Now!" (Too cold!)

    Kee Yen (Poo- Icy)

    Yen as in "Beer Yen" (Cold beer)

    Neow (Sticky,claggy)


    Khow Neow

    However you want to spell Rice in a phonetic language translated into many different western vowel sounds etc,etc...

    (Sticky Rice)

    The babies keep coming and the phrases "Men KEE! Men, Wa!"...get rolled out again. (Baby=Kee)

    Between TV posters I can see what you mean Wolf5370

    I appreciate your font of knowledge being overturned...

    In a Thai village, in the hills, at night...

    It serves to illustrate how Khun Farang can lose the old rag, courtesy of "blocked ears"...

    I first posted on this site because a British neighbour completely ****ed up and got himself killed.


    Khun Ba.

  5. As Wolf & Dave111223...Never been asked for anything.

    Nor has it been inferred.

    To the point of wondering "Yai must want something?"

    Even though Yai (a tad worried) knew I walked around the village (at night) with ThBt500,000 in my combats...

    Until I heard talk of "Yai's house will float away when the rains get here!"

    (An area of land she sold off, to the front of the house, would hold water)

    Bought the land back...and the plot in front.

    Built a three winged, Traditional styled Bharn Thai.

    500 lorryloads of infill to make the land as flat as a billiard/pool table.

    Was going to get a boat and "moor" it to a post, out front.

    Just so people would ask


    Was told

    "that would be rude"

    Did it for the crack! Have had some Massive parties there.

    As it's "up in the hills". Late night taxidrivers think they've driven into the village Wat!

    Nickname...Keeneow. Mr Sticky Money (In good jest)

    Not particularly original, I know.

  6. Building a website on the Mac.

    Watching world war three start in the middle east.

    Sat in shade consuming Guinness.

    Eddy-Ham - Was that the Harley Davidson Super Rally?

    I've had eight Hogs (Three at the same time,once)

    Bar girls, Harleys...Good way to get rid of your money!

  7. Any FACTS on where the offending gun was filled?

    Loading up from a plastic container that had strong chemicals..and still held some residue in it...?

    ...and it's "find anything that will do" time!

    All over Thailand you have "Pick up warfare!"

    It can be quite competitive.

    Any large (10-20 litre) container, with handle will be used.

    It does seem a strange case to target two strangers.

    When will someone import a water cannon!

    Unimog would be a useful bit of kit.

    All painted up.

    It would certainly promote a bar etc. pretty well.

    Might even get on National television.

  8. Martin, jdinasia and co.

    Do you have Thai friends, partners? (Yes)

    Do they have friends, contacts. (Yes)

    Then why don't You ASK them?

    Better still.

    Put the question raised TO THEM.

    Come back with EXACTLY what you discovered.

    As I have mentioned many times...

    It is an Interface.

    We have the interesting situation of dual perspectives (Thai-Farang)

    I feel sure we could glean information on "How a Maid's lot has changed"

    across the generations.

    Therefore, augmenting the original.

  9. Speedboat to Hua Hin.

    Is seem to remember...

    A Thai Naval frigate, and motor boats,constantly off shore.

    Fighter jets occasionally flying overhead.

    Why not-

    Whip round the coast five miles-

    Sink boat.

    Transfer by another boat to land.

    Back to Patters/ BKK.

    ...Lost in the crowd.

    Better not kill em.

    Russia might turn the gas pipe off!

    Join the Ukranians freezing to death!

    Not likely!

  10. Nok waited for the bus back to Pattaya.

    The sun shimmered off the sea of concrete


    She shimmied oround in her best micro skirt and clicked her heels impatiently.

    The bus arrived and the doors hissed open.

    She helped the old Thai woman on with a smile and a few Ka's.

    She stubbornly avoided eye contact with the farang man, as he gestured, you first.

    Folding her magazine, she lifted her pointed toes towards the step.

    The material was so tight round her bum cheeks,

    she couldn't raise her knee high enough.

    With an uncomfortable movement, she reached behind and loosened the zip.

    The farang coughed an introduction.

    Nok turned and glared through her Foster Grants.

    The farang shrugged his shoulders and flashed a grin.

    Somewhat flustered, she flicked her waist length hair and slid the zip, down, all the way.

    Still. the step was too high!

    Suddenly, two hands grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her to the top step!

    "Why, You rude, rude man!

    How dare you grab me!"

    "Khatort" came a wai ing reply...

    "...But look.

    You kept undoing my levis!"

  11. Dear jd in asia.

    Abstract. Referring to ideas or qualities rather than material objects.

    Not applied or practical; theoretical.

    Thai- The people: Oriental, yet with an established Western Interface.

    Farang - Un Oriental...


    Industrialist. (Heavy)


    Various competing

    (often warring)

    Colonial "Powers"

    Two diametrically opposed cultures. That you (jd) have a marked interest in -

    (with your study of Asian languages)

    Two cultures, evolved from different roots...

    With constrasting philosophies, goals...values.

    Interface. An area where two things interact or link."The interface between Islamic culture and Western modernity"

    Tell me why so many farang are involved in murders in Thailand?

    The answer is a lack of understanding.


    Your gut instincts are based on the culture you can read well.

    Yet you have isolated yourself from "your" culture.


    Westerners fight for the "fun of it", on many physical and emotional levels.

    We fly right in the face of Respect of the individual (and their beliefs)

    Yet trumpet

    And I mean TRUMPET!


    (As long as We are Giving IT)


    (As long it's Our perception of the word)

    This list could ramble on...You get the idea?

    How do you all think farang are weighed up?

    When WE stop bolstering up somewhere with Our Cash...

    ...and make a claim on "Someones' backyard?"

    This is why I pitched in with the (Edited) BLACK MAN / WHITE MAN joke.

    It bore an essential barb that we should note.

    Our actions promote opposing actions

    (If only as stored knowledge)



    jd in asia...Yes, I type in a load of bo**ocks (It's a forum, not binding contract)

    ...but I like it that way.

    It has tangents off in all directions. Ridiculous, frustrating, In Your Face, ethereal...

    Yet it constantly throws up what I have seen in Thailand, as a farang.

    You may know the language.

    But will be recognised as Farang.

    Your partner and family may love you.

    Yet others will watch you with amusement or concern.

    You will have your broad knowledge base.

    But know bo**ocks.

    NEVER let em know EXACTLY what you're thinking.

    Pip pip!

  12. A Farang and his Thai girl are having a drink at a bar in Pattaya.

    As they chat, he looks through the window.

    Hopping down from his stool. He paces outside.

    Two seconds later and he steps back inside.

    "Right. Whoever took my f**king Kawasaki - Better put it back...

    ...By the time I finish my Chang"

    With that, he proceeds to bend the chrome barstool, in half.

    Around his head!

    "I wouldn't want to do what I did in Hua Hin!"

    The Staff all try to smile lamely.

    Several farang decide to leave.

    He leaves a Wai ing girlfriend at the bar

    and strides, glaring to the toilet.

    More farang say good evening and leave.

    Glasses are cleared from shelves.

    The door swings open.

    With a face like thunder he paces to the bar, sinks the Chang in one.


    He says to his girl.

    They walk to the pavement.

    There, amongst the bikes...Stands the Kawasaki.

    Glowering , he fires up the machine.

    "come" He shouts to the girl.

    As she picks up her shoulder bag. The bar owner whispers in Thai

    "What happened in Hua Hin?'

    "He had to walk home"

    She whispered back.

  13. An Expat couple have organised a Christmas Day meal at the Oriental.

    They have cordially invited other English guests.

    The meal is a great success.

    As they tuck in to the Christmas Pudding, the host rocks to and fro, clutching his throat.

    "Oh my God!" Cries his wife.

    "He's choking on the sixpence!

    -Can anyone help?!"

    A male guest rises from his seat.

    Walks over to the stricken old fellow

    and crushes his bo**ocks between his hands.

    A gutteral bellow erupts from the old boys frame...

    ...Yet as he sinks, wheezing to the floor.

    There lies the silver sixpence.

    In the palm of his saviour's hand.

    "Oh we are so lucky to have you at our table." sobs the wife.

    "You must be a paramedic?"

    "No madam...

    I work for the Inland Revenue."

  14. Agreed, Martin.

    I was presenting "cannot" as a collective mindset.

    There are English Theravada monks!

    The Collective Ratrace, western style.

    Let us not underestimate the salient fact-

    Thailand is a Matriarchal society. Not in it lineage but in it's family based perspective.

    WE come from a Patriarch spread of societies.

    I think this underpins the stability of Thai- Siam national identity.

    The individual is always conscious of Mother (Genetically as the family ovum, next, the "Nation" and it's wellbeing)

    This is why farang are entertained as "providers"

    The answer to the Forum Post lies with a Thai perspective.

  15. There are many ways of exploiting "the poor".

    Education, as Martin has mentioned. Assimilation process number one.

    Offering a way out of the Rat Pit but conditioning YOU all the way.

    My wife was lucky to have been schooled by, in part, Theravada monks.

    Who had the perspective of One to One interface. Nurturing, not force feeding.

    Advertising and broadcasting perpetuate the Assimilation process,

    until death comes knocking at the door.

    The Thai System does not allow products to be adorned with "false (emotional) associations."

    I find this liberating.

    In Thailand, I don't have to wade through piles of packaging when home.

    ...Weigh up quality, price of item (note availability)

    ...Buy/Don't Buy.

    If a person wants a product...

    A bit of "leg work" to find what is on offer.

    Find someone who knows this type of product (eg. Tractors or Dragon fruit)

    Potential bargaining for the best deal.

    Purchase best available option.

    Westerners cannot take on board the Theravada Buddhist mindset of Contentment.

    As "WE" are perpetually assaulted with "What we NEED"

    (and the % loan that is part of the dream...Well done. Bondage.)

    The young Thais, like young all over the world...Want everything that is waved in front of them.

    Their inertia and ignorance mean they are following the Pied Piper.

    This may seem to be at a tangent to

    "Once a maid, always a maid...Social mobility for Thais"


    People follow a Good Option, in order to better their lot.

    Some farang (try to) choose Thailand.

    Some countryside Thais choose the City and Farangland.

    Conservative thought or lack of options, can be in the mind and inertia of the individual.


    Brown face scenario (Us and Them) Doesn't happen in the West.

    Does it..?

  16. Spike, when in India, always marvelled at the perfectly spherical bread/pastries on their dining table.

    The cook prepared the food away from the house. In the gardens.

    Spike was walking through the grounds and fleetingly glanced through the kitchen window.

    There was the cook. Picking up two lumps of dough.

    Placing them under each armpit and rolling them like an oarsman.

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