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Everything posted by baboon

  1. Correct, including your borders. And 70% of your population live in European Russia, so good luck with the threats. Remind your little fascist bullyboy boss of that fact.
  2. I see Putin will not be attending the funeral. What a classy guy.
  3. Sir, ALL of us. We can fight elsewhere to our heart's content. Why not just pause, pay our respects to a Great Statesman, then take our quarrels elsewhere.
  4. Fair play to you. So do you embrace the workers and peasants owning the key to production? Standing together against exploitation of the poorest? A welfare state for all of your compatriots who fall on hard times?
  5. Can we all show Mr. Gorbachev and his memory a bit of repect by not going at it on this thread? Just for once?
  6. Great statesmen like Willy Brandt and now Mikhail Gorbachev are no longer with us. Who do we have now? Priti Patel and Boris bloody Johnson. God is trolling us.
  7. I remember watching a BBC interview with the elderly Gorbachev. They asked if Putin ever consulted him. Gorbachev snorted "He knows everything. Why would he talk to me?" I am sad he has gone, but at least he will sleep next to his beloved wife in Novodevichy cemetery, which is a lovely spot. Let us all raise a glass in his memory tonight. It is thanks to the likes of him we are alive to do so.
  8. I couldn't agree more, but how to actually organise that? Plus the death toll could be horrifying if the military are prepared to kill as many people as it takes to stay in power. And remember the 'safety valve' is no longer there.
  9. And averse to being butchered like animals on the street by those who are supposedly there to protect them.
  10. Turkey was just a country I plucked from my a$$. Millions of desperate people out there because of worldwide war, famine and poverty. But what do we hear from our (mainly British) baby boomers on this thread? The ones who prospered with their free education, dental and healthcare? They are alright, and the hell with anyone else. I hope for a rude awakening for them.
  11. From the horse's mouth: https://www.gov.uk/asylum-support/what-youll-get
  12. Do these rules state that they have to apply for asylum FOR that first safe country or WHILE IN that first safe country? So if they are in Turkey, say, but have family / connections in the UK, how can they apply for UK asylum while in Turkey?
  13. How can one legally set foot on UK soil to request asylum? How can one request asylum in the UK outside of the UK?
  14. And back to the UK they come, unless you are advocating machine gunning them all to death. Complex problems do not beget simple solutions, that's why we are where we are.
  15. Much to the chagrin of the baby boomers on here who had life handed to them on a silver platter....
  16. It isn't that simple. Halfway across the Channel, our Navy would be in French territorial waters, which means an incursion on French territory, a.k.a an act of war if not invited in by the French. You can't do that.
  17. Yes, I understand that, but who would be transporting them?
  18. I meant, who would transport them back across the Channel?
  19. How does that work? Who would take them back?
  20. I think (well, hope) she will HAVE to do something drastic about the cost of living crisis. Surely even she cannot be so dim as to recognise that if she doesn't, it will be political suicide for her. And within weeks, not months or years. The ERG won't care, but the prospect of a destitute, cold and hungry Britain desperately shivering in the dark at Christmas, might focus a few minds. (Cue laughter emoticon...)
  21. "I'm a believer that people should be able to express themselves in the way they see fit", says Liz Truss who wants to abolish the right to strike and has no problem with the Crime and Policing bill, which severely curtails the right to protest. What a horrible, horrible woman.
  22. Err, you were one of the most vociferous supporters of the junta for ages. I remember your calling student protesters at the time of the coup, "thugs". You may get to reinvent yourself, but some of us remember. Now: will you finally denounce the Chan-ocha coup of 2014?
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