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Posts posted by l4ml4m

  1. On 10/6/2018 at 7:21 PM, joloit said:


    although this topic is quite old, I would like to give you some infos about tiny houses in Thailand. I am past the planning stage and slowly but surely I'm closer to my dream of building my tiny house.

    One thing, I guess, we might agree on in the LOS, you have to expect the unexpected. Although the official measuring version in Thailand is metric, just don't rely on that. You might buy a metric threaded bolt and and get only an imperial nut (No have!!). Very weird!! It's not like going to a trailer dealer in Europe or the US and ordering one and going to a home improvement store and getting your material to build it. It's not that easy here... If you keep looking and "googling" you will find what you are looking for. It might take longer, but you will eventually get everything together. Some things you might have to build from scratch, composting toilet for example.

    I found an Austrian trailer builder in Udon Thani and a metal frame builder in Bangkok. Both constructors are professionals and know what it takes to build a tiny house on wheels.

    I chose a metal frame, because of the insect problems in the tropics would have a negativ impact on a wooden house frame and, not to forget, the weight issue. I am planning on a maximum weight of 3500 kg. The trailer will be finished at he end of this month (October 2018) and will have a street registration and will be towed to Pattaya where I will begin the building process. I personally live in Phuket, but getting all the materials together here would be more of a challenge, I would think. There are many tiny house videos on "YouTube" and hope there will be a couple of others that might be encouraged to build one of their own. I am very exited on building my little dream home on wheels and will also document my building process on YouTube. 

    Here is a link of where I bought my plans, if you're interested.



    If you have any tips or suggestions, I'll be happy to hear from you.


    Joachim (Jo)



    hello, nice to find you !


    Will you be the first one making a tiny in Thailand ?


    How much do you estimate the total cost ?


    Thank you again for your update on this thread.







  2. hi, do you know the Oscar sardines ?

    They are sold at Tops but hard to find and not always available:



    Have you seen them anywhere else ?

    They really are the best Sardines that I have ever tried, and if you don't know what are good sardines, you should try them, they cannot compare with any Thai zhit sardines sold here.


    Enjoy !

  3. 35 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    And... there is plenty of place for rumors on TV.com... its a discussion forum with responses, opinions, feedback.... it not a News website... if you want facts to get in the way of a good story read a reputable news source which does not allow for comment or discussion. 



    reputable news source ? 5555++++


    As if they really exist !!!


    Journalists are just biatches copying each other and not checking any information. No respect for all these liars and governments suxxers.




  4. 1 hour ago, The traveler said:

    My uncle was arrested at his room for  having few grams of marijuana back in July, ended up on soi 9 police station for a night, next day take to court where he was fined 2500 baht.


    we all know that if you are caught with heavy drugs in Thailand and big amounts you will be in jail for a while,but it seems to me when reading news articles regularly, people being caught with drugs even heavy drugs multiple times do only a short time in prison, but back in the days there was long long time in jail for small amounts, more tolerant these days I guess, which is good.


    Soi 9 is Pattaya ? And why court ? he could not arrange something with the cops ? It seems also so quick to go to court the next day ? are you sure.


    Then he was deported ?






  5. If he was on THAPPRAYA road he closed years ago.


    If he is the guy who comes to fix at your place I don't know.


    Anyway, its a cheap car, I don't think that it's so expensive to go to Toyota and just change what needs to be changed without trying to do an even cheaper fix...






  6. 28 minutes ago, Arjen said:

    Dear mrs.  You see my logic. You ask a question. I just answer your question to my best knowledge.


    When you know the answer already there is no need to ask a question me thinks.


    Good luck with your dog. Because I pity him/her.






    I feel the same for your whole family...


    As you can read, some other people reply also, but they write something smart:





  7. On 11/3/2018 at 5:07 PM, Longcut said:

    Cheese. Mostly American cheese. I'm not saying other countries cheese is bad. I am just partial to the taste of American cheese. 

     Like Philidelphia cream cheese, although not really cheese. It just tastes too different if from Australia.

     Also real baked beans. Not pork and beans.


    American cheese ! hahaha !!! A bit sad for your taste...



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  8. 7 hours ago, wildewillie89 said:

    The 'pain killer' was most likely given to relieve inflammation as mentioned above (Thai and many other countries call them pain killers). Many vets around the world would give them...but yes, there is the idea that a dog can do more harm as he uses the leg a lot more due to not as much discomfort. That is a decision that the vet and owner really need to discuss, re symptoms, how active the dog is, personality, environment etc. Some vets back home will give the drugs short term to help the dog get used to the pain - usually if they have a diagnosis though (as giving them long term is obviously not great for the internal organs). Also how old is the dog, something like growing pains these sorts of drugs are very useful for. But, yes, like Thai doctors, Thai vets don't mind giving unnecessary drugs.

    *Should be remembered some dogs are better as masking pain than others. Some dogs will cry, others will hide it, which could potentially create a potential snapping situation when it gets too much for them. If the dog is limping and cant put any weight on the paw/leg, then I would say it is in a fair amount of pain. 

    Depends on your vet. Thai education is very much memory rather than critical thinking so if a test doesn't show a positive reading the vet hits a brick wall. Also the dog could have a cut paw but the x-ray will show a loose hip, many Thai vets will automatically refer to the x-ray rather than the cut paw or the timing of symptoms that have never been present before. 

    ACL injuries many Thai vets DO have problems diagnosing (many dogs will not use the paw). They believe it is a very uncommon injury for some reason (when it is the most common hind limb injury). Again, that comes down to their training, they just remember words from a book rather than thinking more critically. 99% of vets cant do the relevant surgery to fix an ACL so they don't bother learning to diagnose it. Like doctors in Thailand, you have to try your hardest to find a good one (really a passable one), and stick with them. 

    And, yes, the vast majority of vets you see will ask you if you are a vet as you will almost certainly have deeper knowledge than they do on many things. Doctors/vets almost teach us back home, whereas here they tell us. Also our education systems back home prepare us for the real world a lot better. Many Thai universities still accept Wiki, rather than promoting deeper research. Interestingly enough vets are at ease admitting you know more than them sometimes and ask questions or for different research papers if they want to improve (of course many will not care less). Majority of doctors more just tell you to get stuffed as they think they are Gods.  



    Thank you, very smart reply. So I guess that my idea to check by myself thanks to youtube and Internet is a lot better than just going to a stupid vet that has no more brain than what is enough to ask me 1000 thb for doing almost nothing.




  9. 8 hours ago, Arjen said:

    Hmmm, when a dog limps, and you can not find a good reason for it, (Did they take x-ray, or ultrasound?) it is very good to give a painkiller, and this is not stupid!! And I think your suggestion, giving antibiotics wjhile nothing has been found is really stupid, and a bad idea. In my opinion your vet did the correct thing to do!


    It is possible the dog has really pain, and when the pain last long enough, the dog will learn to walk well on three legs, even when the pain is not there anymore, the dog will still walk on three legs as it has become his new behaviour. I know a dog in my homecountry, where the owner also refused to give painkiller, when the dog had a small injury on his paw. Months after the injury was healed, the dog was still limping.


    Better give painkiller.







    yes champion ! I see your logic, give pain killer to hide the pain that was anyway bearable, so you will never know if the dog still feels pain or not. Ridiculous.


    Pain killers should really be given when dogs really feel pain, not when they do not feel anything if not using paw.





  10. hello,


    The dog is limping since 3 days, vet cannot find anything and just gave pain killer.


    First I do not think that it's smart to give pain killer to a dog that is not crying if not using his paw (and even when using is), because he then might then use it and hurt himself more. Am I right ? How stupid is it to hide a problem with painkillers.

    Giving pain killer when not absolutely needed is totally stupid, especially when we don't know what the dog has.


    Second, I am now wondering if vets are in this country as good as doctors ? Any idea ? Ever been disappointed ? I am as good as this vet, because I used Youtube and did exactly what he did, and just as him, I found nothing.


    Then I was disappointed, he didn't give antibiotics, the only thing that all doctors seem to know in this country, so maybe they don't do it to dogs ? ????



    Thank you for your help.







  11. 20 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    If you're looking for pizza in Jomtien now that Pizza Art is gone I would suggest Marcos. Also on Tappraya. Yes, Tappraya is a main road heading from south Pattaya into Jomtien. 




    I can't really comment much on Pizza Da Nicola. I tried it years ago in another location and it wasn't my style. I recall the owner is Australian. I don't know if he's going to change the pizza style now that he has the authentic Italian brick pizza oven of the old Pizza Art, but the menu outside is exactly the same as his old locations. 




    Overpriced celebrity wannabe. I liked the one in front of Panpan, where is the supermarket. Old guy who knows what he is doing and know how to control the Thai working for him.






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