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Posts posted by Teee

  1. The easy way of making sure the Junta stay in power. Have 1 to 6 on the ballot paper. They add up the votes and pronounce the winner. 

    But the winner will always be the Junta.

    Very good...one way to ensure they keep control.

    The whole world should be reporting on this esp as they have already said they will not allow outside observers.

    The more its reported in the news of every country in the world will put more pressure on this crazy countries ways.

    But we all know what the world thinks of Thailand.

    Happy place to have a holiday. So not bothered about it.

    I was thinking of living in Thailand rest of my life...ha ha no chance.

    I dont want thai bride that wants your money. I dont want a lb who only wants your money.

    Heck i just want a gorgeous beach.

    And there are lots of them around the world.

  2. On 10/18/2018 at 10:45 AM, White Tiger said:

    212 this morning.

    Me thinks this is going no where.

    To reach 10000 in 7 weeks...its not going to happen.

    To reach the 100000 your wasting your time.

    Funny to think that there is so many ex pats living in Thailand, that they cant be bothered to sign this.


    Looks like your going to have to transfer the money into a thai bank, or if you have no money to do that...go back home.

  3. 4 hours ago, Teee said:

    Yes Im a new to joining in on the comments people make on this site. But i have read the post and even copied direct from the Govt website the details for you all to see.

    By the way i have been looking at this site for 18 months...so not wet behind my ears.

    Just decided to join in with this discussion as most people on here are up in arms about what is happening.

    Cant see the problem really...why travel half way across the world to live counting the bht. 

    During my year living in Bkk i encounted many many retirees moaning about currency exchange dwindling their money.

    And about having to now go rent a place for 3000 bht a month to survive.

    I was just making my comments known in this free world of communication that if you dont have the money why stay there.

    I enjoyed Thailand whilst living there but find it expensive apart from housing to rent and transport.

    Food and drink expensive compared to the UK.

    And looking back on a lot of comments over the last 18 months on here re cost of living in Thailand

    I have not said anything different that many others have said about it being expensive now.

    As i also said...if you cant abide by the financial rules laid down by the Govt of the land you choose to live then seems maybe you must not be contributing to the economy of the country.

    They are now more interested in having tourists that come spend lots of money for 2 weeks or a month then go. 

    Not people that decide to retire with little or no finances to go to the shopping malls and spend thousands of bht every week or month.

    And please dont reply by saying retirees do contribute by keeping a thai wife and her brood of kids from a thai husband and look after her family.

    Thats not helping the economy...thats just the retiree throwing his money away.



    4 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Nothing in your post about the actual TOPIC. Absolutely NOTHING. I don't care if you're new or old but just stating the obvious. 

    The actual topic is about an issue with embassies issuing income letters. Specifically the British. 
    There has been no change in Thai immigration options for retirement extensions. It's not a topic about morality or preaching to people. It's about technical issues about retirement extensions at Thai immigration.

    Maybe you should read back on the comments re the TOPIC i have made including a post direct from the UK Govt web site.

    And i have made certain comments following on from others being upset that this has happened. If its a big concern that people can not prove that they have 800000 bht in the bank to obtain the Visa...because the easy option of going to the Embassy to obtain a Letter (not correctly verifying income) has been taken away...then maybe leave and go somewhere else.

    As i also said...the Thai Govt i think has decided that they do not want people living in there country on a retirement visa. Hence the change in what is required re money.


    They are only interested in tourists who come and spend lots of money.


    The last paragraph you should read again and again...eventally you will understand what is happening.

  4. 6 hours ago, sambum said:

    I can see that you are new on here but it would help you tremendously to read the post properly before commenting.

    Simple really.

    Yes Im a new to joining in on the comments people make on this site. But i have read the post and even copied direct from the Govt website the details for you all to see.

    By the way i have been looking at this site for 18 months...so not wet behind my ears.

    Just decided to join in with this discussion as most people on here are up in arms about what is happening.

    Cant see the problem really...why travel half way across the world to live counting the bht. 

    During my year living in Bkk i encounted many many retirees moaning about currency exchange dwindling their money.

    And about having to now go rent a place for 3000 bht a month to survive.

    I was just making my comments known in this free world of communication that if you dont have the money why stay there.

    I enjoyed Thailand whilst living there but find it expensive apart from housing to rent and transport.

    Food and drink expensive compared to the UK.

    And looking back on a lot of comments over the last 18 months on here re cost of living in Thailand

    I have not said anything different that many others have said about it being expensive now.

    As i also said...if you cant abide by the financial rules laid down by the Govt of the land you choose to live then seems maybe you must not be contributing to the economy of the country.

    They are now more interested in having tourists that come spend lots of money for 2 weeks or a month then go. 

    Not people that decide to retire with little or no finances to go to the shopping malls and spend thousands of bht every week or month.

    And please dont reply by saying retirees do contribute by keeping a thai wife and her brood of kids from a thai husband and look after her family.

    Thats not helping the economy...thats just the retiree throwing his money away.


    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, sambum said:

    "you have to prove you have the money to live and contribute to the economy."


    Which is EXACTLY what the "Proof of Income" letter provided  - that's what it says on the tin - PROOF OF INCOME!!! Doh!

    Proof of Income letter proves nothing. By all the comments on here...seems you did not prove anything apart from making up figures and getting the Embassy to say yes thats ok...without verification.

    Does not prove you have money.

    To get visa say in UK you have to show Bank Statements real ones and stamped by the bank to show that document is genuine.


  6. As I said...maybe all the changes that is happening from Thai Immigration and now having to prove you have the money to actually live and contribute financially to the economy if you cant show that you do then they dont want you there...so you move on.

    Same in any country. 

    For someone to get a Visa for most countries you have to prove you have the money to live and contribute to the economy.

    If you dont then you dont get a Visa.

    Simple really.

  7. Why is everyone blaming the British Embassy for this.

    This has come direct from the UK Govt.

    Look on gov.uk website.

    I dont think its a problem. The only people that should be concerned is the ones who live in Thailand with hardly any money.

    I dont live in Thailand. I spent almost 1 year in Bkk and returned home in June.

    Thailand is expensive.

    Housing and transport is cheap and cost of hotels are cheap when i wanted to travel to the beach.

    But honestly...street food from filthy road side sellers at 50bht does not appeal to me.

    Cheaper to eat and drink in UK.

    I never went to Thailand to go girlie bars or such (never appealed to me) as i was living with my gf (not thai).

    Can all you ex pats tell me what the appeal is of living in Thailand on 15,000bht a month after taking off housing costs?

    I was spending 25000bht after paying my half share of condo cost a month.

    My idea of going to live somewhere other than at home in the UK watching where i spend my money and keeping tabs on how many times i go out in a month just does not do it for me.

    Maybe with all that is happening in Thailand with immigration time you went back home instead of moaning.

    Maybe its Thailand just had enough of people living there and not spending much money that is not helping the economy. 

    Tourists are what they are wanting...not people living there and not really contributing apart from buying a 80bht Chang or Leo.




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