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Posts posted by damascase

  1. 6 hours ago, Thongkorn said:

    All self inflicted by the EU bring it on, If they had acted like Adults and actually put some positive input into the negotiations  things could have been better, But their nastiness to try and stop Britain leaving is all to prevalent for the world to see,  So Britain is doing the right thing, In leaving a corrupt Political Quango.

    Well, the EU is still waiting - more than 3 years now - for some positive input by the UK, apparently. Nobody tries to stop the UK leaving. If you want out, please go, but don’t blame it on others.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, DannyCarlton said:

    Does it block everything that disagrees with the Farage/Cummings doctrine.


    It's too long to post in full. Here's a flavour:


    "Boris Johnson’s flirtation with dishonesty has cost him at least three jobs and damaged his standing with the people of Liverpool and London.

    The Conservative frontrunner is now facing a possible private prosecution for intentionally misleading voters during the EU referendum campaign.


    And while he once told The Independent that his mistakes “are too numerous to list in full”, here is our roundup of his seven most notorius untruths."


    The one lie that I wasn't aware of is this:


    "Misrepresenting the people of Liverpool

    Mr Johnson became editor of the Spectator in 1999 after telling owner Conrad Black, who was later convicted of fraud, that he would not pursue a political career. This promise was broken in 2001 when he won election as Conservative MP for Henley in Oxfordshire.

    Three years later he was forced to apologise for an article in the magazine which blamed drunken Liverpool fans for the 1989 Hillsborough disaster and suggested that the people of the city were wallowing in their victim status.

    “Anyone, journalist or politician, should say sorry to the people of Liverpool – as I do – for misrepresenting what happened at Hillsborough,” he said."


    Very surprised that @Laughing Gravy supports this worthless POS.

    ‘Boris Johnson’s flirtation with dishonesty’ - now isn’t that a great example of an euphemism?

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, JonnyF said:

    Absolutely, they always have a backup plan, what if it rained for example?


    This was obviously planned. They did this to May as well. Mocked her, refused to greet her, nebulous comments etc. Then there was Tusk's "special place in hell comments" for British MP's. 


    Totally lacking class and maturity. Playing right into the hands of Brexiteers as well. I hope they keep this up, plenty of ammunition for whenever Parliament decides to allow Democracy to return to the UK.


    Totally lacking class and maturity’: thanks for a good laugh. Luckily ‘class and maturity’ are signature dishes in the Brexit kitchen.

  4. 1 hour ago, CaptainNemo said:


    in fact, of the 65,000,000 population of the UK, approximately 49,000,000 people chose not to remain.

    What's next, imaginary numbers?




    1. Brexit creates a solution.

    2. Remainers create a problem.
    2. Remainers don’t have solution.
    3. Remainers comes up with problem.
    4. Brexiters don’t like problem.
    5. Remainers blame Brexit for problem.
    6. Remainers threaten Brexit.
    7. Brexiters calmly points out facts.
    8. Remainers dismisses facts, and attempt to trash constitution, recruiting the judiciary.
    9. Repeat monthly, yearly, and Remainers refuse to hold a General Election until you get their own way.

    What problem exactly did Brexit create a solution for? 

    It is Brexit that created all of the problems, so deal with it instead of blaming others. What about coming up with a concrete proposal on what you want, instead of only saying what you don’t want?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 1 minute ago, roobaa01 said:

    was alcoholic junker sober when he spoke ??? how can an mentally unfit alcoholic negotiate ??




    As BJ didn’t bring any proposals to the table there was nothing to negotiate, I’m afraid. I read reports this morning in which it was said that the participants found Boris’ knowledge of Brexit rather underwhelming (to put it mildly). So it appears he traveled to Luxembourg both empty-handed and empty-minded, as far as ‘seeking a deal’ is concerned,

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, RAZZELL said:

    Yep, nice to take lessons in diplomacy from a country with a population less than the size of Birmingham and whose entire economy is based on facilitating dodgy corporate banking and tax avoidance: 





    Oh, you mean they copied those operators in the City?

    Yeah, blame everything and everybody, but not BJ.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 6 hours ago, villagefarang said:

    It has always been my understanding that marriage could be done any day of the week because the paperwork has to be sent off to Bangkok, anyway, for approval.  Retirement is limited to Monday and Wednesday because those are the two days the IO required to approve and sign the renewal is present at the Chiang Rai office.

    You could very well be right. I was absolutely sure about the retirement based one and assumed - most likely incorrectly - that the same would be valid for a marriage extension; I wasn’t aware of the approval having to be granted by Bangkok.

    By the way, I meant to quote the opening post instead of yours, sorry.

  8. 10 minutes ago, villagefarang said:

    Monday and Wednesday for retirement, not sure what you mean by new visa.

    If you mean extensions based on marriage or retirement: Monday and Wednesday. But you can also apply at the Mae Sai office (not the border station!) 5 days a week.

    • Like 2
  9. 3 hours ago, damascase said:

    That goes for many mountain passes in the Alps too. The Stelvio Pass in my above picture sometimes doesn’t open till mid-June and may well have to be closed before the end of September. Depends on snowfall. Mid-June of this year I went up the Timmelsjoch Pass on the Austrian - Italian border, and that road opened only  on June 8 of this year. Still large snow walls roadside. 

    The above mentioned road to the Timmelsjoch Pass, near the 2509m top, on June 17 of this year. Took my Thai gf there (by car), hadn’t seen snow before in her life. Very, very impressed and excited...........



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