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Everything posted by koratkarlos

  1. Concerning the delay with the US Pfizer second shipment, it really does not matter who said what. The bottom line is that this vaccine is in the US and not here. And the Thai people suffer. Good managers cut through this confusion and make things happen. But nothing happens, just empty promises. Always delays and excuses. The Thai people deserve better. We all do.
  2. You really begin to wonder if this government cares about the Thai people. The lack of scientific and medical discipline is concerning.
  3. Well I am not sure about the numbers. I hope they are reflective of the general downward trend. But I am sure about the COVID 19 quarantine center started yesterday one kilometer away from my house. And I live in the country. There were 30 people there yesterday morning - all sitting socially distanced. My reaction is that the published numbers don't matter now. That COVID is in my neighborhood and I must keep my guard up and maintain the social distancing, mask wearing and completion of my vaccination.
  4. Driving around down town Chiang Mai today - So many businesses are closed. It will take some time for things to ramp up again, maybe 6 months. Maybe more. I hope people get vaccinated promptly as it appears there is no stopping the re-opening of Thailand.
  5. What I am having trouble understanding today, if my facts are right - I'm not sure, is that people will be required to double mask Oct. 1 to dine at a restaurant while people can fly all over Thailand with the only restriction being a simple, valve-free mask. Really? It certainly appears this country will open up full throttle. If the case numbers do not go up in the next several weeks it is quite clear that all of the facts are not being put on the table. My plans are to get fully vaccinated with the Pfizer, one shot already, thank you USA and Thailand, try my best to get vaccine for my wife, then continue to stay home and social distance. Something smells funny to me.
  6. I am retired here for 3 years now. For me my Thai marriage is much better than the one I had back in America. There are many good hearted woman here. And for the money, my life is better here than what I would have back home. So if I ignore the politics and focus on a relaxed lifestyle, then Thailand is a good place to be. I really enjoy the warm weather too!
  7. In my humble opinion the mix of Astra Zeneca and mRNA will work and be safe. But the truth here is that these decisions are not based on science, they are based on the available vaccine supply. So any reference to good science while may be true is just cover for the fact that SB does not make enough AZ, they did not order enough AZ, they did not order enough mRNA vaccine and that Sinovac although somewhat helpful is not as good as the other widely used vaccines. I truly wish they would stop trying to reinvent this vaccination plan and stick to what has proven to work in other countries.
  8. I believe this also. If the cases do not go up perhaps the testing, data compilation and reporting are not so accurate, as been stated before. We will see.
  9. If you need health records consider going to a local hospital or clinic to get a "health checkup." It is a good thing to do anyway. They check your blood, weight, BMI, chest x-ray, urine and probably an EKG all for around 2000 THB with a brief talk to a doctor. Of course you can get more elaborate testing done also for more money. You can go in the morning fasting with no food and be out by lunch. Easy.
  10. They caught him. He is captured on TV now. He was caught in Chonburi and now in custody in Bangkok.
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