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Everything posted by Cryingdick

  1. Time for some people to ask themselves some serious questions. Such as... Am I stupid, if so how dumb, Am I gullible if so how bad?
  2. Sponsored by ChatGPT.
  3. Calm down talking to yourself isn't a good look.
  4. That is tight automatic recount I would think. Were there poll watchers from both sides?
  5. Drinking beer and channel surfing. The USa will be bankrupt in five years either way so it doesn't really matter what flavor of failure we choose.
  6. Apparently the Mideast conflict is off the table on a Muslim influencers podcast but bacon is on the table and a spice apparently. LOL I thought this was fake until I saw it on several different sources. Kamala do you hear yourself? https://nypost.com/2024/11/04/us-news/harris-botched-interview-with-muslim-influencer-by-celebrating-bacon-as-a-spice/
  7. I think he was just being impartial until any chance of her appearing on his show were over. His political views don't and never will align with those of Kamala. People say it doesn't matter because so many votes are already in. The type of voter that Rogan would draw hasn't voted yet IMO. He might get some stoners off the couch to vote. I say that in humor but that's what is needed right now today is in person voting.
  8. Holy cow you people are incessant. If it is close it will go on for weeks. I think any surprise that ends it will for Trump. Nobody knows. This poll suggesting there was that big of a shift in less than week is possible but it is also possible somebody could break Gretzky's fastest hat trick which took under 30 seconds. It isn't likely especially in a place like Iowa which is so stable.
  9. They make money off of polling. People suck it up. It works. The population of Iowa has apparently changed their mind by over 10 points in several days. Makes sense to me.
  10. I have never said that would be the case. However if the polls are off it favors Trump not Kamala. You realize I am not voting for Trump right?
  11. Yes because the dems won't be the same if it is close. I can see both sides you are so blinded to anything but what you wish to be.
  12. Iowa has been hit heavily by illegal aliens. It is straight up I35 from Texas. It has traditionally been wlecoming of migrant workers for the beet harvest every year. However the hospitality for those new comers that are unwelcome is running out.
  13. Her talking to herself in the mirror really summed her up.
  14. Clinton was on his plane two dozen times many times with out the SS. There was not much to report but a pile of discarded heavily used cigars.
  15. We already know this won't be settled in 48 hours.
  16. Musk isn't running for office. Walz is running as a pro-homo progressive. I don't care what he calls Musk but he isn't scoring political points doing such things. He is a guy that can't even show up at a football game because of his checkered past. So he would be wise just to stay on topic.
  17. This is fishy. I don't think there is anyway Kamala takes Iowa. It's a bit like watching a football game and you go away for 30 seconds and the score changes by three touchdowns. Highly unlikely. Who are they polling? Who exactly are they calling every week? FWIW I lived in Iowa before moving to WV. It was quickly becoming more red and it is the state that put Kamala to sleep last time she showed up. People are saying Trump might take NY or NJ which is equally absurd. More importantly is Iowa has a 1% chance of actually changing the election anyway. But by all means dems can stay home they are winning in Iowa.
  18. Pretty funny. The guy with all kinds of rumors about him being a closet case says something like this. Never mind it isn't PC.
  19. Trump wasn't invited. Therefore it is a violation.
  20. A violation of the equal time rule.
  21. For who? I do okay because i bought real estate cheaply. The job numbers came out today were dismal and net negative if you disregard government nonsense. GDP is based upon profits usually, you can't just keep hiring federal employees and claim it adds to the GDP.
  22. It was limited to cars sold. Something like the first 250,000.
  23. Just as i said here. Jonas reports came out and if it weren't for government and medical care we lost nearly 100K. We can't build an economy on government jobs.
  24. Those subsidies are running out for Tesla. Musk has also said once the Chinese start to flood the market it will destroy the USA auto industry as they will not be able to compete. Basically if there is no tariff there will be no American car businesses left to fight over subsidies.
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