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Everything posted by baboon

  1. "The history is already written." And I will not allow you to make up your own version and pass it off as fact. "The left and MSM left their trail for all to see." A meaningless parting shot to imply there is more to the story than meets the eye. There isn't. The whole saga was all down to Johnson.
  2. No, there was not a witch hunt. There was not. Media reporting on things you don't want to hear is not a witch hunt. Johnson only has himself to blame for his party outing him. That you don't care about all of the lies, corruption and incompetence is irrelevant. You aren't going to get away with re-writing history.
  3. No they weren't and no it didn't. There was no witch hunt. He was ousted by his own party due to his lies, corruption and incompetence.
  4. Well he would need to be tried and found guilty of war crimes first, but yeah: Iraq was a terrible business we should have had no involvement in.
  5. What on earth are you wittering on about? Jesus Christ....
  6. So others should save their predictions but yours are just fine. I see.
  7. And so you double down and double down again. He was ousted by his own party, due to his lies, corruption and scandals. The owners of the MSM disowned him, as did his party. You don't get to fabricate history on here as long as I have anything to do with it.
  8. The BBC has everyone shouting at them. Too Left! Too Right! Sky News is Murdoch. ITV I don't know. GBeebies - Right wing. And their rival set up by Murdoch, right wing. You are on a hiding to nothing at this point. Johnson is a corrupt liar who was ousted by his party and resignes in disgrace.
  9. No it isn't. You just made that up. Johnson screwed himself due to his arrogance and corruption to the point when he was compelled to resign in disgrace. Ousted by his own party.
  10. This is untrue. The 'MSM' in the UK overwhelmingly supports the Tories. The Daily Mail (the rag that supported Hitler), The Sun, The Star, The Times, The Telegraph, The Express versus what: The Mirror and The Guardian. Any anti-Johnson hype is a result of their editors and Non Dom owners backing another horse, now they consider Johnson a liability.
  11. So that's the third time you have changed your story. He was ousted by his own party who had finally had enough of scandal after scandal after scandal. He leaves in disgrace as the worst Prime Minister we have ever had.
  12. What brought Johnson down was Johnson himself, when all is said and done.
  13. He was ousted by his own party for his never ending lies and corruption. He leaves in disgrace. He is the worst Prime Minister we have had by a country mile and good riddance to the swine.
  14. Yes, probably so. However they will just point the finger at the Blair / Brown succession (not unreasonably).
  15. He was ousted by his own party and was the worst Prime Minister we have ever had.
  16. Trusses' campaign is based purely on the worse type of populism. Talk tough about dealing with the EU to get the ERG supporters on-board. This, in itself, is probably irrelevant. Reality will bite when/if negotiations with the EU recommence, and she will have no choice but to soften her stance. I don't think she will. I don't think she can. Maintaining bad relations with the EU is one of the pillars keeping the edifice standing. The ERG simply wouldn't accept it and the rest of the party seem terrified of them.
  17. A parliamentary democracy, not a presidential one. The public select their MP, not the Prime Minister. But yes, there is a lot of discussion about it out there.
  18. Any tax cuts the electorate think they might want will not even touch the sides as the cost of living crisis worsens. Nor will they be amused when services are gutted to pay for them. Plus we have sold pretty much everything off, so getting any kind of cash infusion via privatisation will be difficult...
  19. Even down to the laughter emoji to show how proud he is of his handywork.
  20. And so another thread is ruined for anyone actually wanting a sensible discussion.
  21. Correct. You are an angry right wing boomer being childish.
  22. 'Not that I have any intention of living in the place.'
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