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Posts posted by Postie

  1. Good luck Tuky!!!

    As they have All said..."You are the one with the courage to make a stand."

    The creaky old saying "The hardest part of the joiurney, is the first step" Is never truer than now.

    Try getting a whiskey bottle. Put it on your desk. Plonk a coin in it each day.

    Drown your desire by oh so slowly filling that bottle, with cash and confidence.

    Keep us posted!

  2. I wonder where it happened exactly? Crashed vehicles under investigation are left by the district government offices. Rolled buses and the like. The accident mentioned, although tragic, is barely

    newsworthy. I would estimate nearly all fatalities are due to drivers falling asleep at the wheel.

    The ten foot deep drainage ditches at the side and in the middle of the motorway leave no chance!

    Getting acrss Pakchong high street is interesting...With the Highway blasting down the middle.

    Sorry to hear about the "special friend" who isn't with us. Just maybe she ended her days the happiest she had ever been!

  3. Hand of God wiped out a tiring side. Lennon and Rooney upped the pace where it needed it. Gerrard beauty shows there is world class finishing.

    But the old long ball tactics have ripped us apart before. Half the gang are not accurate enough for this. You are just going to create endless counter attacks, chance loads of yellow cards stopping it.

    Too slow. You need to step up a gear once in a while. Dominate a bit of turf.

  4. This thread is bedding down to highlight some salient points.

    The "observation" of Greed.

    Doesn't more and more people gagging to spend their money produce a"Speculative" environment? The "landowner" (Thai) actually OWNING The Marketplace...relates directly to the fact...They would be retarded TO SELL IT OFF.

    FARANG experience OVER HERE. Overview.oversight,oversimplify,oversized,oversleep,overspend,overspill,overstat


    overstep,overstretch,overstrung,oversubscribe,overt,overtake,overtax,over the top,overthrow,


    overwork,overwrought,(oviduct-to-ovum all "egg" related)...owe.

    (Collins paperback English Dictionary. A section of OVER with no words excluded.)

    Rocognise the RATrace infested cargo we brought with us?


  5. I read the opening thread. I follow what you are saying. I can understand your sentiments.

    I find it a bit late in the day to state something that is sooo obvious.

    Long haul flights have transformed many parts of the world. WE create the marketplace. We drive the price up. Communications and convenience have CHANGED the place.

    We are E Mail babbling from all over the Globe on TV!

    IT has changed...Prices will always go up...MY pen RAI syndrome!

    Enjoy it for what it is. I LOVE the PLACE.

  6. Crouch grabbing on Trinni's dreadlocks whilst nutting the ball in, probably helped.

    If they all get the hang of this new ball (in time) then things might perk up. It lends itself to being blasted/curled in, with the goalkeeper's view obscured by defenders.

    Lampard & Co belting it skyward is worrying.

    Ball control.

    Know your enemy.(The ball, it seems)...As the passing/finishing are tragic lost chances!

    Lucky times!

  7. I would find a proper (expensive) Kwacker dealer. Their boys would know the model and be able to compare your delighful beastie with the others one hand. Bikes can be dropped etc...

    True tale:

    A workshop rebuilt a stroked Nitrous Harley Drag bike.

    It went like stink until the front piston EXPLODED through the front head!

    Problem? Component fitted wrong way round,broke, locked up engine...inertia had to go somewhere.

    Confided to myself by the Secretary of the England "81 Club", a client of mine.

    81 Club(Take the 8th letter of the alphabet...The first...end with 'Motorcycle Club')

    Bike was in a race too!

    The drag bars appeared to be a piece of s@@t. Are your bars stock? Try some others...Test ride.

    "Factory Customs" are a compromise design. Easy Rider had US bikes designed to go in a staight line (until it had to be rebuilt.) If it's got buckhorn/apehangers they've got to be spot on etc.

    My Hogs are all flat tracker style.

    Get a pencil/screwdriver and probe the running (If only!) bike. Work out where the vibration source is.

    Most people are not getting to the point. You want it mended, sold, EXCORCISED!

    Next mechanic...Kawasaki

    Chok dee

  8. As I said before "Google" Top, left of this Thai Visa page as I write!

    You want to use a search engine to get the info you want. (Not order a manual)

    I Googled "vn750"

    Bang! Staight away...A site for the Kwacker VN750.

    www.vn750.com....Vibrates badly if oil level is , and could be was, aswell...Oil level too high. (drain refill)

    With Highway bars Vibrates like f@@k between 3200 and 4500. You can't see in mirrors.

    Where's the vibration, what revs? Does it come and go. All the time?

  9. What model is it? One path to take... "Google" "the model name/ vibration fault"

    The internet is getting pretty nifty for people clubbing together to share their frustration.

    I've just posted an explanation of "How to..." on a Renault Megane Owners site. Some things are a bit of trial and error and some faults are known problems unique to the model.

    You might waste an hour on the Net but you can go along and say..." I have just SEARCHED the English speaking (HE wouldn't have) World for the answer!"

    It wouldn't cost you and it might make him stand there looking like a tosspot. You have been as patient as you can be but I NEED IT MENDED. A few baht would find a pick up taxi ride if it has been "conveniently immobilised"

    At least i's not a Harley (Double the bill...Khatort but it was stolen..blah..blah(All hair torn out!}

    Good luck with the next step!

  10. To Jeff!. I thought you all used this site to wind up (flame?) each other...Baboon. Define Wibble,wibble...Jdinasia.I would believe you had the indo China motivation sussed Years Ago. Mark (deceased) chose the local beer/whiskey route. Gotta dash, Pip pip.

  11. Refer to my posting No 8.

    I should have used plain English/American...But it was presented as a "wind up". Why? Because waves of Farang over the decades cannot understand the "Thai Way."

    My freinds have visited Patters since it was two Sois, basically a fishing village.

    I know many Farang who are pretty fluent in the language. Why? Because they have the option of talking to the locals, thus getting exactly what they want, at a fraction of the price.

    Survive in LOS. Buy and rent property in the UK/Farangland. This will give you more and more income. It is consistent with inflation in your homeland. Don't sink loads of money into ventures in LOS unless you can guarantee the returns.

    The same as business everywhere. Where you are tied to managing/worrying about your income.

    Keep a cool head (basically the gist of Jai Yen)

    I am increasingly surprised by people who have lived in LOS for years and don't efficiently develop

    their Thai and Farang knowledge base. The heat and alcohol are a potent combination. The other side of it being...Farang who have adapted pretty much instantly but don't have a significant income to maximise the opportunity.

    The theme of this (Thai Farang website) subject is...

    How/when did you overcome/skirt round all the pitfalls... Listed in the opening post.

    It was worded in a manner to suggest the situation.

    That being...You are a foreigner...and will be treated like a @@@@ unless you.

    All stick together (and pay top dollar)

    or you go it alone and make it work/or don't.

    THE ONLY REASON WHY am I even bothering to write this?

    BECAUSE a Briton who lived some doors down from my house was stabbed to death.

    See T V thread/story.

    He thought he was a lad and could act exactly as he chose.

    Arrogance and ignorance took him down a pretty easy to see path.


    It is Not slagging ANY FARANG off.

    It is highlighting the way You are treated. If you choose to limit your options.

    I've been a LOS home owner a mere ten years.

    Every year I make more and more out of Thailand.

    Their economy doesn't bother me. My wealth is not locked into it's infrastructture.

    We have a great time.Help out a few farang who can't fathom out what is going on.

    Get it sorted (Thai to Thai) on the mobile(half the price)

    I don't know if one of the moderators wants to close this thread.

    Is there a forum for "How I exist happily for next to nothing on Thai Visa?"

    Thaibebop...24/7 , I don't like the term either. Although I hear it daily in England. Did you say rhyming hip hop talk? The other geezer "Postie got a football on the head!"

    Lucky Mr Paraguay did. Otherwise nothing would have got in their net!

  12. In reply...


    Thank you. Chok dee.

    Sir Burr.

    ...To amuse (it has) and antagonise (ditto)

    !. Children? Their future?

    2. 10/10

    3. Alone? With wife?

    Thank you Sir. No feedback required.


    Too f@@kin' right!

    The undercarriage is coming down. Back to Earth!


    Thank You!

    Open up the jokes forum. Some gems!

    signing off for a day. Take care of yourselves.

  13. Thanks folks.

    Re- Theft.

    We are out in the "Sticks". Big house, big land. Taxi drivers at night s@@t themselves, cos they think they've driven into a Wat. Trespassers will be shot. Survivors shot again!

    Seriously though. All neighbours are windy of eagle eyed "Yai".

    Three wings to the house.

    Family everywhere.

    I think they would be OK.

    No one can come six feet onto our land without the dogs jumping up.

    I'll get the Bush Telegraph going.

    Cheers for the input. And pic.

    Missus wants a German Shepherd...So that's the next bug bear!

    I want English Bull Terriers...Fine f@@king chance.

    If I can't find Khorat cats in Thailand...

    i'll find em.

    My friend is in the Thai Ambassodor's Golf Team.

    Pincer movement.

    Hi So and Lo So expeditionary forces will be briefed.


  14. Sir Burr and others.

    Simple English breakdown...

    You offer a Critique of Your Thai Experience.

    (Got that much?)

    I know bucketloads of Farang who understand the "Thai." I will leave that as open as poss...

    (Is this a new subject for T V?)

    The phrasing is deliberately oblique, but the gist of it is....

    1. What do You hope to gain from being in Thailand?

    2. Are any of you content with Your Chosen Path?

    3. When did You finally get through the culture shock...and feel at home in the LOS?

  15. I'm smoking a big, fat Avon rear tyre.

    Via an S&S Super E.

    Stopped by Harrison six pot billet brakes.

    Don't smoke anything else.

    Interested in Your beer experiment.

    Try drinking a pint of water before you go to sleep.

  16. Rice.

    Three growing seasons

    3000 - 4000 years.

    Not bad as a sideline!

    Chonburi Province has it's sea container fed assembly lines in the ascendency.

    Roads are there.

    Airport about to open. Dirt cheap for Asean flights.

    What's to say it gets a BKK high speed rail link.

    And We finance it!

    It's never looked rosier.

    Threads R Us.

  17. Regards SingSling.


    We've got a lightweight duvet. That one looks far too hot.

    A bit lame as an illustration. Peter Till would have given it a bit of "edge".

    Do you find drugs exciting?

    Have you made any money out of them?

  18. Ben Jai Min Frank Lin.

    Thai or

    No Thai?

    Welcome to reality Earthling.

    Are You staying long?

    ...But point taken. I have a tendency to agree Madshere.

    When they come to sell off Thailand. Will you be near the front or back of the queue?

    Perhaps if we all got Our cars...

    ...We could RAM RAID the country.

    Keep scratching at the door.

    Seriously. I take your point. I don't make the rules. Nor do I live in the clouds (Bong or otherwise)

    My kids have two passports. So the future is intriguing. (Post His Majesty)

    Yeah. All tangents and scenarios scanned for going in and coming out.

    Loads of negative <deleted> kicking about on the T V

    Just seeing if anyone else has sorted their lives out. That's all.

    I have.

    I'm now using this facility to research who is on it.

    The weaknesses in the Home Camp are interesting.

    Primary comments. (Playground being the T V term)

    Use the Interface.

    Understand, explore, sure get ripped off...But LEARN. Take it on the chin,you tarts.

    Lots of Eggs.

    Lots of Baskets.

    On lots of Levels.

    In lots of Countries.

    ...You see, I've taken on board the "Plot of land" concept...a while back in the game.

    I respect your imput.

    But what chess piece do You have on the square?

    I'm winning. I can write this <deleted>.

    Costs me f@@k all to find a couple of good contacts. Open up another series of opportunities.

    Hence the sentiments.

    Get the fish to swim into the net.

    Chok Dee Everyone.

    Good Luck. To those who get anxious about "all that Thai stuff."

  19. Harley Davidson + Sunshine...

    All the drugs I need!

    Would have put good money on the first reply being puerile. Ha ha!

    Come to think of it...There is some f@@king blinding herblife about though.

    All avenues explored.

    Keep coming up with the good ideas.

  20. Were you born in Thailand?

    If so. Have you taken Thai citizenship?

    If not...and You,

    (the corporate one included) are not Thai...


    Why do You -

    1. Assume the country will disintergrate without your overview (" The sky is falling!!"-Chicken Little.)

    Financial/political Dept.

    2. Piss up Their front door and think They won't mind.

    Police/political Dept.

    3. Think Your <deleted> WON'T ...Turn into bicycle wheels and backpedal up Your arse. (L. Patterson)

    Me and my "Old Man" Dept.

    4. Whine on and on about anything that masks the salient fact that

    You are not in Control of Your Somtomland destiny.

    Shouting and Pointing Dept.

    5. Not tell it all to a "western" woman and get her perspective on it.

    This just might lead to a shag Dept. (when closed)

    Do I sound like a <deleted>? Dept.

    6. Thank Your lucky stars You don't have to stay in the LOS.

    Why don't they speak Farang here? Dept.


    A light hearted forum into beating the Dealer/reading the game and not losing your money.

    Big Plus Points on how it all finally came together and cashing in your "chips."


    From the Visa to the Sinsot. Supporting the family (who's going to hospital £££ Nearly better$$$

    Miracle cure...etc...}


    "...Photographs can't do it justice..."


    From the Asian cockerals strutting around. Getting up before the heat of the morning. The chatter of

    birds and the sound of a passing two stroke.

    The smile of neighbours you can't talk to. The Tookah to the Tuk tuk. The smoke of the coconut husk

    obscuring the billions of stars.


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