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Everything posted by vinny41

  1. Beith Driver told by council that safety cover for cable is a hazard “Material placed in this manner is a safety hazard – as per Section 59 of the Roads (Scotland) Act – and that is why we have asked for it to be removed. https://www.ardrossanherald.com/news/17428841.beith-driver-told-council-safety-cover-cable-hazard/
  2. I don't think the UK does allow EV charging cables to be lying on the ground. I am sure if these pictures were sent to the local council the owners would receive a penalty notice Here the article that the pictures came from EXCLUSIVE: Blind charity slams electric car owners who dangle charging cables across the pavement and force pedestrians to dice with death by walking in the road Unsafe charging cables were pictured in Wandsworth and Islington Leading charities have slammed the infrastructure as 'ludicrous' and 'unsafe' https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/cars/article-12090071/Fury-selfish-electric-car-owners-dangling-charging-cables-pavement.html
  3. The Renault Scenic E-Tech has achieved first place thanks to 329 votes obtained. For 22 Jurors, this SUV has been chosen as the best of the seven finalists. The BMW 5-Series, second, has been close to Renault Scenic, with a total of 308 votes and 19 best votes, followed by the new Peugeot 3008, third, with 197 and 3 best votes. The rest of the finalist for the award were Kia EV9 (190 points), Volvo EX30 (168), BYD Seal (131) and Toyota C-HR (127). https://www.caroftheyear.org/index.php Looks similar to any of the other Compact crossover SUV on the market
  4. It seems Malaysia is no different to Thailand when it comes to EV charging in condos Most condos and apartments in Malaysia still against allowing EV chargers – right-to-charge law soon? Reasons commonly used by the JMB or MC to reject EV charger installations include: having messy wiring on parking level ceilings, not being able to charge the electricity use back to the user, not wanting to overload the building electricity distribution board (DB), “wait until there are more EVs here lah,” and more.https://paultan.org/2023/10/13/most-condos-and-apartments-in-malaysia-still-against-allowing-ev-chargers-right-to-charge-law-soon/ ‘Long road ahead for EV charging stations in condos’ PETALING JAYA: Despite the government’s ambitious roadmap to have 10,000 Electric Vehicle Charging Bays (EVCBs) nationwide by 2025, including in high-rise properties, there remain barriers to getting EV charging stations into residential buildings. Federation of Malaysia Electric Vehicle Associations president Datuk Seri Jason Lee said many condominium boards and management bodies are still against having EVCBs, thus denying EV car owners the convenience of charging at home. https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2023/10/13/long-road-ahead-for-ev-charging-stations-in-condos
  5. Normal Charge (AC) 0% -100% takes about 8 hours. that is charging from home Quick Charge (DC) 30% - 80% takes about 30 minutes*. *Charging time depends on the remaining battery level and the power supply of the charging station. that would be charging from an commercial outlet such as petrol station
  6. Some Councils are trialing Cable gullies such as Surrey County Council The trials are expected to run for a minimum of three years, with 30 cable gullies and 50 AON chargers being installed in the first year. A new quota will be agreed for the following years and if the trial is deemed successful, the limit on numbers will be removed. https://news.surreycc.gov.uk/2023/06/15/kerbside-electric-vehicle-charging-trial-launches-in-surrey/ Majority of UK councils have no kerbside EV chargers Investigation also finds nearly half of councils have no plans to install residential on-street chargers in 2023 More than two-thirds of UK councils have yet to install any kerbside EV chargers, with just over six years to go until the UK government’s ban on the sale of new pure-combustion cars comes into effect. An investigation conducted by Vauxhall as part of its new 'Electric Streets of Britain' campaign found that 69% of councils do not have an on-street charge point and that 71.6% lack a published strategy for on-street residential charging. Of the councils that responded to the investigation, 45% stated they had no plans to install residential on-street chargers this year. https://www.autocar.co.uk/car-news/new-cars/majority-uk-councils-have-no-kerbside-ev-chargers
  7. That would depend on the EV charging rate and the power supply of the charging station Example Neta V Normal Charge (AC) 0% -100% takes about 8 hours. ● Quick Charge (DC) 30% - 80% takes about 30 minutes*. *Charging time depends on the remaining battery level and the power supply of the charging station. https://www.neta.co.th/en/news/brands-pr-news/Neta_ready_to_the_EV_in_Thailand#:~:text=Charging
  8. Problem is when anyone attempts to artificially inflate figures it normally goes horribly wrong for the whole of 2023 the total number was 76,314 cars I expect the total figures for 2024 will be 114,471 cars an increase of 50% from 2023 yearly sales I expect the January total figure of 13,653 will not be maintained over the next 11 months
  9. Correct and the Government doesn't release the subsidy ( Last year EV 3.0 was B150,000) to the brand/importer
  10. As a rule manufacturers don't cut their prices if the product is selling so well that they are unable to build fast enough prices cuts are often for 3 reasons lack of consumer interest Oversupply price reductions from competitors I have yet to see Apple Inc adopt this new pricing strategy of look our products are selling so well we should reduce the price The price of a high-end iPhone has increased 66% since 2009. Tim Cook says people are willing to pay more for 'the best.' https://www.businessinsider.com/apple-ceo-tim-cook-people-pay-more-for-best-iphone-2023-2
  11. These are just booking numbers, not all of these will turn into final sales The top 10 car brands with the most bookings were: 1. Toyota 7,245, 2. Honda (6,148), 3. BYD (5,455), 4. AION (4,568), 5. MG (3,568), 6. Changan (3,549), 7. Great Wall (3,524), 8. Isuzu (2,460), 9. Nissan (2,459), 10. Mazda (1,961). So how many Toyota, Honda,Isuzu and Nissan EV were sold all these brands are here in the Top 10 brands for most bookings https://www.nationthailand.com/gallery/infographic/40033775
  12. The total number of vehicles sales in Thailand for 2023 was 775,780 of which 76,314 were EV sales which represents 9.8% of the total vehicle sales don't know where you getting the 20 to 25% figure from unless there is a EV motoring equivalent of TAT
  13. Extremely unlikely in Thailand most manufacturers build Just in Time and the majority of manufacturers have a minor change to their vehicles every year so for example Toyota normally does it minor change in May or June actually they do published the details on their websites so for example in 2023 you could buy a vehicle in July 2023 with 2024 specs or if you purchased from existing stock it could be 2023 specs
  14. My point is when your order a car without specifying manufacturing months on the order form the dealership , if the dealer has one in stock that has been sitting around for 6-8 months that's the vehicle your more than likely end up with Now when you order if you say to the dealer you will only accept a vehicle that's has a manufacturing age of not more than 2 months old from your order date then the dealer can't try and supply you with a vehicle that has been in stock for 6-8 months The build date is listed in the blue book
  15. What you should do is before you place a deposit , on the order form is specify a manufacturing month such as no older than 2 or 3 months from order date some dealers will tell you they can't guarantee that they can meet your manufacturing months requirement's however when you advise them your going to a different dealership they will say they can meet your manufacturing months requirement's once it down on the order form they have to deliver or risk having an wanted car in their showroom and having to refund your initial deposit
  16. ts important to know what other dealers are prepared to offer before you decide to walk into your preferred dealership If you post in thai on the facebook groups you will receive many offers, majority of them will only be interested in low payment installment deals as they offer large comission to the sales agent. stick firm and state your only interested in cash deals. if they ask for a phone number give them a phone number of a Thai speaker the manufacturer sets the price and the manufacturer does build in a discount margin for the dealer to operate in, but if the dealer can get away with selling a vehicle at the manufacturer price more profit for the dealer, for certain months the manufacturer offers extra incentives to a dealer for buying the vehicle If you look at online insurance where they asked for the manufacturing month on the quote normally a December 2023 build has a lower capital value than a January 2024 build From March 2024 dealers will be looking to offload their 2023 stock Its a no-brainer you go into a showroom and a dealer tries to sell a 2023 model in stock for the same price as a 2024 model maybe with a 2 week delivery timeframe For a vehicle costing B1.3 Million baht depending on brand and model for a late 2023 model you should get approx 15-17% off list price with full warranty for a 2024 model discount will range from 7-8% Stay clear of the spare or demo cars once a set of plates are put on the car that when the warranty countdown starts
  17. Shamima Begum interview by the Times was published February 13th 2019 According to court documents published 22 February 2023 On 18th February 2019 the Secretary of State was provided with a Ministerial Submission, backed by other statements and assessments, recommending that Ms Begum be deprived of her British citizenship. The Secretary of State accepted that recommendation and on 19th February he decided to make a deprivation order under section 40(2) of the British Nationality Act 1981 https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Shamima-Begum-OPEN-Judgment.pdf Timeline is 6 days not the 24 hours that you posted
  18. she held Bangladeshi provisional citizenship by descent through her parents by virtue of section 5 of the Bangladesh Citizenship Act 1951 she needed to apply for full Bangladesh Citizenship before the age of 21 When the UK removed her British citizenship she was not stateless as she had access to Bangladesh Citizenship. She has made herself stateless by not applying for full Bangladesh Citizenship before the age of 21 In your example your British citizenship could be removed as you have access to Irish citizenship by your grandfather . If you didn't have access to Irish citizenship then the UK wouldn't be permitted to remove your UK citizenship
  19. government run pawn office doesn't accept motor vehicles and the max item can't exceed B100,000 https://www.pawn.co.th/#/pawn-service-item
  20. Are they repossesed? Unlikely WIll the finance company come after you? More than likely Can ownership be transferred? In Most Cases No as there is no Blue Book See threads here https://aseannow.com/topic/1219358-car-out-of-pawn-what-is-the-story-with-no-book/https://aseannow.com/topic/1140823-pawned-cars/ Over 130 cars sold illegally by “car for cash” dealer seized by police https://www.thaipbsworld.com/over-130-cars-sold-illegally-by-car-for-cash-dealer-seized-by-police/ Normally someone will report car stolen to finance company but in reality they have sold the vehicle to someone else without informing finance company
  21. I agree with you that a 50% growth on EV sales in Thailand is achievable on Pickups it will be interesting times if you divide pickup's into 2 categories 1) poser pickup and 2) workhorse pickups as they have different battery requirements with the workhorse pickups requiring a larger battery to cope with daily loads. I have seen reports of batteries being unstable or unreliable once the battery drops below 20% some EV owners reporting range drops from 12km to 0km in less than 30 seconds
  22. I don't think Toyota shareholders will care 2 hoots if you disagree with Akio Toyoda's statements The main difference I see is you want to force a product on people regardless if it meets their requirements or not where Toyota have a range of products and leaves the final choice to their customers At the moment people prefer hybrid over EV However, that doesn't mean Toyota is abandoning EV investment entirely. It unveiled two EVs concepts at the Japan Mobility Show this week, including a spiritual successor to the MR2, and it recently debuted concepts for an electric Land Cruiser and compact electric pickup. So Toyota is still very much invested in electric cars; it just also believes EVs are part of the answer for a carbon-neutral future. For now, the market appears to be bearing that out. https://www.thedrive.com/news/akio-toyoda-says-slowing-ev-demand-proves-he-was-right-all-along I expect EV sales to grow in Thailand this year but I don't think we will see total sales of 152,628 which would be a 100% increase of the 76,314 EV sold in 2023 as its a more cautious customer base that EV manufacturers have to sell to According to this article BYD look like their 1st pickup will be a gas hybrid As for the power option that BYD chooses to launch first in 2024, it will be a gasoline engine. It works with a plug-in hybrid electric motor (PHEV), while a pure electric version (BEV) will be ready for sale in 2025. https://www.headlightmag.com/2024-01-10-spyshots-byd-truck/
  23. Eager to avoid falling further behind Tesla and Chinese car companies, many Western auto executives are bypassing traditional suppliers and committing billions of dollars on deals with lithium mining companies. They are showing up in hard hats and steel-toed boots to scope out mines in places like Chile, Argentina, Quebec and Nevada to secure supplies of a metal that could make or break their companies as they move from gasoline to battery power. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/02/business/lithium-mining-automakers-electric-vehicles.html Akio Toyoda Says Slowing EV Demand Proves He Was Right All Along “People are finally seeing reality,” the former CEO said about the dangers of an all-in approach to EVs. And Toyota have shown they are correct in their 2024 profits Toyota Motor Corp. raised its full-year operating profit forecast for fiscal year 2024 by almost 9% following a strong earnings report, according to a Q3 earnings presentation released Tuesday. Toyota Motor Corp. said its full-year operating profits would be bolstered further by cost savings and an improved sales mix. https://www.automotivedive.com/news/toyota-Q3-2024-earnings-hybrids/706763/ Toyota don't have an issue with selling EV's they have a belief of not putting all your eggs in one basket EV only manufacturers do have a problem with falling sales as they have only 2 options At the moment we have seen that when have an overstock of EV or are not hitting their sales target their solution is price reduction which then has a knock on effect with other manufacturers Good for new customers not so good for existing EV owners as any price reduction has a knock on effect on the value of their present EV EV only manufacturers can't afford to scale back their scale back their current production lines mainly to protect their investment/profit margins as all their eggs are in a single basket https://www.thedrive.com/news/akio-toyoda-says-slowing-ev-demand-proves-he-was-right-all-along The the total number of vehicles sales in Thailand was 775,780 of which 76,314 were EV sales which represents 9.8% of the total vehicle sales EV's sales have a very long way to go in sales before they can be considered mainstream Any product that is largely reliant on large subsidies to generate sales can't be considered mainstream in 2022, pickup trucks accounted for 45.7% of all vehicle sales in Thailand, with 388,296 pickup trucks sold. The Thai pickup truck market is dominated by two models - the Isuzu D-Max and the Toyota Hilux https://www.giiresearch.com/report/cri1339028-thailand-light-truck-industry-research-report.html#:~:text=i How many electric pickup trucks have been sold in Thailand as far as I know zero
  24. I have already posted that Both Ford and GM have sourced their own supply of Lithium Its not just Toyota that is looking at alternative solutions to BEV BMW both have hydrogen models A Third of Drivers Don't Want a BEV - But are They Aware of the Alternatives? https://www.viritech.co.uk/blog/a-third-of-drivers-dont-want-a-bev-but-are-they-aware-of-the-alternatives# Toyota GAC Jpint Venture GAC Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. (Chinese: 广汽丰田汽车有限公司) is an automobile manufacturing company headquartered in Guangzhou, China and a joint-venture between GAC Group and Toyota Motor Company for manufacturing Toyota's model platform in the Chinese market. It was founded on 1 September 2004. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GAC_Toyota
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