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  1. He is an ignorant uncouth man with a keen political instinct, bluster and lies in a debate with Kamala won't work and he knows it.
  2. He also has a home when many Brits are homeless, although one must presume that some woke idiot has given him British citizenship. I like what they are doing in Germany, raiding and closing down mosques where radical preaching is taking place and arresting the Imams.
  3. Not exactly well planned, all the police had to do was read the number plate of her bike from the cctv, perhaps she'll get off lightly for stupidity.
  4. I've found Thais to be just the opposite, they are terrified of death, even a jocular mention of it makes them uncomfortable. Sometime ago at the dentist I was getting prepared for some dentures, the dentist and her assistant, both young women recommended some new expensive material which I refused saying at my age it would be a waste of money, they would only burn with me at the temple, they fell into an embarrassed silence glancing at one another in a shocked manner, my wife broke the silence by apologizing for my remark saying falang have a different attitude to death. Later I remonstrated to my wife saying it wasn't necessary to apologise for my harmless remark to which she replied it is impolite to mention death.
  5. Looking back I would say it's a highly over rated activity incorporated into our genetic make up, the urge to get satisfaction is never matched by the aftermath; natures trap used to force procreation. This activity is the cause of many dramas and tragedy's world wide, but like breathing it can't be stopped.
  6. So where does a retired sergeant get all this cash from? Past activities in the police force no doubt, now retired he has to quieten his conscience and hope for a good rebirth by distributing his Ali Babas cash hoard......but I'm just a cynic.
  7. I don't think so, Venezueler has the largest oil reserves but due to the US it can't sell any, with the US losing influence it can, Russia has huge possibilities for as yet untapped reserves and China has just found large oil reserves in the North that it can tap. Apart from that Oil is losing its importance as energy, green energy, gas, nuclear power etc will continue to play a bigger part in the energy market. Fresh water will become the next sought after resource.
  8. Breathing exercises are a trick to stop the mind wandering, I can do without them now, in fact my breathing can be so shallow if I am doing a long deep meditation that I become giddy and have to stop, or rather I am pulled out of it, the body doesn't want to die.
  9. No of course not but why should they lend them money if they are going to be paid back with an unstable currency. It could be that as with the dollar now, countries will prefer to be paid with Brics currency, This is going to be destabilizing for the whole world at first and will bring about new geopolitical partnerships, I can imagine that in 20 years or so the EU will be partnered with Russia, while Asia will look to China, the US will have its partners in South America, its backyard. Who knows, just my ramblings, but one thing is clear the US can't continue down this debt road, there is no free lunch and all empires come to an end.
  10. I can see no harm in simple mindfulness but perhaps when one goes deeper into Buddhist teachings...'there is no self' or 'the world is empty' without proper tuition as to what is meant it could cause confusion. The real practitioners into emptiness really is something that a novice should stay away from but a novice would never get that far, most meditaters never achieve more than 20 minutes, I can do 15 minutes, sometimes 20, that is harmless. One should never meditate as a 'duty' (although that is often recommended), it should be joyful, peaceful.
  11. Because their currency will be partially backed by gold and hence more stable and since it will be ruled by more than one country its stability will be jealously guarded. The oil producing countries will demand Brics currency, not dollars as a result, it will be the end of the dollar as a world reserve currency (it's the only reason that they could pile on so much debt) At the moment it is still the reserve currency of choice which allows it to bully other states into compliance but the world is getting sick of it and the worm is turning.
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