Who would verify this material? The Chinese? Unsurprisingly, independently verified proof of intelligence material is hard to come by, but the amount of data pointing to Russian interference isn't. Try this for size:
The EU needed Russian energy so it brought it. And? Hypocritical? Perhaps. But then if the alternative was a depression then economic reality kicked in. It could also be argued that it was hypocritical of Russia to sell the oil to the West given her hostility towards it.
Ukraine did not "suddenly kick off" as a result of some cock-eyed conspiracy theory about the US and Nord2. Putin has been undermining Ukrainian politics since he came to power and has been escalating matters since 2014, climaxing with the unlawful invasion in 2022.
As someone who is presumably from the Soviet Bloc, you have been indoctrinated and are therefore almost by definition incapable of rational independent thought. Your reality doesn't exist elsewhere. On a positive note, for a native Russian speaker your English is very good.