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  1. Come on man, it’s just small amount of money
  2. These experts are trash, last news said it will rise at the end of the month. However, the baht is declining everyday. Pay me, I can be an expert too. The baht will rise in the future
  3. I don’t believe this anymore, Thai baht is the strongest currency in southeast asia
  4. I live here in bkk, I am starting to put on my mask again . Pm 2.5 is horrible
  5. A lot of fake 50s, so dumb to do that.
  6. He thinks all Thai women working in the nigh club, fine him a big one
  7. I just wondering how much is the fine? Some people are just just stupid and selfish
  8. 570+200= 770, it is super expensive. The government needs to control the fare
  9. The neighborhood is so quiet, anything can happen. But what can the cops do, probably just give them a warning since these are kids
  10. In Southeast Asia, not the world. Come on dude, learn to read
  11. It depends how you plan your night life. My budget is 100k baht each month
  12. Thai baht is the strongest currency in Southeast Asia
  13. I stay in bkk thong lo because I can go anywhere and very convenient. Night life is good as well
  14. Holiday inn near the beach
  15. No, it is not true. However, whenever I take a ride with a girl, they rated me one star all the time
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