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Everything posted by jonwilly

  1. I came passed John’s Place yesterday afternoon to see that it was now open and that the front bar has been done away with and both bars now one large area. is it still owned by John and s anyone know the opening times ? John
  2. I am 74 English and have received 4 Vac Shots up here in CM over the course of this year. All FREE of charge curtesy of Thai Government. john
  3. Thank you for your replies. My last belt was made at the Burmese Market on the border near Pratchuep Kiri Khan. Hand made and measured up on the spot. Very cheap. However due to medical problems I have not been able to take my normal yearly visit during our Burning season, which I must say was not too bad this year. In previous years I have used two Leather Shops in CM and found both very poor quality. john
  4. Can anyone tell me where I can get a new leather belt made in Chiang Mai. John
  5. One of the original corner forts of Kampangdin is still there located on the South West corner off Mahidol Road. John
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