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Pique Dard

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Everything posted by Pique Dard

  1. Life imprisonment in Sweden is just a notion, in 5 years at most she'll be free.
  2. I don't live in the USA, but judging by the images of homeless people, drug addicts staggering down the street, gun murders, there are more urgent matters than buying 55,000 Bibles!
  3. If people would take the trouble not to blindly believe what television and newspapers tell them all day long, if they would take the trouble to read history..., they would realize that this war, tragic as it is, could be avoided, but above all that Ukraine will never win it! I can already hear the cries of protest, but I don't care, because I'm telling the truth.
  4. ...here's a cautious guy! Remember to take painkillers with you when hiking isn't obvious
  5. People don't seem to understand that we are approaching the end of the world as we know it.
  6. You mean they don't have a mouth to swallow a pill or skin to receive an injection?
  7. ..give contraceptives to human beings...or to elephants!
  8. "Dick Cheney Will Also Vote For Harris" This is further proof that Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same coin, seen from the outside. That said, the American citizen may not agree with me.
  9. ...but he won't have to pay for his next trip with stolen gold, because his trip to the prison will be free of charges
  10. One has to wonder how the occupant of this nearby residence never suspected his neighbor of engaging in activities as illicit as they are dangerous.
  11. you don't expect me to answer your question do you?
  12. My comments have no direct bearing on this unfortunate accident. But there are so many scams involving jet-ski rentals that I would refrain from using them even if they were free.
  13. I'm not an American citizen and have never set foot in the United States, but it seems to me that there's no difference between the foreign policy pursued by a so-called Democratic or Republican president. Biden or no Biden. Trump or no Trump. Harris or no Harris, American foreign policy remains unchanged. And while it's true that the United States has never seen another war on its soil, it's also true that American bases and armed forces are to be found almost everywhere in the world where conflicts are taking place: one might conclude that the most powerful country on earth is working for world peace.
  14. I don't know if there's such a thing as a pleasant way to die, but this seems like one of the worst! You can't imagine the terror of this poor worker when he realizes he's going to crash to the ground! Unfortunately, in some countries, this type accident in the sector construction is not unusual.
  15. Why were you born?: Did you ever stop to wonder? What worries me most is why do I have to die when I didn't ask to be born?
  16. ...that in the land of smiles, there are many who never smile
  17. Yes, that's right, and it goes without saying, because the United States would never do that, and never has done that, has it!
  18. In my humble opinion, it's the need to protect the victims that's the priority, not the so-called young offenders . True to me, I also reject the adjective "vulnerable" applied to these criminals.
  19. ..If he was looking to become famous, since that's the trend thanks to X, Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok, you name it, he can say very proudly, I guess, mission accomplished!
  20. I confess, I don't understand a thing.
  21. What? We're talking about a corpse found after 15 days, and police officers who are not forensic pathologists can determine or rather exclude the reasons that led to the victim's death, just like that!
  22. ...Please tell me what I'm reading here is a bad joke!
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