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  1. "Enhanced image of Thailand as a modern and tourist-friendly destination" Is it a joke ?
  2. I guess he will be banned forever. Will he go to jail too ?
  3. Check the confirmation receipt issued by Bangkok Bank Application. It is saved on your phone. Fee, if any, is mentioned at the bottom left.
  4. If it happened, I would bring cash as before and deposit it once changed into bahts. I will never make any transfer to Bangkok Bank without using wise. Their rate if exchange is very bad and they charge fees. As for daily expenses I would use my Wise Visa card instead of my Bangkok Bank debit card
  5. I use QR payment with Bangkok Bank application to pay everything and am never charged any fee
  6. Western style or american/bristish style ? not same everywhere in the west 555
  7. I agree. The main problem is at restaurants
  8. Tried by a court under a dictatorship.
  9. French citizen on paper are everywhere in France now. It's a migratory submersion
  10. USA might end up with no allies at all. Alliance works both way and you might need allies one day.
  11. There is a Visa logo on mine
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