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Everything posted by vinny41

  1. Does anyone know of the significance of the jack of hearts playing card found in her throat https://www.khaosod.co.th/breaking-news/news_8073804
  2. This is from Honda India CEO However, despite this continued push towards passenger FCEVs, Inoue admitted that a better bet for hydrogen-fuelled transport in the short term would be commercial vehicles. “Think about it: the fuel cell business comes from commercial vehicles first, then it’s coming to passenger vehicles,” he said. “The commercial vehicle business is going to start earlier — we’ve already started in China and some other countries — but it comes to passenger vehicles later, not now.” https://www.hydrogeninsight.com/transport/hydrogen-fuel-cell-cars-are-the-next-phase-after-battery-electric-vehicles-honda/2-1-1583947 Commercial vehicles 1st then passenger vehicles
  3. you list all the the reasons why EV sales volumes are growing exponentially yet we all know that not everyone has the facilities to charge at home and no mention of the environment in your list of reasons I think you will find that Toyota had to add an artificial engine noise to their hybrid Prius to alert pedestrians of an approaching vehicle
  4. Personally I think he is correct EV's will never have more than a third of the market In Japan Fossil fuels accounted for 72% of Japan’s electricity generation in 2021, a significant decrease from 89% share it accounted for in 2012. Nuclear and non-hydro renewables, specifically solar, have been the main sources replacing fossil fuels in Japan’s generation mix. The share of non-hydro renewables was the fastest-growing generation source, growing from under 3% in 2012 to 13% in 2021. Nuclear power’s share increased from under 2% to 6% over the same period.19 https://www.eia.gov/international/analysis/country/JPN Can't see many classic car owner's giving up their classic cars for EV Limited solution's available for people that have no access to charging facilities Limited solution available for commercial vehicles that have to carry huge loads and travel long distances I think EV's growth will go the same way as Betamax went in the betamax vs vhs war The US has had a 25 percent tariff on imported light-trucks since 1964 known as the Chicken Tax and Thailand has always had huge import tariffs on vehicles entering the Thai market
  5. Have you provide evidence of your claims to your EV Supplier and why haven't they taken action against your claims or was it the case that there is no evidence of your claims
  6. And a number of government's are putting regulations an import tariffs in place to control Chinese EV imports There is a 27.5% tariff on importing Chinese-made passenger vehicles to the US and no tax breaks or subsidies In Turkey new rules and regulations https://www.seaisi.org/details/23996?type=news-rooms Türkiye's doors are closed for 27 models: These cars will not be sold in 2024 https://www.gazeteduvar.com.tr/27-modelde-turkiye-kapisi-kapandi-bu-otomobiller-2024te-satilamayacak-galeri-1665148 Mainly Byd, MG and Neta models
  7. Toyota chief sees 30% share ceiling for BEVs Stressed the importance of having flexible powertrain offerings for future car buyers In remarks published on Toyota’s media site he said: “No matter how much progress BEVs make, I think they will still only have a 30% market share. Then, the remaining 70% will be HEVs , FCEVs , and hydrogen engines. And I think [combustion] engine cars will definitely remain.” He also pointed out the importance of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles: “One billion people around the world live in areas without electricity. https://www.just-auto.com/news/toyota-chief-sees-30-share-ceiling-for-bevs/?cf-view
  8. Toyota said it will install equipment that produces hydrogen using biogas made from chicken manure at Toyota’s Asia-Pacific headquarters in Samut Prakan province, located south of Bangkok. The manure will be provided by Thai poultry farms operated by CP Group and other parties, as well as food waste from the Toyota regional headquarters’ cafeteria. https://thainews.prd.go.th/en/news/detail/TCATG230628092928841 South Korea to produce biogas from organic waste resources Biogas is a gaseous renewable energy source produced from raw materials such as agricultural waste, plant material and manure and can be used in vehicles that operate on natural gas. https://asianews.network/south-korea-to-produce-biogas-from-organic-waste-resources/
  9. You can claim any time as you haven't claim your pension will have increased by 5.8% for each year you haven't claimed so over 5 years that would be an increase of 29% from whatever the amount was when you were eligible to claim
  10. Well the DWP has projected 74,000 prosecutions over the next 10 years starting from 2025 https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/uk-news/dwp-prosecute-74000-people-using-28244656
  11. What do you expect, the dwp will ask the banks to run a number of reports No direct debits, no council tax payments no utility payments
  12. When they have access to your bank account it will flag up no council tax payments no utility bill payments. no atm withdrawals, no shopping bills
  13. Once the DWP can access your bank account these are the areas of fraud they are interested in DWP analysis shows that the key areas where fraud is highest include: failing to declare moving abroad or dishonestly applying for benefits while living abroad. https://www.kentlive.news/news/kent-news/dwp-could-given-powers-speak-8895245
  14. I think you have forgotten about the Annual Canvass sent to the main householder each year The Canvass Reform regulations were introduced for the 2020 Annual Canvass. Each year all elector details held on the electoral register are matched against the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) records. Each elector is then given a match status – either green (matched) or red (unmatched). https://www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/council_and_democracy/voting_and_elections/voting/registering_to_vote.aspx
  15. I think you will find that Chinese global dominance will be curtailed by rules regulations and import taxes Some auto manufacturers have tried to circumvent USA 1964 chicken wire tax ( light trucks ) and most times they have failed with having to pay huge back taxes and penalties In Turkey the cheapest new car is an ICE kia picanto 1.0 manual at B954K Chinese auto imports into Turkey come with a whopping 50% customs duty China is the largest EV exporter to Turkey. During January-October, China is believed to have sold $184 million worth of EVs to Turkey, almost double the figure in the whole of 2022. Such imports are subject to a 50% customs duty, after Turkey added a 40% tariff on Chinese EV imports earlier this year. https://www.seaisi.org/details/23996?type=news-rooms It should be remembered global dominance doesn't always bode well for the end consumer thinking about early 70s when the Bunker Hunts tried to corner and control the price of Silver
  16. I know someone that sent their documents to the probate office in January 2023 and received their probate certificate in November 2023 and all documents were correctly filled in The official Gov website doesn't show when it was last updated it was showing 16 weeks timeline back in 2016 when asked probate office advised delay was down to substantial increase in the number of deaths during Covid, and lockdowns, people working from home and the increased backlog due to Covid
  17. It does depend on where the EV are built carbon footprint even point Car's produced in Norway the breakpoint is 13,000 KM ( Built mainly using hydro electric ) Cars produced in Poland and China the breakpoint is 126,000 KM ( Built mainly using Brown Coal ) 13:30
  18. EV SHOCK: Head of world's No1 automaker Toyota says battery EVs will never account for more than 3 in 10 vehicles sold - as 'customers not regulations or politics will decide' fate https://www.dailymail.co.uk/yourmoney/article-12996281/toyota-chairman-evs-market-share.html
  19. Not all diesel engines are belching toxic and smelly fumes when they are serviced according to their schedule and diesel is used in the parts delivery to EV production plants, during production, distribution of EV from factory to designated country and from entry port to local dealer Some manufacturers in Thailand already meet Euro 5 or 6 compliance for their engines Prepare to receive! Euro 5 car standards come into force on 1 Jan. 2024 for small diesel cars - all types of trucks. https://www.mreport.co.th/news/government-news/306-mandates-euro-5-emission-standards-for-vehicles-starting-2024 Euro 5 the standard for diesel fuel on January 1st 2024 https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40034126
  20. Nigel Farage: I’ll be leader of the UK Conservative Party by 2026 https://www.politico.eu/article/nigel-farage-leader-uk-conservative-party-2026/
  21. Her is a quote from her in October 2023 “This is making it difficult for any of the main parties to use Brexit to their own electoral advantages. While the party leaders’ natural inclination will be to shut up about the whole thing, there’s a lot in it for the leader who can show that there’s a route to a bright future outside the EU, no matter how we got here.”https://www.research-live.com/article/news/economic-issues-partly-blamed-on-brexit-by-uk-voters/id/5118193
  22. That is easy to see based on the number of articles Wolf has written about Brexit and it appears other members of his family are getting in on the act " Even more telling is a report by UK in a Changing Europe and Public First (of which my daughter is founding partner)," https://www.ft.com/content/9c2df35f-555a-4c34-84e6-93e125d6c410
  23. Post of repair bill for MG4 MG4 doesn't have modular batteries like other MG EV where it is possible just to replace a single faulty battery module 1st inspection repair cost B195K some concerns raised about battery There is a bump around the frame of the battery, the frame can be changed) Contact to inform that it's true that the battery is not damaged but there are scars from impact. Are you afraid that there will be long-term effects on usage? 2nd inspection repair cost B757K https://www.facebook.com/groups/2389905174463399/permalink/7022103224576881 Major concern within the comments section is the number of people that think they are capable of buying the damaged car and repairing it themselves to sell on at a profit
  24. Domestic car sales from January to November 2023 totalled 707,454 vehicles, sales of electric cars from January to November, totalled 64,815 units Still a long way to go before EV's become the mainstream of total car sales in Thailand https://www.nationthailand.com/business/automobile/40034002
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