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ChipButty last won the day on December 19 2020

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    The back of beyond

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  1. I believe he had a nice view of the golf course from his room,
  2. Thais should be careful what they wish for, they never stop complaining about one nationality or the other, they can all walk away from Thailand, When covid they were crying on their knees and begging,
  3. It's like the bus mounted the pavement as he is turning left and lifted the bus up and over on it's side,
  4. I doubt anything will happen, they are every 500 meters down the road where I live,
  5. I have some good friends who live up in Buriram see if I can get the real story,
  6. They must be on commission for the amount of drugs they prescribe,
  7. Can they put them up for adoption in Thailand?
  8. That memory card would have had all the evidence on it even the sound, what a <deleted> that woman is not admitting her guilt when 2 kids are dead, I wonder who prompted her to remove that so quick? is her husband a policeman?,
  9. Corruption in every hospital the prices they charge for drugs, another racket is blood test, 4000 baht, I found a place in Phuket town, from 200 baht the most I paid was 500 baht,
  10. Have you noticed they never attack Thai people,
  11. I hope the police are not wearing Fake football shirts?
  12. I mentioned this to my wife last night and she said it's 3000 baht for being sick in a taxi in Bangkok never mind having a dump,
  13. How about leading them to the condo you was requested to clean?
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