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Everything posted by baboon

  1. The inevitable whataboutery to contradict your post will be interesting...
  2. You'll get no argument from me. If this rabble get in again then you can kiss any remaining employment rights goodbye. It'll be serfdom under another name.
  3. Brexit doesn't help of course, but from what I have been hearing, the airlines used Covid to get workers off the books. And once business picked up again, to rehire under worse pay and conditions. 'Great' in theory, but the problem is for them now, their former staff are telling them to go #### themselves, so recruitment is taking time.
  4. Do some folk never stop asking themselves rhetorical questions and going off on a tangent? Well?
  5. At the risk of breaking forum rules - I disagree with you entirely, but thankyou for not using your position of moderator to silence dissenting voices.
  6. Media notoriety provides a little insurance against drive by suicides or clubbing yourself to death with a crowbar....
  7. Have you seen the Crime and Policing Bill? It's really quite frightening.
  8. I think 'Treason' might be a word you are looking for. How else does one describe selling off state assets to your mates and giving peerages to sons of Russian intelligence officers against the advice of your own state security?
  9. No baiting, just expressing anger and frustration. And on behalf off all of us who had to show up for work every day and keep the country running while everyone else was on the p!ss in the sun with our tax money, 'You're welcome'.
  10. Oh yes? Well I was a key worker and had to work through all of it. Not a penny of furlough money for baboon. No way in hell is it done for me.
  11. Yes, people with guns. But that is all I have to say. The next atrocity will follow shortly.
  12. Just out of interest: Me, I don't care if they are there or not. Then why post, you may ask? Just to gauge how many likeminded people there are out there. I am interested in all your opinions...
  13. https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-carrie-johnson-party-allegations_uk_629487f2e4b0edd2d0264610?ncid=flipboard-HP
  14. You are, by saying they are all as bad as each other when clearly this is not the case.
  15. So there we have it, ladies and gentlemen. Nick Clegg and Pol Pot are identical, as are Angela Merkel and Papa Doc Duvalier. I'm lost for words. People have truly descended into madness and it won't end well for any of us.
  16. 45% of votes cast is now a resounding victory? Sometimes I think I must be living in a parallel universe where up is down and black is white. Jesus...
  17. Like attracts like. That's why you hear what you hear. And yes, the sooner the Johnson junta are out of office the better.
  18. Sparple all you want, but outside of the Tory rags, people are furious. Real people suffered and died while they partied, lied and smirked.
  19. "He made mistakes attending these work gatherings where drinks were served, no doubt. But after delivering Brexit, he has a lot of leeway with a lot of voters." Yes, the mistake of getting caught. Brexit has not been delivered.
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