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Lenny Jones

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Posts posted by Lenny Jones

  1. 3 minutes ago, Xavnel said:

    I have a question for all the people complaining  (for the record, I do think the TM-30 Thing is all ridiculous)... 

    I am sure that I will get flamed for this, but don't care.... 


    How many of you, instead of only getting on here and complain post after post , after post,  have attempted (had enough balls), to go to his office, and attempted to set up a meeting and discuss with him your concerns?

    It might surprise him that a foreigner wanted to speak with him instead of just crying  and you may actually get a meeting.

    If not,  then what have you lost?


    If I lived near where his office,  I would,  why not.. 

    What's the worst that would happen to me?  I get denied a meeting?

    What could the upside be?  He might actually listen to the concerns?  Hat else could be a possibility? .. Might make an "acquaintance" of him... could you think of a better "buddy" to have when dealing with Immigration issues?


    A long answer: - - - - My situation:


    I have been retired in Thailand for just over 3 years.  I live close to my local Immigration office.  Every year the extension requirements have been different and it has been problematic.  This is primarily due to the fact that individual immigration offices have a degree of autonomy.  This is to overcome the fact that the existing laws are a dogs breakfast and difficult to interpret and apply so  - as you have seen on Thaivisa in the past - many different answers in post to questions.


    Last year my local office got a new boss.  It was by sheer luck, during one of my 90-day reports on a very quiet afternoon I got to meet her for a chat.  She found out a little of my history (20 years in an Aussie police force) and, after talking "shop" for a while I raised a few issues.


    I got the answers I needed: - My 1-year renewals are now (almost) trouble-free - this year's small problem:  The banks are not up to speed with the July 1st changes.


    The TM30, problems:  Some software, Android apps, Apple and earlier Windows have glitches - still not sorted.  The pressure is on thousands of "licensed" accommodations to toe the reporting line.  If you stay at this type of accommodation it is wise to ensure they are submitting a TM30.  You can TRY and report your travel online but don't panic if you cannot.  In my case I went to my immigration office asap after trying to report and they were not particularly worried - BUT REMEMBER - this is the prerogative of that particular office!

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  2. 2 minutes ago, MartinKal said:

    Im sure he is sincere in his beliefs but fact is it hobbles rather than helps the key tourist objectives.


    And in all seriousness, this would not pick up any real threats to security. No country with genuine worries employs self-declaration as a means to identify foreigners who may be a danger.


    More likely it is a prelude to taxation.

    Maybe the poor bloke has a job to do - What the "Magnificent Seven" tell him to do - or he might finish up at the desk next to Big Joke - - - - -

  3. 3 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    You mean like the foreigners shutting off the supply of water to the Mekong river?Is that the type of threat to national security he is talking about?Or the the threat to national security of foreigners going about their daily business spending money to help support his country?

    Or owning illegal boat-building yards in Phuket, building substandard boats, running tourist companies and drowning tourists? - - - These sort of "foreigners"?

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  4. 2 hours ago, dcnx said:

    If you have your location on it can. Technically, even with it off it can but the Thai are inept so at best they will use the easiest way possible.


    Most apps know your location. 

    Apps? - yes.  Use your phone for calls only.  Turn it off when you don't need to use it. Your computer? - get yourself a VPN - virtual private network.  For those who don't know what that is - Google IVACY a very easy one to understand and use.

    • Sad 1
  5. 19 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

    Does it never sink in to these people, that if someone is offering 30% returns then there is something a bit screwy about it when the bank offers less than 2% ? 

    This popped up on local Facebook pages.  The commenting posts were very obvious in their condemnation and I - for one - personally reported it to FB moderators (the result? - nothing - - )


    How can ANYBODY think that a 30% return on an investment is real?  This "Bew" person must have been a smooth talker! - And, even if they do catch up with her there will be no money to be recovered - - -

  6. On 7/23/2019 at 3:29 PM, smedly said:

    stop lending people money who cannot afford to pay it back


    make it easier for expats/retires to live here and spend

    How true!


    I bring in well over 1M baht/year and This country - through Immigration - treat me like dirt.  I've worked hard to fit into my local community and I'm respected and liked by those local who know me - Then there is the massive contrast with those who do not and clearly show their hatred of farang and that comes from guvvy policy - two-tier pricing and the treatment of foreigners as if they are criminals.


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