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Posts posted by l4ml4m

  1. 20 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Not yet at Royal Garden but I think they still have a location at the Avenue Mall and perhaps other locations?


    No they never had a restaurant a Pattaya, only 2 wine shops.


    The one that will open is the first restaurant here. Maybe nothing so special about them but it was my fav franchise in BKK, cheap and good enough I think.





  2. On 10/26/2018 at 4:12 PM, AlexCanada said:

    Royal Garden


    Walked through Royal Garden this afternoon.  Pretty quiet for sure.  Noticed a handful of shops on the first floor that were either brand new or the space was empty.  That was not usually the case pre-T21.


    On Beach Road where Hawker Chan once was there are 2 new restaurants coming, one on either side of Burger King.  One is an East Indian vegan restaurant and another is a Wine themed restaurant.  I likely won't be going to either but thought some here may be interested.






    Sorry, is wine connection opened ? I like it in BKK, cheap and ok food (I am not expert so price is important).



  3. On 10/31/2018 at 8:56 PM, Jingthing said:

    Shock and awe in the Jomtien pizza world. ????

    Pizza Art suddenly REPLACED by Pizza Da Nicola.

    Tappraya road (at View Talay 2 across from Jomtien Complex).





    Can I know where you like to eat around Jomtien, beginning of the beach or near Viewtalay on Thapraya road ?


    And where is this pizza ? On the main street ? is it overpriced ?





  4. 27 minutes ago, BestB said:

    Ever been to that hospital ? 8-10 hour waits and staff lets just say “ not all smiles”


    Once saw a guy with 1 eye popping out and bleeding profusely , it was a Friday , he was screamed at to come back on Monday because eye doctor not come work.


    they could have sent him to Chonburi or offer some basic assistance, instead just abused the crap out of him .


    stray dogs is the least of their problems ????


    yes this is really an hospital for dogs !





  5. On 2/2/2017 at 6:31 PM, questionsreplies said:

    The problem with public hospitals is that they won't do what they think you don't need. Prior to any serious procedure they will give you medicine after talking with you 30 seconds.


    In a private hosp you get anything you want and even what you don't want and need as long as you pay.




    This is the problem with public hospitals, they absolutely do the minimum check and could miss something...



  6. On 3/22/2015 at 2:20 PM, Sheryl said:

    Actually, a WBC differential (if the WBC is elevated) will indeed help distinguish between a viral and bacterial infection.

    There are several factors that go into the overuse (and indeed, there is overuse) of antibiotics by thai doctors:

    1 - Thai doctors seem partial to use of antibiotics prophylactically and will knowingly give them for viral infections to prevent bacterial super-infection. While that can occur, prevailing medical thought is that the risks of overuse of antibiotics outweighs this and that antibiotics should not usually be so used, but this has not made its way into Thai practice.

    2 - Patients are assumed to expect/want antibiotics and multiple medications in general, so it is also done not to "disappoint" the patient. (This also explains why every visit seems to result in no less than 3 drugs, at least some of them unnecessary). This assumption is in fact true as regards Thai patients, who tend to equate the amount and potency of medication given to the quality of care.

    3 - Thai doctors tend to assume patients have no understanding of their condition and cannot be relied upon to keep follow up appointments. While how to explain things to patients in layman's terms is a big part of medical education i nthe West (and an even bigger part of nursing education), this does nto seem to be the case in Thailand and many Thai doctors have no idea how to explain something in non-technical terms. This is a big factor in a lot of Thai medical behavior, including for example recommending hysterectomies to women with cervical dysplasia when a "wait and see" approach would be preferred (they assume she will not come back for follow up, so safer to operate). Of course this belief is a self-fulfilling prophecy in not explaining the rationale for treatment or nature of the problem (since patients are assumed to be incapable of understanding), does indeed make it likely patients will fail to follow advice given. People do not, in fact, do things that don't make sense to them, even though "doctor says so".

    4 - Cultures take a few days to get the results. See #3 above - the patient may not return for the result and treatment. And #1 above - patients will be unhappy to be just tested and told to come back, they'll want immediate treatment. In addition, the delay in starting treatment can sometimes have adverse consequences. Even in the West, doctors will often start treatment without a culture and then use the C&S results to determine whether to continue it, especially if the patient is acutely uncomfortable and/or clinical signs strongly suggest a bacterial infection. With some very common problems that are almost always bacterial and usually due to just a few bacteria (e.g. UTIs in women) it is accepted even in the West to treat empirically first and do a C&S only if the patient fails to improve.

    5 - Doctors working out of private offices/small clinics often lack lab facilities. Where this is true, there is a marked tendency not to order tests even when clearly necessary. It seems to be considered a "loss of face" to send the patient elsewhere, and they'll try to fit the treatment to the facilities available to them. (This is also true of Vetinarians....my local Vet for years was spaying and neutering with no lab work. Now that he has a lab, he checks the RBCs and platlets first as is correct practice).

    All that said, you should always take the initiative in (1) clearly telling the doctor you do not want any medications that are not absolutely necessary (this will be a complete surprise to doctors unused to farang patients); (2) asking about getting a CBC and (if applicable) culture done -- in fact, insisiting on a culture in certain cases such as a suspected wound infection; and (3) in general asking for an explanation of the treatment being given. If the doctor does not react well to all this -- change doctors.

    These problems are much rarer in doctors who trained in the West.



    Really clear explanation ! Thank you !


    For example in case of tonsillitis, it seems that they always give antibiotics without trying to know if it's viral. Is it the case at any hospital, even private ?


    Thank you.



  7. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

    As he says he feels "nothing" it is unlikely he has gastritis.


    Sorry but it seems really incorrect, or 3 doctors are just stupid idiots ?




    Gastritis can sometimes lead to pain, nausea and vomiting. But it often has no symptoms at all. If left untreated, though, some types of gastritis can lead to ulcers (sores in the stomach lining) or even stomach cancer.




  8. 54 minutes ago, sweatalot said:

    they never get cured for reasons, like their problem is not caused by hyperacity but by other problems, they take it on and off just as a symptom killer not in the proper dose, they continue their damaging lifestyle, they have h.p infection which needs more than omeprazole etc.


    You have no idea what you are talking about. If you have no expertise you'd better be quiet.



    Nice to meet another doctor, but as it is me who has posted the question, I can comment as much as I want, and you are not invited to reply if you have nothing smart to tell. Thank you.




  9. 2 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    If a gastroscopy shows nothing then the person did  NOT have gastritis nor an ulcer ("wound" in the stomach or duodenum).


    I had a gastroscopy and it found gastritis, an ulcer and h. pylori infection. All of which were then successfully treated.


    i know several people who had gastroscopies that found gastric cancer. Some in time for successful treatment/cure and some not.


    Your diagnosis is questionable and unconfirmed making the question of how to cure it somewhat pointless.


    How by the way was h. pylori excluded? Most gastritis is due to h. pylori, if you had a reliable test that was negative then that is further reason to doubt you actually have gastritis.


    What exactly do you mean by: " have no strong symptoms but feel like a wound in the stomach". ?  Where exactly in your abdomen do you feel this and what makes you say it feels like a "wound"?


    Gastritis symptoms would usually be described as pretty strong. So much so that they can mimic a heart attack.






    I visited 5 doctors, 3 in public hospitals and 2 in private.


    3 public doctors told me that I didn't need a gastroscopy even when I told them that I was ready to pay.

    2 private doctors told me that I needed a gastroscopy even when I told them that I was NOT ready to pay.


    For the 3 public doctors it was clear that at 40 years old it cannot be anything but a gastritis, especially with my bad eating habits.

    2 private doctors didn't want to tell what it is before doing a gastroscopy...


    To make it clear I almost feel nothing except maybe when I have an empty stomach, and it's not even a pain, it's like if I had cut 2cm of skin n my arm, not a pain, just feel it.


    Since years that I have it I have not been able to stop the bad habits, this is why I still have it I guess.

    It seems that it can take months of healthy life to be able to cure it, which is quite logic and seems easy to understand: if I put some alcohol on a wound on my arm it will take longer to heal also...








  10. 1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

    If a gastroscopy shows nothing then the person did  NOT have gastritis nor an ulcer ("wound" in the stomach or duodenum).


    I had a gastroscopy and it found gastritis, an ulcer and h. pylori infection. All of which were then successfully treated.


    i know several people who had gastroscopies that found gastric cancer. Some in time for successful treatment/cure and some not.


    Your diagnosis is questionable and unconfirmed making the question of how to cure it somewhat pointless.


    How by the way was h. pylori excluded? Most gastritis is due to h. pylori, if you had a reliable test that was negative then that is further reason to doubt you actually have gastritis.


    What exactly do you mean by: " have no strong symptoms but feel like a wound in the stomach". ?  Where exactly in your abdomen do you feel this and what makes you say it feels like a "wound"?


    Gastritis symptoms would usually be described as pretty strong. So much so that they can mimic a heart attack.






    So before even trying to have a healthy lifestyle you burn 40000 thb for a useless gastroscropy ?


    So many people around internet have gastritis caused by food and not by h pilory, included me.


    It's weird that you do not know that eating more spicy than Thai for years and drinking more than reasonably hurt stomach linen, which is a gastritis ?!


    Sorry if I am wrong but this is what ALL doctors that I have seen told me and what I have read everywhere online.










  11. 13 minutes ago, sweatalot said:

    There is a way to find out if it is gastritis or a duodenal ulcer or similar. This might also solve your problems. Take omeprazol 40 mg before breakfast for 3 weeks. If the symptoms disappear the diagnosis is likely an acid correlated gastric problem (Ulcer, gastritis, duodenitis, GERD, hiatus hernia) if they don't or come back you definitely need gastroscopy . If that comes up negative coronary heart disease pancreas and gallbadder problem needs to be ruled out. (instead of omeprazole you could use any of the other PPI like pantoprazole, lansoprazol, esopromazol - they are newer, more espensive but similar efective - no use to waste money). 

    Handle stress, stop smoking, have a healthy diet - no acid stuff, no hot spices, no high percent alcohol, no full stomach at night, would be quite useful as well.  


    People take omeprazole all their life and never get cured, this is totally useless.


    Yes, I still think that there is nothing else to do but eat well and stop drinking for months or years.





  12. 3 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    Have you had a gastroscopy?


    If not you should to confirm the diagnosis and rule out anything else.


    if you did have a gastroscopy, what were the exact findings? (post copy here, blocking out your name)


    Thank you but no, doctors said that I don't need it and I also think that I don't.


    Everybody whom I know in this life who did one didn't find anything and it was pure waste of money.

    Do you know anybody who had real problems when doctors were thinking that it was just a gastritis ?


    I do not want to have one done and would first like to hear experience of people who cured a gastritis thanks to a healthy lifestyle.


    Thank you again.









  13. hello,


    I have a gastritis and have tried to take some of the usual treatments and pills that hospitals give, but it seems that they are actually quite useless and that what is important is to eat healthy food and stop alcohol or anything else bad for stomach linen, can you confirm ?


    I have no strong symptoms but feel like a wound in the stomach and doctor seems sure that it's a gastritis.

    I have tested and I do not have h-pylori infection, so it's cleat that my gastritis is caused by bad eating habits and alcohol.


    I am wondering if anybody has been able to cure a gastritis by just changing his lifestyle, as the meds that doctors give seem not only useless but also really not safe.


    I am really thinking that I should do something as I have it for years and it might not be a good idea to keep a wound in my stomach linen forever.


    Any idea or recommendation ?


    Thank you all for your help and experience sharing.












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