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  1. im not sure why they whinning the value of the uk pensions is up 15% over last 5 years story failed to mention that basic fact
  2. im not sure why they whinning the value of the uk pensions is up 15% over last 5 years story failed to mention that basic fact
  3. you must know at the AGM meeting they provide details if not just ask for last years financials, a shocking reply from any condo owner!
  4. thats the dumbest reply ive heard 😝 you suggesting him to drop his gf and pick up a thai off the street as it would be easier? these arent cars, they people in relationships!
  5. just how would you put that on your AC 🤔 how about taking a meter reading and running each for many hours at the same time over several days and see which one uses more (if you really wanted to know)
  6. mine is charging 900 and now saying "not in stock" so its not just the cost in many cases
  7. same here! does not work but I hope everyone had a nice day at the unvailing.
  8. yes im sure if you ask nicely the scammer will return the funds pronto
  9. thailand hes all yours for 90 visa free days!! whats the next bright idea to attract the best brightest and richest tourist
  10. We went to Jomtien Imm last friday to do 30d extension. was "politely" told to come back on Wed" (we had a Dr appointment on Wed hence we tried to do it earlier) While inline we saw a sign to do it online "faster and easier" I went home and did, at a cost 1900 (same) plus 500 for "express service" (cheapest option i saw) which allows you to book an appointment time and day and we did at 10am on Wed... and here is what happened! 1. its done via VFS (immigration farms out the document collection) but their "custormer service and support is far from good" im told not to state my honest opinion of VFS online in case they take you to police (read between the lines) 2. they asked for another photo of bio page, ok, but we CANNOT upload it to the system, and for 3 days i tried ( browers, devices, clearing caches and history, NOTHING), after 5 emails i finally get a reply 3 days later on Monday (maybe they dont work on weekend, thanks for telling us) "we recieved docs and now in process" 2 full days to process, lots of time but again NO 3. No approval received but we arrived on time for our appointment, and while INLINE they sent an approval (ie 5 min before appointment)and saying we had to print out 5 different docs (no point telling that at the very start that would be no fun) so we had to do that first 4. then the "officer" at info desk said "nope had to do a new TM30" because ours was done online (i had a copy) which was accepted online and i think she was wrong but you do as they say!! (#1 rule at immigration dont argue with a person with a jacket on) 5. After the tm30 side dance, we waited inline with no "special appointment" as advertised to get visa extension. (we were like everyone else looking scared and stupid a tv screen waiting for 1A123456 blink or even get witin 30 numbers is a joy) 6. We got to the infamous Desk #1A and she had NO idea what this was and had to call in the reserve army to help out. 7. Four senior officers tried to figure it out which took about 30-40 mins, meanwhile 11 walkins were processed in same time. 8. Finally I got the new stamp (differnt than the regular stamp but does the same same), the only good news, it was given at the same time. no wait or having to come back tomorrow. 9. We left after a 5 hour family fun trip to immigrations. BUT then as we were walking down the street and just before the heavens opened up an office ran after us and asked us to come back "to take photo with the inspector because we were the first online extention visa given" (im sure they thought they made a mistake and would rip the page out of passport but No) We did the photo op and everyone was happy, and in some sick way we were too. FYI as the officers were trying to figure out this new system they told us "dont use the online system" hint hint Honestly the final 4 senior officers were nice and friendly, yes you heard me correctly and im not under the influence alcohol or under duress as i wrote that. In the end, it was more expensive it "took longer and was harder" something i dont say often 😁. They need a new sign!! Im no expert but maybe they should hire a different guy to design their websites, Url Wong at '404webdeigns' (a joke for the computer savy readers) is just not getting the jobs done.
  11. you talking about Russians or Americans?
  12. im worried now! i have 45 days in the office pool.
  13. ya but do you really want to stay on the wrong side of these people. these taxi drivers have friends in low places ????
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