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Posts posted by mike787

  1. 6 hours ago, ChakaKhan said:

    Has taken me a few hard lessons to learn my way about how things work in LOS.....


    As they say the lesson is repeated UNTIL it is learned......its Thai for Thai, and Im NOT a Thai......

    I'm with ya...I apply the same to every place/person on earth...choose the path of least resistance...path of peace....

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  2. 7 hours ago, Liverpoolfan said:

    People get murdered here by locals for less than 40 baht!

    try taking the p**s out of a thai man and see how he reacts!!!

    I get it!  I'm on your team except here's where we differ.  I know I cannot change/fix Thailand, I can't even fix me - god knows I try and make small progress.  You get it? You feel me on this point so far, cause if you do life will be as simple as it is peaceful.  Ok, now that we hopefully got this far, the rest of ALL these TVF and life's issues become simple.  Should you be in a S**T hole, walking away feels like closure/freedom/peace.  I don't expect you to like or understand any of this, because your path is your choice...however, know that as you choose that one you can choose another path of peace...good luck either path you continue to choose....

  3. 13 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

    If you plan on eventualy being here, I would not get married in the US.

    First the K1 can take up to a year now.  And when you get to the US after you marry, the process is very lengthly for her to obtain further documents.

    Trying to be honest 50% of them end up in divorce.  You may need to go back to the US at some point and her having the ability to go may create big problems.  Also, if you have assets in the US do you want her to know everything?  Sorry, just being realistic.


    To add, they do have prenuptial agreements here.  Just sayin, I am sure your situation is different, but in a few years it may not be so protect yourself.

    BEST advice you will get here from bkk6060...be very careful, your older and unless you have millions you will not recover fast or easy post divorce.  Remember, nothing is FREE.  



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