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  1. Manoutcher Kamel Kamai doesn't sound swiss
  2. Will she get at last 70 millions (100-30) ?
  3. I never transfer euros. Bankgok Bank rate of exchange is very bad. I convert euros to bahts with Wise which uses the real rate of exchange then transfer from Wise to Bangkok Bank. Small conversion fees. I usually plan an automatic conversion when a given ROE is reached. Wise charges small tranfer fees (44 bahts for transfer equivalent to 4000 euros) Bangkok Bank charges no fees when received from Wise
  4. 98 billions euros US aid and 81 billions EU aid as at August 2024
  5. For more than 179 days It starts at 180 days But I think they will count the days including the day of arrival as 1, so I think it should be no more than "western" 178 days
  6. What would have happened if you didn't go to the Customs ? If in all cases you cannot get your parcel, maybe better to try and not get there if they don't force you to ?
  7. My doctor answered me by email that Permixon was not essential (only more urination) but I preferred to buy it anyway at Chula MD Pharmacy . It cost 490 THB for 30 tablets, around 13.40 euros. 625 THB at Boots. In France it costs 15 € for 60 tablets, which I need for one month, and I don't pay.
  8. Was the description of the content different when they noticed your parcel ?
  9. Thanks But is it safe on Lazada ? Real drugs? You seem to be knowing Permixon
  10. Thanks. Equivalence/ generic is a not a problem but buying in a pharmacy is probably safer, even with generic. Many fake/counterfeit drugs online. They have Permixon in Thailand. Boots could get it within 3 days
  11. I understand this pharmacy is cheaper than Boots but are the prices cheaper than in any other "real" pharmacy like Chula MD Pharmacy 942 25 Rama IV Rd, Si Phraya, Bang Rak which is much closer to my place ?
  12. OK Thanks Better not to bother with this then I will buy in Thailand and follow Lorry's advise

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