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Bruce Aussie

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  1. Here we go again. The daily brake failure BS again.
  2. I tried to learn This I failed because my hearing is crap. Hard to pick things up. Yet my dog understands Thai and English. It like good cop bad cop. I nice in English wife tells her off on Thai. She prefers English. 😭
  3. Positive side for not going to hospital, he won't need a go fund me to pay the bill. 😀
  4. and proper driver training be good also
  5. Good news they won't be snatching bags off Australian grannies for a while.
  6. Oversupply will lead cheaper prices. My friend and myself just brought 1kg each of bud for 4000bht per kilo. I made all of mine in to infused oil, Canna butter, infused chocolate and Canna condensed milk. More than a years supply of edible product.
  7. Where is this laundry, I want to go, need some excitement in my life. 😭
  8. Only way they will stop at pedestrian crossing would be big pop up bollards when lights are red.
  9. The trucks looks drivable. How hard would it be to test brakes when baking it back on road. They either work or don't work . Usual BS
  10. Yep he worried about the Chinese gambling tours. Macau will loose out somewhat.
  11. Yes. She wakes up next to everyday . Married 13 years every day better. Lucky man.😍
  12. Have same issue. Half a cup hot coffee, wife gets cold which is about 80% ice. When I asked my wife to talk to them, reply was that is how it is.. Better coffee at home, so they don't get my business.much anymore. Sucks
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