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Lenny Jones

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Posts posted by Lenny Jones

  1. " Well, let's not forget the very honest cop, that was doing a very good job, had to flee Thailand, to Australia, in fear of his life, that fear from higher up, not from street criminals. "


    I remember this VERY WELL - investigating the deaths of Myanmar people being transported south in police trucks to be sold onto fishing boats.  Suddenly had to seek asylum in Australia.  Later offered "Safety" by the General to come back to Thailand to discuss the matter but refused - Something that could have been easily done with an international audio-visual set-up - - - - -

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  2. Quote from their OWN SITE ! ( a review):

    After months of delays dealing with a…

    After months of delays dealing with a claim for about £700, they sent me £30 and quoted one of almost 200 exclusion clauses as to why they wouldn't pay the rest. Sued them at Money Claims On Line and won with costs, on the grounds that the clause was unreasonable. Don't let them direct you to Financial Ombudsmen as it could take up to two years. County Court by far the better option.

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