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Posts posted by mike787

  1. On 8/14/2020 at 4:53 AM, Mark Nothing said:

    This situation is very dangerous.  I was in this same situation a few years back.  Exactly same progression of events.


    99% of the time my ex girlfriend was delightful, interesting, charming, lovely, talkative.  But then out of nowhere something would cause her to go crazy.  Violently crazy.  And each time violence escalated.


    I was talking to a buddy on skype one night and she woke up and went crazy and came after me with a giant knife.  Crazed, insane attack.  Luckily I got out ok.  3 security guards escorted her from building.


    I am a retired professional, with advanced university degree and would never even consider hurting another person, let alone a woman.


    I changed the locks, notified building security to not allow her entry, paid rent for her new room, and took a holiday away from Thailand.


    Never saw her again.  Cancelled all contacts, phone numbers, line.


    Words don't work.  Actions do.  Talking just seems to infuriate them.


    Please stay safe and good luck.

    Great story.  Similar events  happened to me too.  To fix the violence, I left Thailand and traveled in SE Asia, completely disappeared off the grid.  Deleted all media accounts. Stayed single for a few months, then dated asian women in other countries to see if this was normal.  Eventually I returned but with a better and safer reset/outlook.  It was the BEST decision I made.  Unless you feel you like or deserve to be abused, Leave immediately.  

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