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Everything posted by baboon

  1. The phrase you were looking for is 'abject evil'. And to me, abject evil is hating an entire civilisation and comparing them to gorillas. That's what fascists do to make their minions not feel bad when they are exterminating them.
  2. Putin quoting from Scripture? Yes, Vlad, because nothing says 'following in the footsteps of Jesus' quite like invading another country and bombing the sh!t out of innocent civilians, you pr**k.
  3. Russians are ordinary folk just like us. Demonising them will just create angst in your own heart, not to mention bolstering the politics of hate. I urge you not to take the path of least resistance. Focus instead on the super rich who will have we, the common and decent folk tear each other apart in order to protect their capital and power.. Love and understanding is what they fear. Therefore we need much more of it.
  4. A new Covid varient? I bet the junta can't believe their luck. You and I both know they are going to milk it for all that it is worth. The state of emergency / Thailand Pass system won't be going anywhere...
  5. You are of course correct, but they have to say what is expected, and here, you can have these few kilos of surplus rice nobody else wants. Such is the state of the world...
  6. Well, baboon, jnr had her first Pfizer yesterday, so not long I daresay. They have already made it to Chumphon...
  7. I'll just take it that you are not naive enough to expect any actual gratitude from the Powers That Be. They will just be thinking what mugs the French are. As said above, donate to Sudan or wherever. Thailand is rolling in money.
  8. Mrs baboon's cousin was cleared quickly and was told by her expensive hotel that she was free to go. She replied that she had paid a king's ransom to stay there and that staying there was exactly what she was going to do. I certainly see her point.
  9. Doesn't bear thinking about. May their souls rest in peace.
  10. And to demonstrate your point, you post a photo of a chap in a black shirt. The other individual sporting a white shirt. So I shall take the liberty of recaptioning the photo as an example of the justifiable anger of the working class after having their rights stripped from them by nationalists and fascists. See how propaganda works...?
  11. I dunno... Maybe she would be allowed, just to show how Thai democracy is now flourishing, thanks to the junta. Give her a few weeks or months, then coax the nationalists back onto the streets. The 'good people' then start wringing their hands - a coup and an authoritarian regime are the last thing they want, but what to do? After all, national survival is at stake...
  12. Mrs baboon took her 500 Baht at the recent Chumphon election, and it wasn't from Peua Thai...
  13. Fair play to you. It takes stones to come out in public and admit one was wrong.
  14. If Prayuth and his gangster cronies are the answer, all I can say is that it must be a bloody silly question...
  15. Who in their right mind considered this a news item worthy of publishing? All it does is antagonise folks, who are collectively thinking 'So bloody what? Who doesn't have to work on their birthday?'
  16. Don't you remember Thaivisa (as it was then) for the first couple of years after the military barged in and seized power? It was a fascist's grotto bar a few of us...
  17. Ironic, isn't it? People working harder and harder to buy labour saving devices they wouldn't need if they weren't working so hard.
  18. Same in Chumphon. It was biblical.
  19. Quite possibly you would, but bear in mind the expression 'No good deed goes unpunished'. Interference in another family's affairs can often end badly - why do you think police hate attending 'Domestics'? The ones trying to do good end up as the villans in the family's eyes. As for Thailand taking pride in family values, well, I take pride in being a hot young buck with legions of female admirers, and rich as $hit to boot. The readership of this fine forum however, would see an overweight drunken bum who needs to get off his fat a$$ and quit idling his life away. Perception is a funny thing...
  20. Ba$tard$. If you want to make the rich work harder, pay them more. If you want to make the poor work harder, pay them less. Scum...
  21. Yes, it looks decent on paper, but given Thailand's (justifiable or not) reputation for banging people up on arrival, I reckon anyone coming would test preflight anyway for reassurance.
  22. Your post was quite interesting but you had to ruin it by bitching about what class of visa folks may or may not be on. Is there a visa hierarchy now, then? Is a non B for the cool people and an O for tramps and losers? What about an STV...?
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