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Everything posted by baboon

  1. And so the Tories will win again, with terrifying consequences to working people. The ones who survive this winter, that is...
  2. No. They should renationalise power and water. Privatisation has been an abject failure and people will die this winter as a result. What is the point of government if not to look after the citizen?
  3. We don't "all" know any such thing. Speak for yourself and not others.
  4. Which other country on earth have sold off their water to foreign interests? None, bar the CON party of England. Oh, and gas, electricity and railways too. Air Traffic Control also. Oh, and Prisons too. If you don't have state institutions, you don't have a state. Shouting online will not change that. And waving your tatterd cross of Saint George won't help either.
  5. What an awfully long-winded way of saying 'Anyone to the left of politics is undereducated and easily led.' The rest was just howling at the moon.
  6. It's a 'No' from me. I can't be doing with the side-effects which felt as nasty as the actual Covid. I'll take my chances.
  7. Yes. Look at the Crime and Policing bill. Look at Truss wanting to abolish the right to strike. Look at the privatisation of Channel 4 for upsetting the regime. The UK is heading towards a very dark place indeed.
  8. Alas, I fear it will be the latter. If the ERG don't get their way, they will burn the house down out of sheer spite and moderate Tories know it. 'Either we run the place or nobody does.'
  9. Nationalise and have done with it. Let Britain take back control and shape her own future.
  10. Thanks for saving me the bother.
  11. If you want to refer to the CON party as a "baying mob", then knock yourself out. The media were not in a position to oust him, neither was anyone to the left of politics. He has overwhelming support round the country after all, as you claim. Only his own party could oust him, which they did. Due to his lies, corruption and incompetence.
  12. There is only Johnson and his appalling conduct to blame. He brought it all upon himself. He IS a repellent human being.
  13. Still Prime Minister. And receiving the salary, so yes one CAN blame him. He ought to be ashamed, scrounging from the taxpayer like this.
  14. Then recall the lazy gits. They get far too much time off.
  15. More people voted for other parties than voted CON. That's First Past The Post for you...
  16. I have not missed the news over the past two years, nor do I have a prize. I had nothing to do with Johnson’s ousting which was his own party's doing. I have not pinning the crisis on his not being there, though why the taxpayer is stumping up 13 Grand this month to pay him to sit around and scratch his balls, well, yes, that does vex me. He should hand over to Raab now and stop squatting in No. 10.
  17. Which exists only in your imagination. He was ousted by his own party, due to his lies, corruption and incompetence. It's all on him. Quit attempting to canonise him. He is a repellent human being.
  18. There was no witch hunt. He was ousted by his own party because of his lies, corruption and incompetence.
  19. They also voted to stay in the EU. Why is their choice not being respected? Your choice, not theirs.
  20. Have you been at the the disco biscuits...?
  21. "Quite the rant. Although inaccurate. Many things such as an education, healthcare, freedom of speech (if the Wokies don't remove it) are universally available in the UK to this very day. Things that other countries could only dream of." If you are talking about Afghanistan or Zimbabwe in relation to education, health care and free speech, I'll give you that. But clearly you haven't been following the news about the NHS crisis. You haven't been following the news about a potential teachers' strike. You haven't been following the news about Truss wanting to abolish the said right to strike. You haven't seen the crime and policing bill. The UK is woeful when compared to similar countries. "We voted to leave the EU. There was no option for collapsing the pound on the voting slip, that came later due to many factors which would lead us off topic." Nonsense. The Pound collapsed on the night of the referendum. You voted for it. "There is no border in Ireland, it's down the Irish sea. This was due to the EU's spite during negotiations" Always somebody else's fault. "The Scots comprehensively voted to stay when given the choice at the ballot box." Let's see how they feel next time around. Next year, I think it is.
  22. People who were born to the right people in the right place and at the right time of the economic cycle, in other words. And voted to collapse the Pound and antagonise the biggest trading bloc in the world. To erect borders on the island of Ireland. To treat the Scots with such contempt, they want the hell away from the UK. And that is 'loving your country', whatever that means? What does it mean, by the way?
  23. At 13 Thousand Pounds a month, yes he can. Or else move his useless carcass from Downing Street and let Raab take over.
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