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Posts posted by Pedrogaz


    9 hours ago, robblok said:

    That is the funny thing here.. it could be either, sad state actually but true.

    I don't think anyone loses their job here for being incompetent. Indeed incompetence seems to be the major requirement for a job in many institutions. Think of your experiences going to a bank vs to immigration. Has anyone in the bank ever asked you to give them money for providing the service they are supposed to provide? The people in the public sector wouldn't stand a chance in a real business....or even in a 7/11. 

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  2. Obey the rules and there will be few, if any, problems with staying here. If you fail to meet the income requirements then don't come. They are there for a reason, so that Thailand doesn't have to support a pile of penniless foreigners. There is no excuse for no having a visa or overstaying the one you have. The same applies to working without a visa. 

    If you are here without a visa don't complain if you get thrown out...chances are the citizens of your home country don't want to be swamped with illegal aliens either.

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  3. I had a conversation with a friend the other day who told me that every time I travel away from the address I give on my 90 day report, that when I return home, I must go to the immigration centre and file a form basically telling them I have come back home (a returning home form TM something). He told me I should have done it when I returned recently from a trip back home out of the country. This seems totally inane to me, not to mention a huge waste of time, so I wonder whether he is pulling my leg. Surely when you come into the country the immigration people check you out and you give them your address...they could not possibly want you to go to immigration again the next day???? (I know there are some weird things going on in Thailand....but this seem over the top).

    Anyway, I have never done this, I just go away and come back home without reporting it to immigration or anyone else (unless I come through an international airport).

    My friend told me that it has been the procedure for a long time and if I do not comply then I will be fined the next time I go to do a visa extension or 90 day report.


    NB My friend also said it was possible to file this 'returning home' form via the internet, but I have tried filing 90 day reports this was and always when you get to the end of all the form filling, the system tells you they cannot send the form, so I have given up trying.


    Thank you all.

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