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Everything posted by harrycallahan

  1. Those are rookie numbers.! Get some American police over there to teach them how to neutralise a threat.
  2. Let me get this straight - there's wallets lying around Khao San Rd with 1000B in them, and if you find one and keep the money all you're guilty of is defeating a scammer? ????
  3. Why stop at dual? They need passports to travel so they can price it - anything - based on the GDP of the customer's country. Not so good for Singaporeans, but great for Burundians.
  4. PM sets target of zero lives lost in Thailand by 2050 with a two-thirds reduction in fatalities by 2027 If with everyone in self-driving cars that seems optimistic, to say the least.
  5. I didn't think the The Village People sang: In the navy, you can film women while they pee.
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