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Everything posted by pikao

  1. For sure, why not (doesn't include things I don't like)
  2. Hi all, we have a small fish pond, 8x8x2 m, and I would like to find some fish that does not taste like "earth". Any suggestion appreciated Thanks
  3. After watching this masterpiece of educational advertising, I know ezzra is right
  4. Did or does he drink a lot? Certainly @Sheryl can give you answers
  5. The NNT (National News Bureau Of Thailand) is spreading fake news and conspiracy theories and the government is paying significant (for Thailand) amounts of money just for fun? Sure..... P.S. Hint for some people here. Have a look at who the "Factcheckers" are
  6. Don't know if that's scientifically correct, but it shows how it is IMG_4887.MP4
  7. It's the the passengers reaction at the very end of the video
  8. To give you some numbers https://www.kosamuilife.com/covid-daily-updateshttps://www.kosamuilife.com/covid-daily-updates
  9. Look at Gibraltar. Over 100% vaxx rate and one of the highest infection rates in Europe
  10. That's how it looks like when Thai cops watch their first porn movie
  11. IBAN is only inside Europe. Wise is in Belgium. They need your European Account Nr. (IBAN) In the next step your Thai Account Nr. is enough
  12. Yeah....I know, it's very confusing P.S. Poor governments. They now have to convince the unvaxed to take the jab, because it works and convince the double vaxed to get their boosters because the first two shots didn't
  13. Kudos, thanks, congratulations. Everyone knows that studies on animals are expensive and you might have protests from some greenies. So why not take real people that feed themselves and also are responsible for what ever happens to them.
  14. Not fresh, but the Bavarian version of "Kren" at GOURMETPLAZA. They ship to everywhere in Thailand
  15. "Are you twins? "No, why?" "Because your mummy dressed you the same way" "Ok, that's enough.... Drivers licence...car documents..."
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