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Posts posted by Postie

  1. Before the Techies get all excited...

    1984. The Apple MacIntosh POPULARISED the 1960s designed Bug

    (and it's subsequent tweaks)

    This was a " Fly by Wire" concept of a scroller assistant.

    It was an addition to the predominant keyboard commands.

    (Ever had to design with logarithms - Old school?!)

    Apart from the Lisa by Apple.

    The Xerox Star utilised a similar bit of kit.






    Apple MacIntosh

    Macs now are 3 button, multi functioners.

  2. Postie "Posting!"

    Sorry, jdinasia...

    The post was in a state of flux. An emergency came up and I went to anchor what was there!

    Yes. It is way from coherent (even to me) to decipher...

    ...So gather round. I will map out my "flow."

    Controlling elements exist in every collective. Titled families, Dynasties whatever.

    Freemasonry is a Grass Roots element of the social interface.

    Wealth and power (with corruption as a sideline) require some stability.

    The ability to overview, predict...Control.

    Control/The Farang in Thailand.

    This little mushroom farm of a site forms part of the Expeditionary Force.

    It is doing what the farang have done for centuries.

    The posting I made (77) was edited by Wolfie. I agree with his sentiments. He was working in the interests of Thai Visa Inc. In isolation, the wording could be grossly insulting.

    I had limited time to compose an explanation for what I had written.

    Re- Post 77

    The use of the term bl*ck is initiated as one of desire.

    When telling this to bl*ck friends...You can't finish for their laughter and derision at a "white" joke using the term..."Hung like a bl*ck"...!

    Honestly. It can be hilarious time TRYING to finish the joke.

    ...with the edit (and threat)

    It left the original posting (77) a "Bit flat".

    A Thai sentiment...

    I want to GROW on my own.

    I do not want to be PICKED like a flower.

    To be PLACED in YOUR vase.

    To be admired

    and then DIE.

    Look after Thailand for what it

    Was and Is.

  3. To Moderator Wolfie.

    Thank you for the edit on post 77. I am surprised it got through the system at all. The whole slant of the joke...with it's bl*ck reference...Is an example of ethnic jealousy, control and eventually- extermination. It shows "the ranks" hold many who will step foward to "stop The Others".Whoever They are determined to be.

    WE, the Farang, are the Underclass. Unless you manage to gain Thai citizenship! (Rung No.1)

    In Thailand.

    The quasi religious witch hunters and the (male) sudopriesthoods. The Freemasonry and it's alternative tentacles (KKK) bore relevance to the opening line....being...

    "Have you been to a Thai Masonic Lodge?'

    CONTROL was the theme of the post AND forum topic.

    IRONY was the barb in the "Joke".

    Much of the TV site carries (unedited) waves of institutionalised racism and sexism (Do you Moderators not agree?)

    I entered my first post on this site-



    Boon Mee With the Thai Flag as their avatar...

    Is interested in (or is in) Thai Freemasonry.

    Mark who was killed . (Briton stabbed to death by etc...) had married into the household-


    I stand shoulder to shoulder with anyone who has the shit thrown their way.

    The example of past United States fascism cum racism was probably too acute to be "ON THE SITE'

    ...I share your concerns...Of derogatory remarks (Close the SITE)

    But in the instance of thr "joke". The white man has BECOME perceived as bl*ck.

    The joke is on the white man!

    Much as happens "Here" (LOS)



  4. Three men sat, as evening lapsed into night. The laughter and babble of the bar slowly fell away and a pleasant breeze hissed throgh the palms.

    They shared the same ashtray, and the conversation inevitably found the bedrock of womanhood.

    The Frenchman tapped his pack of Gauloises and offered...

    "My friends. We have the love of the woman...Her passion, her body...How do We, the Man, lift her to the high of the orgasm?"

    ..."My Nicolle. I take her in my arms and lay her silken form on the divan.

    ...I drop the petals from the rose uopn her chest and thighs.

    ...I slowly...Poof...poof...Blow them across her body...And my lady, in the spasm, you say...Hovers ...one centimeter from the satin sheet!"

    The Italian, leaning his head back onto the back of his chair, gazes at the stars.

    "The act of the Loving...Almost too powerful for the words. My Sophia. As my Ducati rounds the mountain road...I smell the scent of her skin in the mind...I see her hanging the washing in the thin, white dress and her bronze flesh burns it to the nothing!

    I can do nothing but rip her bodice away and we fall gasping into the shade of the tree. I Knead the juices of the forest fruit into her bucking body. We silently scream each others name and she floats above the flowers in ecstasy...

    "Chrizzt Guys...You certainly know how to party!"

    Whispers the Aussie.

    "Only the other week. I got home from a night out with the lads... The Sheila was tucked up beneath the sheets, as the aircon roared full blarst. As i dropped my jeans, me old man fell out and saw the contours of her fat, fit arse!

    Well, like you guys. Happiness is an empty sac!

    I rolled the beaut onto her ruddy chest and gave the dog a good pounding!

    I was up to my nuts in guts when she awoke, screaming "What in Hevvens!"

    Well, in the passionate embrace I BLEW MY LOAD!

    As I wiped me dick on the curtains...


  5. Dear Gonzo the Face... I share your perspective on this one.

    Thailand offers a Godsend for older men. Lets forget the 'ugly, depraved, failures' line of denounciation for a moment.

    There is the Sex trade and the Companionship scenario. All over the world, young impoverished women (in relative terms) find companionship with, sometimes, vastly older men.

    This can be a Beautiful and rewarding experience for both parties.

    I know of a young, chesty and fiesty (farang) woman who has had four relationships with men old enough to be her father. She has not taken any of their accumulated wealth, but instead...Prefers the stability of the situation. Don't ask ME why?

    There is nothing like an old fool...

    The phrase howls around.

    ...and why?

    Because farang gentlemen invest their money in actively attracting their fellow "citizens" into the "Honeypot" that is Pattaya. (Read Farangland)

    Now I like Patters for what it is. My wife likes it aswell. She thinks it's a hoot! But the "convenience" of it's farangspeak culture masks the shifting sands culture beneath.

    Settling down to a life with a young wife (and her family) in Surin, for instance... Is worlds away from investing your (sold house, car etc.) windfall into a dog eat dog environment.

    The Oasis of a self financing, pension fuelled retirement in the sun...Has 'em on the hook, beached and in the pan...sizzling!

    Many of the girls/women in Patters (a unique environment) OWE money, or have others "supervising" their life.

    Who is to blame on this one?

    Those who financially drive the Dream.

    Who gets shafted.

    Those...Thai girls and Farang...Who get enticed on board.

    Sukhumvit, Patpong, Patters...

    There are men flicking through holiday brochures, as we read this forum..."Welcome, my friend. To the show that never ends."

  6. The house was heavy with the scent of polish.

    ...and Frank was nearly home.

    The door burst open and keys were flung at a shelf. Shoes fell where they were flicked and bowels were definately still in working order. The welcoming smile was still there in the hallway, yet Frank was sofa sprawled.

    'Hi love! Day alright?' Helen entered the lounge and beamed at the demented cockatoo of a man as the TV erupted into life."Gettus abeer luv, It'll be startin soon!" A remote wavered like a preying mantis before the flickering tube.

    The beer can, still chilled, fell crushed upon the tiles with a clack.

    Leaning fowards, facial expressions flickering, a hand was raised head high. A virtual can occupied the palm. "There are a couple of Carlsbergs with the salad luv! Get a move on. It'll be starting!"

    "Okay honey."

    Compressed aluminium fell and a hand shook another phantom brew.

    "A fourpack is under the sink. It's nearly starting!"

    The cupboard door slammed shut and the cans now dangled between face and screen...

    " I am pig sick of spending my life cleaning this bloody house only to have you roll in, like some sodding beached whale, half cut and well, gawd knows what the neighbours think. I polish, scrub, Well, it's worse than having a child, you would expect it of a child, but a grown man...I should have listened to ........"


    Thought Frank.

  7. Cinderella sits in the hearth and gazes at the poster of the Palace Masked Ball.

    "I wish I could go and..."

    In a green flash - There stands her Fairy Godmother. Lobbing a Pak Choi at Cinders ..It bursts into the most amazing ball gown...Booting a Beer Sing box down the yard leaves a burbling stretched Hummer limo.An invite tucked behind it's wiper blade.

    Within seconds the makeover is complete! "My dear Cinderella. You will be the talk of the Masked Ball. Remember this, my girl. You have only until midnight. For as the clocks chime the hour your panties will rip to shreads...and your pu**y will turn into a pumpkin!

    -Are you still up for it?"

    Cinders pursed her golden lips and narrowed her golden lidded eyes. ..."It still beats being covered in s**t!"

    What a Party!

    The dancers whirled across the white marble floors. Mysterious eyes flickered behind the masks.

    Cinders spun in the strong arms of her chosen man. She span round and round...and they laughed and laughed...until...She saw the clock!

    The minute hand had just sprung onto another minute. It was Two minutes to Midnight!

    Cinders ducked out of their whirlwind romance. She stood there, unsteady and gasping.

    "Oh my! It is nearly midnight!

    I MUST be GONE by midnight!"

    I must go. And go right now!

    She turned to run but powerful,yet gentle hands cupped her waist.

    "I am bewitched by you, my lady...How can you leave?" He stood there like a beautiful stallion.

    "I have to go...I will try...I HAVE TO GO!" And she ran down the corridor towards the Palace gate.

    Her slippered feet echoing on the stone floors.

    "Your name, My Lady...Pray, your name?"

    "Cinderella" The reply came wailing back.

    "And I am Peter." He bellowed

    "Peter, Peter. The pumpkin Eater!"

    The footfall died.

    "...Two thirty at the latest"

  8. Not just thrifty wives...but mother in laws!

    "Yai" (and the woman next door) will stand there with the face and presence of a Cape Buffalo...Until the price comes down!

    Screw your hard thai men and fiddling Sino Thai "businesses"...We bought some sodding great things for the garden. There were three sizes and we chose the largest. 15 miles to deliver to the house.

    Much huffing and puffing and the price (shaved a bit) . ..Included delivery.

    We were out that day. Could they drop them off?

    "Yes, they could."

    Sneaky toads tried to drop off the mid sized models.

    OUT RUSHED THE NEIGHBOUR who was there at the sale.

    "AIIEEE!" (The female sonic boom)

    You can take them back!

    Take em back, take em back, BACK!"

    THEY went back and then came BACK again. Before returning BACK to the shop (60 delivery miles)

    ...Came home. Everything sorted. Much laughter and strutting!

    Generals win Wars.

    Battles are won by sargeants.

    Luv it!

  9. Ever been to a Thai Masonic Lodge?

    Controlling forces are part of every society. There are BKK clubs for wealthy women to pick up young studs. There are dokmai for the old men to sniff.

    Yes, Siree!...Individuals-when given the chance...Will be slave to their hormones and "What they feel safe with."

    Jobs for the boys...Every village/city/countryworld.

    Yes. It is easy for a foreigner to recognise glaring "matters for concern". Just as Thais are STAGGERED that the British cannot realign their (ancient, liberating) laws to combat those who threaten the country's wellbeing. ...Hang On!

    What's this old lamp? A bit filthy...Let's give it a rub.

    WHAAATT! (Clouds of purple smoke)

    "My (Farang) Master. I have been in that accursed (Isaan) lamp since the Ban Chiang people shut up shop! My happiness is boundless...Ask me three wishes...and they will be yours."

    (Well apart from a couple of Khorat cats...)

    It HAS to be money and sha@@ing.

    1."My house has three wings, Genie. I want it wallpapered in 1000 Baht notes. When I peel one off, another one grows.

    2. And please provide the most curvaceous, blonde, blue/green eyed nyphomaniac young lady for my eternal pleasure."

    And your final wish, My Lord?

    Well the notes are fluttering everywhere. The scent between Ingrid's thighs is up my nose and in my ears etc...As the sodden linen sheet is dragged from my glowing back....A flicker darts across the vaulted ceiling. I take an almighty sniff of what is to follow...and parachutist roll across the bed to the garden window.

    /Edit: Racist comments removed by moderator

    Any more of that and you will loose your account

  10. As John B Good pointed out...One person left (Thai) to tell the "facts" to the (Thai) police. Khun stabber has probably had a mobile conflab with girly to straighten out the story by now.

    If you are comfortable as a farang, surrounded by everyone communicating in Thai...Then this is one possible outcome. If you can't pick up on brewing bad feelings/envy/etc...How are you going to difuse it? Some young man, obviously wanting to unload his bo@@ocks, being "shown the door."

    You should at least have a hammer in your back pocket!

    Another case of "Mug Farang"...and they (will) keep coming.

    I am not blaming anyone, cos I wasn't there...If I go into a volitile situation (and I do)

    I know WHEN the sh@t is going to hit the fan.

    In a pit full of vipers?

    Know your vipers.

    Best of luck lads and ladesses. Have more farang gone home in body bags SINCE the Vietnam War?

  11. The wife and I have just had a second bout of "putting up a battered and Verbally insulted (a big deal!) woman friend of ours"/her's.

    She has now gone back - again.

    She is Thai. He is English. The farang/Thai miv, is an Exotic one, either way.

    Interesting to hear the Womans' side of things...Refreshing strains of logic abound.

    The sister in law was confronted by a Swedish girl, saying "You Thai women all want money for sex."

    The reply..."Whilst you farang girls lie on your back for flowers.'

    Good luck, all of you. I hope you gained something from the new perspective.

  12. Having had male friends who were posted here for years...

    1. Intrigue. All of "IT"

    (wimmin included but there are great women everywhere...Haven't you clicked on that?)

    2. Not hearing people talking bo**ocks in English all day and night!

    3. Being introduced to my Thai wife. Not a slut aswell! But a "showroom condition" (vergin on the ridiculous) Woman...Who tells it Like it is.

    Nibbo (child) number two just arrived.etc,etc..


    4. This will sound weird, and I can't see anyone else flagging it up...BUT...It is the defining reason why I felt I HAD to visit Thailand.

    I was riding my Harley down to the local hel_l's Angels clubhouse. I was in discussion doing some work for them.

    Some knobhead did their best to kill me. They were fatally injured but I received massive facial forte

    injuries. Try lobbing some scaffolding at someone's face blatting along on a Harley!! My life was saved by West Coast **** and Windsor ***.(names witheld)

    24 days of coma...every 24 hours with a nurse sitting by my bed...

    In COMA LAND...

    I went from England by ship (why?!) south. Around Southern Africa. Constantly sun coming off the waves, looking out to sea with the heat of the tropics belting down. I stopped at Australia...but ended up in "China".

    EXCEPT It was hot and dazzlingly sunny...And the "Chinese" were brown skinned...and there were palm trees! and it was "smiley". >THIS< I FOUND OUT...WAS THAILAND.

    THE REST - As many of You will contest by your own unique paths - "Is history!"

    Best thing I have ever done! If you've got the emotional reserves and are willing to create a new

    perspective on What can be...


    If You stay.

    You are the W.O.G.

    (Western Oriental Gentleman)

  13. Re- Ramadin's thoughts on this incident.

    I wonder if any Farang have paid for the extermination of a Farang in Smileyland?

    Wife/husband/pain in the ass that just won't go away...

    There must be loads of reasons why this is/has been entertained.

    Have any of you pursued a quote on this sort of arrangement?

    ..."When in Rome"...and all that.

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